Arnold Schwarzenegger on guns

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Just to keep this "gun related" - here is a set of guns that I don't think ANYONE here would want:


That is what happens when steroids are taken to the extreme. That guy's arms literally exploded, and they had to drain pus and blood out of them.

But seriously, to keep it gun related, I do have to ask - are Schwarzenegger's policies on guns any better than the guy who came before him, Gray Davis?
I could harp on Benedict Arnold all day long, I told everyone I knew not to vote for him. To bad everyone was star struck , if I had a dollar for every time I heard "Arnie will save us" or "he's gonna terminate them" I would be a millionaire! He got through his campaign by making jokes and trying to hide all the crap he pulled as a bodybuilder and actor.

He's a RINO pure and simple, anti-gun and an elitest to the core!

Everyone knows that the best man for the job of Governor was Tom McClintock, who by the way was the ONLY person to say on TV that he supported all rights including the 2A! People were hung up on Arnie being our "stealth" candidate who wouldn't bend to Sacramento influencing him.:rolleyes:

CA is in the crapper and no matter how you slice it or church it up, he's still part of the problem or excuse. At least with Gray Davis we knew where we stood, with Benedict Arnold no one knows what's going to happen.

When it came to the .50 ban, BA was thrown a carrot from Difi, pass the ban and we'll (Dems) give you your budget. So BA sold out CA gun owners so that he could say "look what I did" when it came time to talk about the budget.

Okay, rant off as I could keep going and going and going.....
Look, he is a politician married to a Kennedy, an actor ;and was a juicemonkey.....anyone here suprised that he is mostly anti????
The real reason he ran wass to prevent McClintock ( an actual conservative) from winning against Gray Davis...the fruit and nut brigade that determines California policy KNEW that the place is so celebretard obsessed that even the illegals would vote for him.You didn't think that they would ever allow someone with an actual belief in the Constitution to ever run THAT state,did you???
I think John Wayne was/is the KING of fired rounds for a movie star; and he WAS a friend of the second ammendment (IIRC). Besides, Arnold married one of the ugliest women on the planet!
are Schwarzenegger's policies on guns any better than the guy who came before him, Gray Davis?

Yes. That's what a lot of you people who know nothing about California politics don't get.

the best man for the job of Governor was Tom McClintock

True also -- though Tom made a point of being "pro-life" when it was irrelevant to the job, and that turned off a lot of "moderate" Californians. Tom's not always the best at getting elected, sadly. He's about the best California's got.

Good luck down there. Luck is all you've got left, I'm afraid.
After reading all these posts on this topic it just goes to show how messed up our political system is. Half of us think Arnold is pro gun and the other half thinks he is anti gun and we have proof to back up both sides. What the hell is wrong with this picture?
Simple: he's pro-gun only in that he's not actively anti-gun, and he's anti-gun only in that he's not actively pro-gun.
As much as I am a fan of Arnold I would have to say that I'm very disappointed. And will have to add him into the list of anti's that I distaste.
He has been poisoned buy the mindset of the Peoplez Republik of California... Yet his career was built by mowing thousands of 3rd world country badguys and cyborgs down:banghead:......
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