Have you ever given up on a gun friend?

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It sounds like your emotions are bit excessive. I know lots of people who are into collection guns more than shooting, training, or hunting with them.

It seems like you are nervous to be around him in case the both of you get in a gunfight with a bad guy. Why don't you explain this a little further, I mean, what exactly do you think will go so wrong having him there as opposed to just you being there? I'm sure he knows how to shoot his guns, and I'm sure he will be able to distinguish the bad guy from you, right, so bingo, he shoots the bad guy if your superior, highly trained skills don't.
I have a friend who has never sold a gun in 20 years, but hasn't shot any of them in the last 10 years either. Including a Sig 220 that I sold to him.

The last time I got him to open the safe there was a touch of rust on the Sig that I pointed out to him and told him how to get rid off.

He put it back in the safe and said he would get around to it.

I haven't given up on him, but he does piss me off a little. :(
You can't hold other people to your standards. If it is that important to you, tell him. If he doesn't change, stop hanging around him and find a new friend that is more in-line with your lifestyle and personal set of standards.
I think you need to chill out, man.Just because some of his stuff has been broke for a while, he doesn't train as much as you think he should, and he has a gun that he doesn't like, doesn't mean that he needs to sell his stuff.Maybe he is content just sitting on the couch ,with all his guns, watching Red Dawn over and over. Nothing wrong with that.
I would not go shooting with you. You sound like the type of person who would take all the fun out of shooting. Controlling, anal, and paranoid.

I have a CCP and never carry, so what? I have some broken guns, so what? I have a broken jewelry box does that mean I can never buy my girl any more rings?
Holy cow! How often does he change the oil in his car?

Chill out. Give him a rash of grief for not shooting or training, but please chill out yourself. IMHO, he is on your side. And he sounds like a good buddy - they are pretty rare and mortal if you haven't figured that out yet.

Training and constant range time ain't the be-all-end-all of winning our RKBA battle.

As much as us "range warriors" don't want to admit, a gun fired 20 times in 40 years can be just much a talisman to its owner in support of RKBA as your daily range/carry guns.

"I own a gun" is a pretty strong argument for our side. I personally couldn't care less about range time if I see safe gun handling - which can be taught in about 10 minutes to a person with the right attitude.

"I own a gun" is a significant level of respect for yourself and others. I know of a study that showed that gun ownership, early in life, leads to a more successful life.

"I own a gun" is a great responsibility. Even for those who do not meet your level of responsibility.

You presume to determine the rules for that responsibility. That's not what we need. Ever.

If your friend is unsafe with his guns, that's a different deal. Tell him what you think and move on if he does not change.
How he treats his guns or uses them is none of your business. Safety matters excepted.

Semper Fi

Unless he is planning to do something illegal with them, none of your business.

Let him be... he that is for us is not against us

Brevity (spelling corrections notwithstanding :p ) is the soul of wit.

These guys captured my extended dialogue well.
Some people don't like to be pushed. Perhaps he goes shooting without you.

Some people really have no interest in talking about RKBA issues and so forth. I know many people who find tactical training incredibly BORING...and they refuse to take any classes at all.

That's just the way it is with some people. Keep inviting him to the range...but don't go off on any RKBA rants. Just keep it light, don't preach, and go have lunch after shooting.

That's about the best anyone can do in such a situation.
I don't mind all of what you guys are saying, if I did I wouldn't have asked. There is a lot more to it than than just guns, he never finishes anything. I feel like I'm moving my life in big leaps, and he just talks. I guess I'm just upset that I'm leaving him behind, and he isn't following. I'm running out of things to do with him. He'll talk forever, and won't do anything.

(No, he's not doing any shooting with anyone else.)

(You wouldn't think I'm such a jerk from meeting me, I promise.)

It's just that I feel like someone's sig line in here, "A friend is someone who cares how your life turns out. I think the most demeaning thing you can do to another human being is have no expectations of them.
I have guns for enjoyment, protection of my family, and hunting. If I see something that catches my eye and I have a little extra cash I buy it, FOR ME, I don't care if anyone likes the weapon or what i'm going to do with it. I might not even fire it. If I don't ask you to pay for it why should you mind what I do with my $ or property? Also if you choose your friends by what they can do for you maybe your the liability.
MLJ - You might be just growing up and your friend isn't keeping up.

It happens. In my generation especially if drugs were involved.

Your expectations for any friend to follow your level of training is unrealistic. It would be like expecting all your friends to drive the same car and buy the same house.

Don't be ashamed of your success. Everyone wants different things. People with different goals can still be friends, but you can also move on and you should not feel guilty or try to change him to meet your new expectations.
I expect all of them to be able to be able to shoot reasonably accurately and quickly. I expect them to be able to know how to clear a malfunction. I expect them to be able to shoot and reload weak-handed and one handed if necessary. I don't expect them to learn it all overnight, but if they won't at least try, they aren't serious. I don't think that's an unreasonable expectation.

You drive on the same roads as I do, so I expect you to be 100% attentive while driving. I expect that you do continued defensive driving classes on a regular basis from many different schools including those that drive on racetracks. I expect that you don't listen to the radio, talk on the phone or with another person in the vehicle, or do anything else that may distract you from giving 100% attention to your driving. I expect that you have both hands on the wheel at all times. I expect your vehicle to be in tip-top shape...properly inflated tires, no cracks in windshield, you should do daily safety checks for lights and turn signals and brake lights. I expect...blah, blah if we are going to stay friends.

I sound like an ass, huh? That's exactly how you sound. I don't know you so I'm not going to make any judgements against you. But you need to realize what you sound like and how you come across with your attitude towards this. We all like to come on here and chat about different things, but this is far from being the most important thing in life. If you keep up this kind of attitude with your friend, you may very well lose a good friend over something that is really not important enough to be losing friends over. In fact, your attitude may be what is keeping him from going to the range. It's okay to be enthusiastic about a hobby, but you have gone waaay beyond that. Your friend may actually like going to the range and spending time with his guns, but you may have ruined it for him with your overbearing attitude. I had a pretty good friend who acted a lot like what you are talking about, and I had to quit talking to him...haven't spoken to or seen him for almost 4 years now. His attitude took the fun out of things that I liked to do, so when he asked if I wanted to go do such-and-such, I had to make some sort of excuse as to why I couldn't go with him.

You seem to expect a lot from a friend regarding something that has nothing to do with friendship. The only thing that you should expect from a friend is friendship.

Good luck to you, I hope that I didn't offend you, if so, that wasn't my intent.
Ever do any competitive shooting with cops? Good guys, for the most part, but most of 'em never shoot for recreation or competitively. Your buddy is no different.
"...I'm just upset that I'm leaving him behind..." You married too? When your buddies get married and you aren't, everything about how you related, changes.
A buddy's skill with any firearm or interest in shooting isn't a reason to end a friendship. Especially when his wife isn't interested. You're not part of a fire team either.
That's the thing. I DO know this guy. If he were a stranger I would be digging in my pockets for that's rat's ass I could give.

It's just ongoing, "Dude, did you finish that CCW paperwork?" No. (Exuse follows.)

"Did you apply for the real job?" No.(Excuse follows.)

"Did you fill out that paperwork on the NRA membership I gave you? Did you talk about getting that single final class you need to get your degree? Did you change your oil like you said you would?" And it's years. I just don't think I'm going to ask him anymore. Let them rust.
I feel like I'm moving my life in big leaps, and he just talks. I guess I'm just upset that I'm leaving him behind, and he isn't following. I'm running out of things to do with him. He'll talk forever, and won't do anything.
Jiminy Christmas! This sounds like a woman complaining about her boyfriend! I wasn't going to get into this but couldn't help after reading that. Consider that maybe your friend is sick of your nagging and inserting yourself into his affairs and doesn't want to shoot with you or hang out with you because of your Type "A" controlling personality. Some people you just need to cut loose of your life. Do both of yourselves a favor and "break up" with your friend and find someone else who has a more malleable personality who you can mold as you wish.
t's just ongoing, "Dude, did you finish that CCW paperwork?" No. (Exuse follows.)

"Did you apply for the real job?" No.(Excuse follows.)

"Did you fill out that paperwork on the NRA membership I gave you? Did you talk about getting that single final class you need to get your degree? Did you change your oil like you said you would?" And it's years. I just don't think I'm going to ask him anymore. Let them rust.

You sound like my Wife/Mother :D

Not to judge you, because I don't know you, but that's my .02 :p
People outgrow friends all the time. When I was younger (think high school) I was quite the partier. I used to do all kinds of things that people wouldnt approve of. My best friend and I were always together. We graduated, still hung out, never doing anything ambitious. Then I had a child. I was forced to grow up. I went to college and quit doing all the things that I did before. Realized that I needed a good job, one that wouldtn allow such non-sense. My friend never did. Every so often I will talk to him. Its always the same though. I dont think he leaves his house but to score. Probably twice a week. Sits around and watches TV in a daze. Gets mad because I dont have time for him. In truth, it makes me sick to see someone content to have such a POS life. Literaly living in his grandmas garage that was converted into an "apartment". Happy to live that way too. Brag about not having to pay any bills. Flaming liberal too, if you couldnt guess. I just got to the point where I am embarassed to tell anyone that I even know the person. If this sounds like you, then its time to go ahead and cut that friend loose.
I agree with the sentiment that it sounds like you're trying to be his parent. That's not your role in life.

Also, seeing as how you said this is essentially a way of life for him, it's not really a "gun issue." It's an everything issue with the guy.

Another "So what?" here.

I'm about the last of my friends to finish my degree and get out into the world and get a "real" job, but that doesn't mean I've lost all my friends because they're "ahead" of me. For all the differences that there are now that my friends are married, working on carriers and whatnot, that isn't to say there are no longer shared interests to talk about.
Do you like the guy? If you do then all of your issues don't matter. If you have moved on, then you need to. Just remember, friends are hard to find. How many of us would put up with ourselves?
I wont try to read into this to much as posts can be hard to get the whole story, etc.

I agree with the others that its not really your business what he does with his guns, and shouldnt have anything to do with your friendship.

I work out alot and fight mma. I have buddies that are always telling me they want to start working out etc, but then never do. I dont stop being friends with them, I just know they prob wont get up the ambition to actually go. No big deal. I dont expect my friends and family to be able to defend me if I get into a fistfight, or a gun fight.

That being said i can understand how it would be annoying IF he always talks like he's really into it, has honed his skills, etc and runs his mouth to others about a bunch of stuff he doesnt actually do.
I take fighting seriously, and train accordingly, its alot of hard work. I do get very annoyed if someone that shows up to train once a month yaps in social settings like hes the next up and coming champ. I dont hold them to my standards or judge them, I just prob wont hang out because they are full of BS.

My 2cents.
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