1911 & CZ75: Dropping the Hammer...Safely

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The thread started with an assumption that the handgun was cocked and asking for a "fool/fumble-proof" way of decocking

The proper method (using the off hand thumb as a mechanical interference between the hammer and the slide) of which I and others posted in various levels of detail.

Things degenerated when someone insisted that this wasn't "safe enough".


Respectfully, I have never witnessed an AD either way. I don't see manually decocking a pistol and different that using or storing a pistol without a built in lock. If you do not feel safe with manually decocking a pistol, rifle or revolver and don't trust you own abilities, I suggest that you are right in going ahead and using a decocker.

I can guarantee myself a pistol will never AD when I am decocking it, it can't when blocked. You can't guarantee me that your decockers will never fail.

I'll never convince you I am sure but, we'll agree to disagree and be allies in firearms! :)
It's always nice to make new friends, especially if you can disagree with them! :)

Take care gentlemen.


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