22 millimeter shells casings found at crime scene

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Mar 13, 2006
North Central MA
Ouch, bet they really hurt :evil:

Check the last line of the article.
5 Teens Wounded In Shooting
Shell Casings Found At Scene

POSTED: 10:03 am EST January 11, 2007

LYNN, Mass. -- A shooting in Lynn sends five teenage boys to the hospital with gunshot wounds.

Police believe the shots were fired at a group of youths from a passing car on Summer Street shortly before 9 p.m. Wednesday.

None of the victims sustained life-threatening injuries. Police said four were struck in the legs and one in the hand.

No arrests have been made and Lynn Police Capt. Joseph Rowe would not say if the shooting was believed to be gang-related.

Investigators found evidence of a possible exchange of gunfire during the incident. Nine-millimeter and 22-millimeter shell casings were found at the scene.

We better hurry up and get these 22 millimeters banned, I'm sure they are the weapon of choice for terrorists. After all it's for the children. :D
I'd like to have one, but they are so darned hard to conceal

Incase somebody who reads this cant figure it out I am sure it was a typo and it was actually 9mm and .22lr.

Good point!

For all of you antis lurking in the shadows and are horrified that people have access to these, that was a JOKE. The article is a typographical error that should have read, as was previously stated, 9mm and .22lr.

Breath deeply and relax....we are just kidding. :evil:
Actually, it probably wasn't a typo. It was a dumb-o, as in, neither the reporter who wrote the story, nor the editor who checked it knows enough about guns to know it wasn't right.

The Q&A between the reporter and the PD spokesperson probably went something like this:

Reporter: "Were any shell casings found at the scene?"

PD PAO: "Yes. Some 9mm, some .22"

And the reporter, like I said, doesn't know anything about guns and can't figure out that when someone who's familiar with guns says "twenty-two" it means .22LR.
I wonder...

Reporter (on phone): There was a stabbing at 4th and Main twenty minutes ago.

Editor: No, it was a shooting.

Reporter: What do you mean a shooting? The perp used a knife.

Editor: Listen, stupid. This paper has a policy calling for a ban on guns, so all crimes are committed with guns, get it? No knives, no clubs, no poison, only guns. Now shape up or ship out!

Reporter: OK, OK, I get it. There was a shooting at 4th and Main thirty minutes ago. One man is dead.

Editor: What kind of damnfool are you? 4th and Main is in a good area the mayor says is crime free; there could not have been a shooting there, it is impossible.

Reporter: OK, it was a 12th and Maple, in the projects.

Editor: No, no, you idiot! The projects are crime free, the mayor and the chief say so. Now where was the multiple shooting?

Reporter: What multiple shooting? Like I said, one guy was stabbed, I mean shot. Maybe Sycamore and Railroad Streets?

Editor: That is OK, no one has said that area is crime free, and it is not a minority area. As for the number of victims, it makes a better story if there is a whole bunch of bodies, so let's get the right story.

Reporter: Sure, boss, here goes. Seven men are dead, shot to death in a massacre at Sycamore and Railroad Streets...

Editor: I'll make that three men, two young boys, a woman and a small girl. This should really get people stirred up. And the woman was assaulted.

Reporter: Sounds great. Shows I have a lot to learn about the business.

Editor: You sure do, son. Just remember that in the newspaper business, we deal in facts, and only the facts. The people want the truth and that is what we are dedicated to giving them.

I am also thinking they were .22lr. If they were actually 22mm there would have been a lot more fatalities...like when the round went through three buildings and killed someone 2 miles away.
Maybe that had a 20mm anti-aircraft cannon mounted on their car? You just never know when you might need one.
22mm...talk about stopping power :). I'll bet the crime scene tech needed some extra large ziplocs to pick up those casings for evidence :).

Just my .02,
wow that guy that got hit in the head must have one freaking hard head to survive a 22mm round to the skull. wow..

must be an internet troll lol they seem to have really thick skulls :)
I'd like to have one, but they are so darned hard to conceal

If you got one of them, you don't have to conceal it.

Reminds me of a guy who took his girl to the ball game. The first batter got a hit, and he jumped up and yelled, "RUN, you son-of-a-gun, RUN!"

The next batter got a hit and he stood up on his seat and shouted "RUN, you son-of-a-gun, RUN!"

The third batter walked and started strolling out to first base, and his girlfriend jumped up and shouted, "RUN, you son-of-a-gun, RUN!"

He looked over at her and said, "Honey, he doesn't have to run -- he has four balls."

And she jumped up on the seat and shouted "STRUT, you son-of-a-gun, STRUT!"
You guys are just blowhards. Real HSLD guys like me know what the 22mm is. You civvie sissies can't even handle the little .50 BMG. In the NATO SpecOps community, we use the 22mm exclusively (though us US members call in the .86) for handguns and rifles. You want to know where the phrase "86 that order" came from? It came from an incident in Korea, when some of our guys were embedded with the Marine Corps. There was a nice collection of MGs raking the trenches, and the Marines didn't know what to do - so they turned to 'Jack' (name with-held for security reasons) and briefed him.
"Whatcha gonna do?"
"I'm gonna 86-'em," 'Jack' said. He flicked up the volley sights on his .86 Mauser (basically a beefed up broomhandle) and fired off a mag into the air. Two minutes later, the MG nest was silent. The rounds took two minutes - in which they went through the ionosphere, maybe the Van-Allen belts, and came down like a thunderbolt took four of 'em out - never a good idea to go prone when you've got a 22mm coming out of the sky.

The Mauser design has had a laser, suppressor, and pic. rail added on to it. It's one of the only designs that can handle the lower-powered loads and AA loads.

P.S. We don't need AP bullets. We have a lithium-fluorine compound that can explode on striking a soft target. Normal ferro-phosphor-Lawrencium rounds are used for anti-aircraft and anti-materiel duties.

P.S.S. We did have to sell some of our old Vietnam-area weapons a few years back. Most were sold to various Mall, Movie Theater, and Library Tactical Teams. Some undoubtedly got into the wrong hands.
P.S.S. We did have to sell some of our old Vietnam-area weapons a few years back. Most were sold to various Mall, Movie Theater, and Library Tactical Teams. Some undoubtedly got into the wrong hands.

I think the last statement was redundant! :D Wrong hands indeed!
The city desk editor should have realized that Sycamore and Railroad run parallel to each other (not only that, but are on opposite sides of town). Just gotta get your facts straight.
My newspaper, reporting on the appearance of a wild turkey in town, gave background info that wild turkeys weigh about 68 pounds. It only proves there is no limit to what a newspaper editor doesn't know.
My newspaper, reporting on the appearance of a wild turkey in town, gave background info that wild turkeys weigh about 68 pounds. It only proves there is no limit to what a newspaper editor doesn't know.

You probably don't believe in ten pound squirrels, either.:p
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