.22 still hard to find?

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It's not hard to find around here, but the prices are still higher than I'm willing to pay.

It is true that the places where they never raised the prices (like Wal-Mart) are always sold out but all of the local gun shops have it in stock.
To the op, I wouldn't sell right now. Wait until the next shortage appears. I started to sell back in '13, I heard a gun show in New Orleans had bulk packs for $250 and I also heard a small auction house sold some for $250. If you have more than you need, you could offer it at reasonable price to youth in your area.
Haven't seen it lately at my local Wally World, but Dick's, Sports Authority, Cabela's and the local stores all have it back in stock no problems.
No cabelas or the like by me but I did take the last 2 boxes of 222 rds from a local store for $15 which felt like a steal. I almost felt bad but I have zero stock of .22 and a new lever action to shoot, the advantage being I can shoot just about any crap I can find without jams
Like usual Bi-Mart had a lot yesterday.
He had several cases sitting behind the counter.
Still limited to 1 box and the price is around 5.5 cents a round.
It is every where around Austin. can get golden bullets for .04, mini mags for .08, others in between. Blazers are.05 cci sv are.06
I wish it were true that .22 was available everywhere here in Washington. If it is, I certainly cannot find it. My favorite LGS has a constant stash of the bulk stuff. He gives you the option of buying up to two boxes at uninflated prices when you purchase a .22 firearm. There is also a wait list you can get on and when they get to you they give you a call and you can buy a couple of boxes at low prices and then get in line again, however, the wait is usually over a year at least!

I always check the local Wal-Marts and they have none. I was even at Cabelas recently and some poor guy was there and he had just inherited a .22 and was completely unaware of the lack of availability. He was asking if I had seen .22 on the shelves anywhere and I showed him the empty shelf space where it should be and filled him on the difficulties.

This all still angers me to no end and at this point, I have a hard time believing it has anything to do with hoarders, if it did, these people would have to build extra buildings to house all the stuff!
Local Wally had some standard velocity CCI at $3.47 a box and surprisingly it hasn't been selling well. First I've seen there in at least two years.
Yeah it is getting better, but still problematic. Here in NE Kansas you can find ammo occasionally, but not always. Gun shows have plenty, but prices still hover around 10 cents per round. Now if I could just find some 17Mach2.......
If Walmart is your major source for 22 LR then you will have a problem. I would rather pay more than hang out at Walmart. I generally buy groceries at Publix and pay more rather than facing the gauntlet at Wally World.

Academy has plenty on hand. They keep it behind the counter at "reasonable" prices and all I ever see is 50 count boxes.

I have bought over 40k rounds in the past two years and have not overpaid for any of it. Virtually all has come from using Wikiarms. Midway, Cabela's, etc and a big assortment from CCI to Thunderbolts. 5-6 cents per round for bulk is higher than 2010 but still affordable.
Kind of surprised but Basspro in Grapevine still have some on the shelf even this close to Christmas.
Our local Academys have quite a bit in stock. The cheap bulk packs sell for about $.05/round, the better stuff varies depending on quality. 100 pack CCI (which I consider better) runs about $.09/round.
--At local Gun Shows recently, plenty available at >.10 per round.
--I saw a (yes, one) Winchester 333 pack in WM a couple weeks ago--first time in probably three years.
--Last time I was in Cabelas I saw some ridiculously-overpriced bulk packs (.12/rd), and passed.
--I found a 500-round Rem Thunderbolt bulk pack in Academy a week ago for .05/rd (plus tax) and bought it. First time I'd seen any there in ~3 years.
--Walked into a newly-opened local Gander yesterday, and they had some American Eagle for $3.00 (plus tax)/50 rd box.

Marginally better? Yeah, if you are in the right place at the right time.
But one raindrop doth not a drought endeth...
I wish it were true that .22 was available everywhere here in Washington. If it is, I certainly cannot find it. My favorite LGS has a constant stash of the bulk stuff. He gives you the option of buying up to two boxes at uninflated prices when you purchase a .22 firearm. There is also a wait list you can get on and when they get to you they give you a call and you can buy a couple of boxes at low prices and then get in line again, however, the wait is usually over a year at least!

I always check the local Wal-Marts and they have none. I was even at Cabelas recently and some poor guy was there and he had just inherited a .22 and was completely unaware of the lack of availability. He was asking if I had seen .22 on the shelves anywhere and I showed him the empty shelf space where it should be and filled him on the difficulties.

This all still angers me to no end and at this point, I have a hard time believing it has anything to do with hoarders, if it did, these people would have to build extra buildings to house all the stuff!
Wish you were closer I would pick up a few boxes for you.
Local fleet farm got in mini mags for $7 and change. last Friday they must have gotten in a ton because they lasted for 4 days. I couldn't believe it, there were still 20+ packs there last night.
I have not seen mini mags here in quite a while. Gander Mountain and Field n Stream both have bulk packs and 50-rd packs of several brands. $23 for Federal 325s yesterday, so I grabbed a couple. Not too bad...
One shop near me always has plenty of CCI mini mags, for $14/100rnds. That's usually the only .22lr they have though. So the supply is there, as long as you don't mind that brand/type, but the price gouging is still going on. I can't find .22short, and when I did it cost more than the LR.
I've done my part to help .22 prices by not buying any for the last 3 years, leaving what little that does show up on the shelves for others.

But I don't have an infinite supply that will last forever!
I see it more often around here, at the stores I frequent anyway. Maybe once every month or two I come across a small selection of it. Usually the higher end fancy stuff. Never anything cheap like Blazer or other bulk packed stuff.

I know that still sounds bad, but I used to see it only once per year.
Still nowhere to be found in my area. Probably due to the fact that one of the guys that work in my local Walmart's sporting goods department buys it as it comes in and resells it. Sure would be nice if stores would do something about the people doing this sort of thing.
Still nowhere to be found in my area. Probably due to the fact that one of the guys that work in my local Walmart's sporting goods department buys it as it comes in and resells it. Sure would be nice if stores would do something about the people doing this sort of thing.

I have 2 Walmarts to shop at that are 40 + miles from my home. I asked to speak to the store manager about what you described because I am dealing with the same issue. Was not allowed to speak to him but the manager of sporting goods called me back & told me they just want it sold & dont care who buys it as long as it turns over they dont care.

My LGS have not seen 22 in 3 years. So the only way I get 22 is my son in law buys it for me out of state & I pick up a brick or two he finds for me when we visit each other.
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