2nd Amendment Magnet Ribbons, Pre-Order Now

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avmech, you just made my day. I think it's AWESOME that someone registered just to buy these magnets. AWESOME!
That is what got me over here!! I have been, however, a "gun nut" for most of my 48 years.....the first couple really don't count.....
Welcome Avmech!

Matt...do you have an update for everybody on the status? I try to check up on this tread as much as I can but I have this nagging feeling that when you guys get ready it'll be the week I'm out of town!! :)
Hey Avmech welcome! There are couple of other guys here from over there and who have put in a request for the ribbon.

you're gonna like these ribbons, right guys?

Thats right :D A few people I work with want some of the ribbons too.
Cacique, actually dav is the man now. He's got the ordering and payment, which is the biggest part. The website is looking very good and we're only days away from actually placing the order, so we're moving right along.
I’ve submitted the design files to MagnetAmerica.com's graphic people. They are currently working on getting the 2ND AMENDMENT ribbon all set up in-house. Soon it goes to their printer. :cool:

The website is looking very good...

Yep. Dav, your 2nd amendment page is looking good!

Dav...I'll take 10 of #2 in blue please.....Originally requested 2 but...I am thinking once my buddies etc see them they'll go fast. thanks to all involved in putting this together too.....mack
I spent some time talking with the graphic people at MagnetAmerica.com today. Things are going good. I think they are in South Carolina (at least the custom graphic people)... it was their accent that gave them away:p :cool:

We will have a proof sometime soon.
Just to keep everyone posted (and since SkyDaver asked...)

Currently we have 59 people ordering, 221 of design #1 & 272 of design #2 for a total of 493 ribbons!

Obviously, I need to increase our order before we've even received any. The price will be coming down from the $2.40 previously posted, but we won't know the new price until I've had a chance to talk to our printers.

Thanks to all for pre-ordering so we could make a valid estimate of demand. More news soon.

David Row
San Diego
Another bit of info... The MagnetAmerica.com people are going to see if a metallic silver ink will look good on the ribbon. They are going to print some up (when they get to that point) and see how it looks and then run with it if it looks cool. I'm thinking it will look neat.
I'll take ten of either design #1 or design #2. Let me know when and where to send payment. Thanks!

It appears that there may be a slight problem with the light gray background (don't know for sure during the weekend). However in light of that, to increase the contrast of the text-to-background-color there needs to be a white border placed around the text. This actually increases readability above and beyond the light gray versions.

Below is more refined version of what the final product will look like (based upon a proof from MagnetAmerica.com and including the white border). For scale reference, this image is 50% the size of what the actual ribbon will be.

If people don't like the white border then we can insist on that the lighter gray coloring. Its just according to the proof from MagnetAmerica they made the gray coloring a lot darker than I did (just trying to prepare for the case that we may have to use a darker color for the ribbon).

What do you all think?

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