A hypothetical situation

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I have not spent a dime on toys since I started work on July I only bought necessities and useful items related to job such as gas and a inexpensive Gps Navigator since I drive to different locations alot thats it really.
DMX - Do you understand what we're trying to tell you? You keep telling us that you don't have enough money to pay this bill, or that bill, or move out, but yet you're asking for advice on what new gun to buy. Now, if you didn't have one, it'd be a different story. But by your own admission, you have eight. Not only rifles, but at least one pistol if I remember correctly from your first post.

That's why we're telling you to save. You already have a bunch of guns. The best way to be able to afford to pay the bills you can't pay now, is to save the money you would otherwise spend on yet another new gun.
I haven't spend anything on guns since school started back and don't plan on buying anything but ammo for a while. Guns, cars, and girlfriends are nice and all but education is a key to having nice things. I feel you, but you're good to go right now. You can always get material things, but education is somewhat harder after your mid-twenties.
Thats what I am saying but people keep trying to push me off a cliff.I am saving but I will not move out anytime soon since it takes a while to have a steady job and a better income.
I will get a car soon like in 3-4 months when everything is in better shape.Kingpin008, you forgot 1 shotgun too and they are good enough for SHTF,defense, and too have fun with.
Dmxx9900, you opened this thread with "Lets say you live with a parent and dont have to worry about bills and stuff like that and you have a job that pays $10 an hour and you make a monthly income of around $1500 on a average work month.And you have that amount of income for many years how would you afford and budget your lavish and expensive lifestyle you live now?" ( Emphasis mine )

Sorry, but that just doesn't sound like somebody who's got any plans of taking any responsibility any time soon, or really doing much of anything that an adult is expected to do. And that is what's got many of us answering you the way we have.

Add to that your mention of inheriting you grandmother's house, and well, no, the responses ain't gonna be pretty. ( Best be prepared for both inheritance taxes and property taxes, among other things, by the way. )

So, if you step back and really think about the things you said at the very beginning here, and how they appear, you might understand where some folks might reasonably want to push you off a cliff.

kingpin008, I think all of us here over the age of 30 already know the answer to that one, but due to the rules here, can't just tell it like we see it. :eek:

In short, I think the impression given by the very first post in this thread is quite probably accurate.

I do hope I'm wrong though.

I am in a similiar situation. I live with my parents and I go to school and I pay them 150 bucks a paycheck in quasi rent/food. I have a bunch of guns and I probably have gone a little off the deep end. But I make about 3 times as much as you do. put the money away, save it save it save it. I usually pay my bills first then I put all but 20% in the bank every paycheck. Average I am able to put into my savings about 500 to 800 depending on my bills each paycheck and thats after the small deductions for the 401k, health and my seperate bank accounts. Its worth it also start planning for retirement NOW!! The shiny objects are wonderful and I myself have been lured in but you need to save for the future also.

Like I said I am still going to school and I have several of my computer certs done and I still know I don't have enough education, getting the diploma is not a GOLDEN ticket. Its a foot in the door it gets you an interview if your lucky. Experience plus a diploma and certs in your field are what gets you a job.

Get a 401k started and have it deducted automatically from your paycheck.
Save money and get a CD started.
Get a savings account at another bank this way its not your primary bank and you hopefully can get it also as a paycheck deduction.
Get an education, diploma, certs in your field etc. get a low end job in your field you have to have experience

You have probably heard this all before especially in previous posts and its hard to avoid the shiny objects its a hell of a balancing act at a young age. Assume at this age that in 20 years there will be NOONE no family members to support you and you gotta make it work.
I am saving right now but I will get a car later on for my own for many reasons.
A "kid" making that kind of money living at home with the parents and "no bills"

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