A plea to those voting 3rd party

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Finally someone agrees with me that the party must grow from the bottom up. There is a small but consolidated effort to get libertarians and constitutionalists into local offices which I think is THE way to go. Once they are more mainstream (by this I mean platform well known and defined) then these "ethical" votes will count. For the really important votes stick with the two party system to protect out rights for now. One day if we act like good strategists these third parties will have a greater chance of a nationwide election. get them in local offices to prove the party's platform then move up through the offices. It's the way the system works.
my .02$
If I lived in a state that stood a chance of turning out for that shameless leftist extreme leftist, I proably would have held my nose and voted for Bush.
Good man!!

If I wanted to throw my vote away, I'd vote the Constitution party over those goofy Libertarians anyway.
Voted for Badnarik here.

Youse guys sucked into the 2 party thing don't need to worry though. I hear MO is going Bush.

O'course if I couldn't have voted for principle I would probably have written Ozzie Osbourne like a friend of mine always does.

My friend is not a libertarian but he gets the picture.
When I was at the polls this morning, I'll have to admit -- the Democrat get-out-the-vote drive has been VERY strong, and looking around and sizing up folks best I could in line was more effective than I expected. :uhoh:

Folks, in a normal year I'd have pushed the button for Badnarik with the rest of y'all. Today.. I couldn't, not in good conscience. :(

Look, Kerry or Bush will be our next president. Not Nader, Badnarik or whoever else.

Kerry wins and say hello to a permanant AWB, restrictions on barrel lenghts and other "Canadian style" gun controls. He'll dust off Clinton's old playbook for this one.

Notice how passionately Kerry talked about the AWB in the last debate? He wants it back bad.

Sure GWB said he'd sign a AWB, but smartly left the house to kill it, making a non-issue in the election. Now all we had to argue to people is if Kerry is a real hunter or not, not about some silly ban like we had to with Gore.

So go ahead, vote 3rd party, and solve absoutely nothing.
It's funny how so many people who would love to see a third party become a viable option so they could vote for them in national elections would prefer it if it were brought about by not voting for third party candidates in national elections.
That would be true, corncob, if there were a 3rd party worth voting for. The LP is so far out with it's immigration and drug policies alone as not to be considered seriously. Give me a decent 3rd party option and I'll vote 3rd party.
I've already voted, and how I voted is my business, but I do know that a third party candidate can surprise people. I live in Minnesota and have seen first hand that a third party can win a major election. I agree it won't be this time, but we have to start somewhere.

I intend to get involved with the Minnesota Libertarian Party before the next election cycle. I don't have a lot of money to donate, but I can donate some elbow grease.
Sounds like you might like the Constitution Party: you get to spend your money on what you want, but The Man still gets to tell you how to have a good time. Oh yeah, and keep out the Mexicans. They taking our jobs!!
No, I don't think the Mexicans are "taking our jobs". I do think they are changing our language and culture and draining our private and public resources. Neither party will stop illegal immigration, though. The Repubs need illegals to work in their factories and fields, and the Dems need them for votes. Everything is in at least two, usually more languages, and our "public officials" bend over and grab their ankles for illegals while handing them our money.

I want a Nationalist Party. Restore America's borders, language, culture and heritage. America is for Americans, not mulitculturally diverse parasites. Theodore Roosevelt said:
There is no place for the hyphen in our citizenship... We are a nation, not a hodge-podge of foreign nationalities. We are a people, and not a polyglot boarding house.
I want a Nationalist Party. Restore America's borders, language, culture and heritage. America is for Americans, not mulitculturally diverse parasites.

Better kick everyone out except for the Native Americans then. Or you could start learning how to speak Navajo.
Wow, Riley, I was just kidding. The Libertarian Party can espouse open borders because they espouse the total distruction of the welfare state. As long as they are coming here to work, we need them. The problem is with the current scope of the government handouts in this country, not with the free market.

As far as America being for "Americans", you might ask yourself what an "American" looks and talks like.

Hint: not white, speaks a language not also heard in any European country.

Psssst. We're all immigrants.
Better kick everyone out except for the Native Americans then. Or you could start learning how to speak Navajo.
I feel your pain. Those evil northern europeons came here and stole a great civilization. Thank you for reinforcing my point.
Psssst. We're all immigrants.
Psssst. My ancestors came here legally. They became Americans, learned the language, and fought in wars for this country. They did not demand handouts. See the difference? Apparently not.
I want a Nationalist Party. Restore America's borders, language, culture and heritage. America is for Americans, not mulitculturally diverse parasites. Theodore Roosevelt said:

Hey, IIRC, we got at least two Natives here somewhere. Mr. Ojibweindian, I believe that's your cue. RileyMc wants out.
People who voted for Perot in '92 gave us eight years of Clinton. Fortunately, Badnarik is enough of a nut-job that he won't garner even nod. The LP is actually very lucky more attention was not given to Badnarik; it saved them from losing even more votes than they will receive as it is.
Psssst. My ancestors came here legally. They became Americans, learned the language, and fought in wars for this country. They did not demand handouts. See the difference? Apparently not

They learned Navajo? Or Chickasaw? Yakima?
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