A question to consider

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Apr 8, 2005
Moses Lake WA
We often hear the comment, "I have nothing to hide because I'm not doing anything illegal. Therefore, I don't oppose the government (doing whatever.)"

Well, taking that statement into consideration, why are the politicians so frightened by the fact that their constituents own guns?

An armed population has always been a check against a tyrannical government. The 2nd Amendment has been a burr in the saddle of every would-be despot that has found their way through the US Political system since the late 1700's.
About 49% of U.S. Households receive some sort of government aid ($). The US will be 22 TRILLION dollars in debt in 3 years. The day will come when the checks will stop :what:. IMHO that is why "military style" rifles are so feared by Washington.
Could this be the reason behind dhs ammo and gun purchases? I know a lot of people say they havent actually taken delivery, but do we know this for sure? Surely they wouldnt lie to us.
"I have nothing to hide because I'm not doing anything illegal. Therefore, I don't oppose the government (doing whatever.)"

Whatever they're doing now will eventually become illegal, but by then it will be too late. When you refuse to defend the liberties of all, they will eventually come for you too, and there will be nobody left to defend your liberty.
"They are not afraid of us, they are afraid of what we represent"...a quote from the 1969 movie "Easy Rider" still applies. What you own today may very well be outlawed next week; as we have seen in California (and now other states).
Those who roll over with their soft bellies up for the invading government agents to confiscate property that has been deemed "a threat" will be crying; patriots who refuse to kneel down will feel justified.
In the case of federal government, over the last several decades, and in particular over the last 15-20 years, most of the people we have elected to carry out our wishes have been co-opted by the power-hungry, manipulative Washington political machine.

That machine wants to exert more and more control over us, and an integral part of that process is collecting more and more information about our comings and goings, our purchases, our habits, our medical status, etc. Of course, government tells us that it needs such information to do its job--taking care of us.

The assertion that we shouldn't mind having the government track our lives as long as we are doing nothing wrong or have nothing to hide is naive. Government continuously adds to the list of things that are illegal, even felonious, sometimes without fanfare. At the same time, it expands the ways in which it purchases the loyalty of more and more voters with what it benignly labels "social programs."

The systems for knowing everything about us have been and are being put into operation so government can use personal, formerly private information to at first gently prod us and eventually threaten us, thus to ultimately control us. RKBA is the ultimate obstacle to this process, and the Founders knew it.

That's why believers in the increasing power of government desperately want to kill RKBA.
We often hear the comment, "I have nothing to hide because I'm not doing anything illegal. Therefore, I don't oppose the government (doing whatever.)"

Well, taking that statement into consideration, why are the politicians so frightened by the fact that their constituents own guns?

Um, in the opinion of the supreme court and quite a few legal scholars it's impossible to NOT break a law every day (or at least a regulation etc.) and hence it's NOT unreasonable to force enforcement and regulation entities to state what exactly they are looking for, and force to them to limit the scope of their search....

So, I have nothing to hide, but I'm not going to let you go digging....
as for those in office, I believe they should have to go under at least as much scrutiny as I do in my every day life.
I. E. they are fair game.
Sure they are! Remember what happened when people tried digging up obuma's back ground?
Oh, you mean the ones that the media demonized because there's "nothing to see here, move on"

Still makes them game, some are protected by larger forces, still don't stop people, just makes it harder, much harder is if no one will listen.
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