A troubling Craigslist ad

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"Troubled" means the kid probably a bit of a juvenile delinquent of some sort. It could. E truancy, drugs, (obviously) theft, vandalism, etc.
Craigslist doesn't allow firearms to be sold using their system so I'm wondering how this could take place.
The Father should post another ad stating if the rifle is not returned within a specific time frame like 10 working days it will be reported as stolen.
The Father should post another ad stating if the rifle is not returned within a specific time frame like 10 working days it will be reported as stolen.

Not a bad idea.
What I'm seeing here is the idea that to some people, "normal" means "behavior I find acceptable." and "mentally ill" means "behavior I find unacceptable." Think about that for a while. If you find those to be acceptable definitions, then you must find it acceptable for others to use the same definitive criteria. In which case, it is OK with you if the antis believe that owning guns is unacceptable behavior so anyone who owns guns is mentally ill. And of course, mentally ill people should not own guns.

Referring to someone who thinks or acts in a manner you find unacceptable as mentally ill is about as accurate as referring to a semi-auto rifle as an assault weapon and hollow point bullets as assault bullets. Using such terms loosely is dangerous.

The statement was made that anyone suffering from mental illness should not have access to a gun. Unfortunately, the failure to define mental illness leaves it to others to determine the conditions that would lead to loss of 2A rights. Such as:

Concussions are now known to result in a variety of physical, cognitive, and emotional symptoms, which may not be recognized if subtle, but they could easily fall under the broad term of mental illness. So anyone who has had a concussion could easilyt lose their 2A rights due to mental illness. That includes just about anyone who has played a contact sport at any level (I think the lawsuits the NFL is facing regarding concussions may have a lot to say about this), anyone who has been in an moderate to severe auto accicent, anyone who has "bumped their head" for any reason. That probably covers most of the population and makes the gun grabbers job a lot easier.
Based on what you said, and I don't necessarily disagree with it, What would you do if it was your son who stole your favorite gun and sold it to some questionable individual off Craig's List? Would you think maybe your son was a bit "Troubled" or want to send him for some psychological evaluation?

This is just my observation here but that kid could be evaluated by 5 completely different Psychiatrists and they would all have a different diagnosis of his mental state.

Funny that you mention "Concussion" because that is what he would have if he did it to me in my home!
You know that's right. Kept me out of more than a few bad decisions growing up. Ya think more kids just need a good old fashion butt whoopin? I do, beats Prozac or Ridelin any day.
Very true and it won't cause permanent health problems like Prozac or other SSRIs either.
If it was my son, I'd demand to see his internet history and go from there. Shouldn't be too hard to find an old ad. I'd also look in the son's cell phone if he had one, for the phone number history.

I'd report it stolen regardless. The son stole it. Kid needs to learn there are consequences.
seems like he would have a pretty good chance in getting it back if he;
1) Reported it stolen but offer amnesty if he gets it back,
2) checked the kids phone records and email records/internet history. what he said^^^:)
3) tell the boy if he doesn't get it back in x amount of days, he will be facing charges.
Parents are too soft on their kids these days. You could bet that if my kid did something like that, she would catch hell, and at the very least "make it right". But then, I firmly believe that kids like this exist because of the way the parents do their so called "parenting" in the first place.
I feel the same way. It makes me wonder what goes through the minds of children these days. The thought of ever stealing one of my dads guns would have never entered my mind knowing what the consequences would have been. Children need to think about the end result and how it will effect others and themselves before the act "rash". I hope this has a "good" turn out.
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I feel the same way. It makes me wonder what goes through the minds of children these days. The thought of ever stealing one of my dads guns would have never entered my mind knowing what the consequences would have been. Children need to think about the end result and how it will effect others and themselves before the act "rash". I hope this has a "good" turn out.

I stole something of my Dad's one time, and never again. After he blistered my tail, he told what I did wrong and why. This generation( which I am part of, a teen actually)has not been taught that there are consequences, other than "STOP YELLING OR I'LL COUNT TO 5!". Yea, thats real scary. To them( your normal teen) there is no cause and effect.
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