ABC's "The Nine"

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Dec 28, 2005
Bellevue, WA
Wife and I have gotten drawn into watching ABC's "The Nine". Comes on Wednesday after "Groundhog Day", er, uh, I mean "Daybreak".

Premise is a group of strangers become hostages in a bank robbery/hostage standoff dealing in the aftermath. Lots of flashback sequences to the standoff. Two innocents died, both robbers are in custody awaiting trial as the legal process begins.

A number of interesting issues pop up. Some tactical and some not.

One of the hostages is a cop who got made by the BGs right before they hit the bank. Spotted his shoulder holster. [Cannot figure why the shoulder holster is deemed so danged sexy for television.] Took him at gunpoint and disarmed him before he could do anything. Concealed means concealed.

Some of the not so tactical stuff is the emotions people dealt with during the incident and now deal with in the aftermath.

One that popped up yesterday, hot shot surgeon and his girlfriend were among the hostages. BG got distracted at one point, and the surgeon took off running for a door to try and escape--leaving behind the girlfriend. Got stopped before making it out, but that ended their relationship which had been pretty solid to then.

Wife asked me, "Would you do that?" I shot her a look and said, "I think you know me well enough that if we were in there, and the BGs got distracted just after they've killed one innocent, I'd be trading shots with the BGs, not running away. If I'd been in there by myself, yeah, I might have tried to get away. Maybe cap the BG closest, then run."

She wasn't really serious. Just normal marital "pot stirring".

The math in the title is a little challenged, or perhaps it's all part of the twists and turns thus far. 8 hostages made it out, 2 were killed, plus the 2 BGs. One of the BGs (who are brothers) is shown on the website and in the credits apparently intimating he's one of "The Nine" and thus himself a victim.
I think the problem here for a person ccwing is how long will it take for BG's to start search folks, I mean really Have you ever seen undercover man good movie. Anyhow problem I see with getting shots off before they one or both takes hostage and tries to dissarm you, would be to take them off guard right at first when they think they have the upper hand I try to get them standing together for 4 simultanious shots ( 2 in each) then finish, I hope I am never in this situation could get very bad.

As for emotional after words, see a shrink I wouldnt even know how to touch that.
It is an interesting TV show and I'm curious as to what ground it will cover (topic wise) and the direction(s) it will take.
I think the problem here for a person ccwing is how long will it take for BG's to start search folks

If I'm ever in a situation where a BG starts to search people while I'm armed, it's 'go' time. I'm not going to allow myself to be disarmed, potentially putting my handgun into the hands of a criminal. Plus, it's possible that finding your gun would be the cue for your execution.
I have very limited knowledge of situations like this, only two to be exact. ONe was an attemtped kidnapping in a foriegn country, the second was an attempted rape in the my home town. What I learned from these two incidents was that as soon as you relize something is wrong, the quicker and more violent your counter attack is, the better your chances of survival.
There are volumes of reseach on people who have been held prisoner/hostage. I've never seen the show (dont watch much TV) so I can't comment on how realistic it is.

I have to wonder if this thread is on topic here in Strategies and Tactics. Perhaps if you were to lay out the exact scenario of the bank take down we could discuss what might have been done.

I don't think discussion of the inerpersonal relations of the charactors and how being held hostages effects their lives is on topic.

If you want to start a new thread on the bank take down. That will be on topic.

Another related thread that would be on topic would be a thread on how to survive a violent encounter, mentally and emotionally intact. We seldom discuss that here.

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