Academic Left tolerate death threats to Conservative student

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Dec 26, 2002
Ridgecrest Ca
Tolerant Death Threats from the Academic Left
By Valerie Richardson
Washington Times | January 5, 2004

Tim Bueler recently received some unusual advice: His principal and a campus police officer suggested that he stay home from his California high school for a few days.

They feared for his safety because Tim, the founder of Rancho Cotate High School's new Conservative Club, said he had received threats from other students after writing an article for the club newsletter calling for a crackdown on illegal immigration.

The 17-year-old junior says that stance inspired threats from which teachers have refused to protect him. Some faculty members even started a public campaign against his group, which seeks to promote "the pillars of the Bible, patriotism and conservative beliefs as balance to the mostly liberal viewpoints of teachers," according to its newsletter, "The Conservative Agenda."

In a telephone interview, Tim said he's been threatened at least three times by Hispanic students who call him "white boy" and "racist." One boy said he was going to "find someone" to beat up Tim.

In two of those instances, Tim said two faculty members stood by and did nothing to help him. Most recently, Tim said, he was confronted by a dozen Hispanic boys, who blocked him from walking down the hallway.

"They said, 'You're a racist,' and I said, 'Are you guys going to let me through?'" Tim said. "So I ducked into a classroom and told the teacher what was happening, and said, 'Can you help me?' And she said, 'No. Get out of here.'"

Earlier, he said he was eating lunch in a classroom when about seven Hispanic students surrounded him. Worried for Tim's safety, his father, Dennis Bueler, said he asked for help from a teacher who was also in the room.

"The teacher told him, 'When you say things like that, you've got to expect that things like this are going to happen. Why don't you go out the back door?'" Mr. Bueler said in recounting the incident.

Tim said teachers have also joined in the name-calling. One called Tim a Nazi, while another described the club as "a bunch of bigots." In a parody of the newsletter, biology teacher Mark Alton called on students to "take a stand against the neoconservative wing-nuts who call themselves Americans."

Tim thought about leaving the school, located in Rohnert Park about an hour north of San Francisco, and then made his decision: No way.

"They said, 'It's in your best interest not to go to school,'" Tim said. "I said, 'Well, why? What have I done wrong?'"

The club has invited students to call its "liberal assault hot line" to report whether they've been "verbally assaulted for being conservative."

With about 50 members, the club has hosted speakers from the Eagle Forum and National Rifle Association.

Forty school staff members signed a letter to the Santa Rosa Press Democrat calling on the Conservative Club to back up its accusations that students are being indoctrinated.

"They've made all these sweeping statements about liberal teachers warping the curriculum, but as a science teacher, I'd like to see some evidence," said Mr. Alton, who co-authored the letter.

Mr. Alton said he was also disturbed by Tim's article on illegal immigration, which says, "Liberals welcome every Muhammad, Jamul and Jose who wishes to leave his Third World state and come to America."

"No one at the high school opposes the formation of the Conservative Club," Mr. Alton said. "What bothers me is the extreme views that border on racism or homophobia, the negative tone, and the hot line that calls teachers 'traitors.'"

Tim admitted that his zeal sometimes gets the best of him. He apologized for the "Muhammad" remark, saying, "I made a mistake, but I'm not racist." Club adviser Bernadette Tucker stepped down after Tim printed the newsletter without allowing her to edit it first.

Rancho Cotate Principal Mitchell Carter and district officials did not return several phone calls.

Mr. Bueler said he's ready to bring in lawyers if the school cannot protect his son. "The police don't think they were real threats, but I disagree. He shouldn't have to be threatened every day," the father said.
Please check your victim complex at the door and read before you post such assinine tripe or save it for (Edited by Art) glocktalk (Edited by Art), or better yet call up the "liberal assualt victim hotline" mentioned LOL!

Hmmmm -- don't know DesertDog or you Jonesy9, but DD did post an article that has been published in at least two locations, both admittedly right-wing, but that does not make them factually wrong.

Your comments seem way out of proportion -- and are not worthy of "The High Road" IMHO. If you think that this information is false, let us know how you came to that conclusion -- if not, your comments could be taken as being in support of those that have threatened this young mans life.

For myself, I find it disturbing that anyone, on the left or on the right, might be threatened with death for speaking their mind. But that is just me.Edited by Art
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just giving the poster what he craves TheEgg :)

The topic is inciteful and not really meant for discusion but perhaps I did go over board for this site, my aplogies to THR members who are offended.

I should have said: The article itself is an indictment of our current political discourse. By asserting that teachers at a rural California high school are some how indicative of what the right likes to call the academic Left, the authors insult the intelligence of many readers and play to the emotions of the readers who do not see beyond the obvious agenda. While it is unfortuante that the boy was threatened, his agenda (mimicking those of his conservative elders) was to incite and cause trouble. Sometime trouble making is good, and should be encouraged, but invoking racial steroetypes or even the language of it is counter productive. He later aplogized but the damage is done.

Conservatives at one time deridied these emotional tactics but have since embraced them, even encouraging the victim menatlity to mobilze voters. they seem to have spawned an entire cottage industry around cheapening our democratic political debate with sensatioanl entertainers masquerading as pundits and websites that sensationalize beyond any standard ever seen, even in the liberal media. It's a crying shame to see this behavior trickling down into our high schools as these kids are the future of our country and we are doing them and the country a great disservice by encouraging this behavior. Portraying the kid as a victim in the national media? damn, that's just wrong, this kid is gonna be screwed up for life over this. But hey, whatever. If it pulls the strings of a few rubes and keeps us from ever discussing the real underlying issues all the better, right?

It seems to me that those I had once admired for taking The High Road have stumbled and are firmly staking their claim to the low road.
Amazingly, I actually agree with jonesy. Claiming the "high moral ground" by proclaiming yourself a victim has always seemed dubious to me.

24/7 victims are beneath my contempt. If you perceive yourself to be a victim, it's time to shut up until you've hurt the other guy. Then giggle quietly to yourself. :evil:
. It's a crying shame to see this behavior trickling down into our high schools as these kids are the future of our country and we are doing them and the country a great disservice by encouraging this behavior.

The only behavior that I find reprehensible in this article is the alleged behavior of the teachers and the school administration (and some of the students). I am FOR high school kids engaging in debate on matters of public concern, such as illegal immigration -- and they should be able to do so in public school without getting death threats in return. And if in their debate they take an excursion into name-calling, they need to be instructed by the teachers/principles about the proper way to debate, not be shut up because they are not 'PC'.

I should have said: The article itself is an indictment of our current political discourse. By asserting that teachers at a rural California high school are some how indicative of what the right likes to call the academic Left, the authors insult the intelligence of many readers and play to the emotions of the readers who do not see beyond the obvious agenda.

I agree that this is an indictment of our current political discourse, but find the indictment in the inability of a student to speak his mind without intimidation.

As far as the political leanings of the teachers at this particular high school, I have no information from which to judge, except what is reported in this article. However, having worked in public and private education for more than 25 years before I went cold turkey and quit out of disgust, I find nothing in the description that causes me pause -- I have seen similar behavior many times.

In High School, one of the big things that is pushed is responsibility. Now, this kid has done some things that he shouldn't have, and he's going to have to deal with it.

But at the same time, if teaching responsibility is really their goal -- especially when the faculty callously refuses to help a threatened student -- then they need to teach COMPLETE responsibility. You can have it all one way or all another, but being inconsistent will just screw kids up, maybe even permanently.

So the kid used his freedom of assembly to make his own club, because he was sick of the leftist teachers' crap. Good on him. He then used his freedom of speech and said something that's not PC, which got him threats on his safety, bodily integrity, and possibly his life. Kind of a sad commentary on our society, but I never got the impression that the kid was crying "woe is me."

I got the impression that he's a passionate kid who's facing a lose/lose/lose/lose situation pretty boldly. He can dismantle his club (which he's entitled to by the 1st Amendment), and he's lost. He can stay home from school, and he's lost. He can keep running from his antagonists and constantly look over his shoulder, and he's lost. Or he can step up to them and fight them at 12-to-1 odds, and obviously, he's already lost.

He's been trying to avoid violence, but no one will help him. The amounts of inconsistency in High School pissed me off so bad I couldn't see straight when I was a student; I'm sorry to say it's still the same.

The kid's screwed no matter what he does. I, for one, hope he doesn't lose his fire. Perhaps he'll learn a valuable lesson about standing up for his rights.

But I'm still insane enough to say that his life means enough that he should have the ability to protect it. The High School situation is like a model of society -- there aren't enough faculty (police) to keep the students (citizens) completely safe from the bullies/stoners (criminals). Yet if the students resist the bullies, they are treated like the criminals.

Based on the article, I don't see any content that deserves to be called "racist." Could somebody quote it for me? Or are the people involved a bunch of hyper-sensitive sissies?


Funny how some people look at a situation like this and said the kid getting death threats "had it coming." Kind of like women threatened with rape "had it coming" for not being ugly and having their ankles showing?
I have no idea what exactly went on in this case, but I have *no* doubt that there is indeed an Academic Left. I lived through it in 12 years of school, four years of undergrad and three years of law school. With a few rare exceptions, the folks teaching at all levels adhere to certain PC maxims. In many cases these are actually spelled out in the regulations. Those who do not adhere are guilty of wrongthinking and promptly punished. I actually used to be a left winger myself, until I grew too disgusted to continue.

Suffice it to say there are very few places of education which offer much intellectual freedom of any sort. You are free to agree with those in charge.
Jonesy9 said, "Conservatives at one time deridied these emotional tactics but have since embraced them...they seem to have spawned an entire cottage industry around cheapening our democratic political debate with...websites that sensationalize beyond any standard ever seen, even in the liberal media."

Didn't Rosie O'Donnell say that all gun owners should be put in jail? Haven't several of our esteemed elected folks in Congress stated or implied that we of the "Gun Culture" suffer from varying amounts of Nutzoiditis? This is not sensationalism? To equate President Bush with Adolph Hitler is not cheap sensationalism?

Is young Master Bueler wrong in seeking to promote "...the pillars of the Bible, patriotism and conservative beliefs..."? This is not a right under our Constitution?

If he is confronted within the school by a group of youths proposing physical harm, is it correct for teachers to ignore this? Correct for them to tell him, in essence, that others' right to harm him is superior to his right to speak his mind?

they seem to have spawned an entire cottage industry around cheapening our democratic political debate with sensatioanl entertainers masquerading as pundits


yeah, "progressives" never do that.

Personally, this kid should expect to be a blacksheep because of the stuff he said (the mohamad, etc comment was borderline racist IMO, but i agree with him in principle), but he has the RIGHT to not be physically threatened in school and teachers/administrators have the DUTY to take what actions they can to protect him and punnish the people who threaten him (at my highschool, you could be suspended/expelled for making physical threats).
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