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Advertising moles among us?

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Hmmn So let's see. I own a company, am an avid reloader, I belong to the NRA, I sometimes ask for opinions on my reload benches....am I a pseudo advertiser? I hope not but have been accused most recently. So I am thinking. . . How does one get great feedback from experts?, , , go to the source I say. Thanks to all here that have helped me.
I think the biggest difference is that some people want to be a genuine member of the community. Others just want to make a quick buck off of it. When a vendor actually engages the community for feedback and passes on information about their products that's relevant and is completely up front and open about it, I don't have a problem with it. Look at Brad from Missouri Bullet Company. Then sometimes people post links to their blogs where they have 2 or 3 articles pulled from other sites, and little blurbs pretending to not be extolling the virtues of their own products. Then when called on it, they delete all the contents from their blog and delete the link to their blog from their forum signature :D

Gryffydd hit the bullseye. Being a contributing member of the community and honestly getting people's input is entirely different from someone only looking for the community to contribute to them.
Then sometimes people post links to their blogs where they have 2 or 3 articles pulled from other sites, and little blurbs pretending to not be extolling the virtues of their own products. Then when called on it, they delete all the contents from their blog and delete the link to their blog from their forum signature :D

Wow this is epic. Perhaps they should just put in the sig "we think you all are just a bunch of idiots waiting to be ripped off" :rolleyes:

What's really funny was how this tech site handled an article rip and and pic link a while back (scroll down for the pics!). http://techreport.com/discussions.x/17915 :D
Personally, I seriously doubt there are advertising moles here in any number. The relatively rare ones posting on their own product cannot be accurately called "moles" - they're pretty much open about it. Anyone posting positive reviews about Bubba's Ultra Bullets with a user name of Bubba's Bullets is not a mole.

Fanboys, on the other hand, are a routine scourge of internet firearms forums. I believe they can be distinguished from advertising moles in several ways:

You just can't buy the sort of evangelical fervor that fanboys exhibit. Advertising is just a job. Fanboyism is a pathology brought on by having one's ego alloyed with one's choice of firearm to such an extent the two cannot be separated. If one disagrees with an advertising mole he moves on to the next target and makes efficient use of his time. Disagree with a fanboy and you'll generally get a debate. Advertisers don't typically engage in debate and generally don't make a practice of denigrating their target's intelligence.

Does anybody really care what sidearm was chosen by the Fiji Tactical Response Unit? An advertiser wouldn't think to offer the factoid but a fanboy will present it without obvious embarrassment.

Advertisers (not to include drive-bys) are acutely aware of annoyance factors in their message and do what they can to reduce its impact. Fanboys are utterly and blissfully unaware (or more likely don't care) that their practice of irritating others may actually impact sales negatively. Anyone viewing a firearm as a tool might be justifiably creeped out by the uncritical love affair with an inanimate object being displayed on an open forum.
I think that a mole for Glock would be wasting his time here. Enough people, LE Agencies, nations on the bandwagon already. This forum is too widespread in membership to benefit local retail shops.

I think there are enough rabid fanboys doing the job well-enough already.
Yeah..after reading some of the posts from the Glock fanatic, I believe what Hawk said makes the most sense out of it. He was bashing Kahr left and right which is why it peaked my attention in the first place.
I was one of those impressionable newbs that obtained my info for my first gun purchase from the internet. My CW9 is all I own so when I see somebody trash talking Kahr, I perk up and see what is up.

Speaking of Kahr...They are the greatest manufacturer ever!! I would trade my unborn son for any Kahr firearm. Be sure to visit kahr.com to view some fantastic weapons...:rolleyes:
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