Advice on being neighborly when it comes to shooting.

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Ok. Got lots of good advice here. Thanks everyone!

My dad and I had a chat and decided we’re going to put up signs making it clear that trespassing is not allowed and that there’s a range here. We also decided we’re going to keep shooting. My dad told me this happened once before a few years ago when he was shooting and I wasn’t there, apparently a cop showed up because someone made a report. The cop looked at everything, shrugged, asked if he’d wrap it up in an hour or so and then left.

We also decided that we’re going to text/call the neighbors to give them notice 10-15mins prior.

We’ve changed our hunt tactics a bit so deer
are less likely to run on their property.

Thank you to everyone who contributed. Mods if you can close this I would appreciate it.
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I’m not good enough of a shot for neck shots.
Lots of clay pigeons at 300 yards makes the middle of the neck seem huge inside 100 yards.
My neck shots are usually facing me. They don't punch the guts like a frontal chest shot. put up signs making it clear that trespassing is not allowed and that there’s a range here. We also...

I would NOT post ''this is a range'' , you possibly could open yourself up to more scrutiny that just isn't necessary to prevent or deter...simple trespass. Weird neighbor could point out ''THEY (you) declared it's a range, therefore they have to adhere to X Y Z G rules for ranges.'' Do you have the expensive item called...liability insurance for your range?:eek::eek: . Not to stray too far into the weeds but, what ifs & hows comes...they produce a bullet that allegedly came from your ''range'' :confused::confused:

Again, you want to notify ''no trespass'' for...ANY reason. NOT notify your activities on YOUR property.

In summary, it's just not needed to resolve the problem and I speak as a property owner who has had MINOR problems with my closest nice neighbors (which are approx. 100 yds away) (which is in itself, nice:))
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It’s 20 YARDS thick, by about 20 YARDS high by about 40 feet long at the base. It’s had about 20 years to settle. 20 yards of dirt is PLENTY for a backstop by ANY definition
60 x 60 x 40 ÷ 2 is 72,000 cf, or 2666 cubic yards of soil, a considerable quantity.

Fencing the "back" of the back stop with simple wire fencing is probably a minimum. And would provide an economical way to hang "Danger No Admittance" signs at some suitable distance. Probably alternating with "Private Property No Admittance" signage. Probably ought leave enough room at the back to get the mower in behind.

I'm advancing this notion based on a principal of restriction of risk, rather than property definition. While also considering expense to your father for what's a working property.
How would you have handled the situation? What would you suggest I do next time?
I've been in this rodeo...more than once.
I just tell them to call the Sheriffs department. The Deputy arrives, assesses my shooting range and determines no laws are being broken.
He then informs the complainants that everything is all good and I continue shooting.
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