Air Pistol Question

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beaucoup ammo

Sep 17, 2005
San Antonio
Can a C02 semi-auto with 410fps provide a good "sting in the rump" to a marauding tom cat / skunk / possum? Don't want to kill it..just make him think twice about coming into the yard.

I discussed this issue with a couple of guys here 3 weeks ago. Both gave me great ideas. However, as one pointed out correctly, aiming an air rifle in my yard isn't wise! From just a short distance, I could be shooting anything!

This is a $68 gas powered Pistol from I say 410 fps. I'll be taking my shots from 15 - 25 yrds.

Anyone have some advice? I'd appreciate it!

Suburban Small Game Guy
I'm one of those people who believes that if you are going to shoot something you'd better be intending to kill it. I've had to clean up far too many rescue animals with airgun pellets and such buried under the skin and it's UGLY.

If you think you have a problem now, imagine a WOUNDED critter prowling around because now it's going to be extremely unpredictable.

If you have a tomcat/possum/whatever problem and want a non-lethal way to solve it please PLEASE find another method.

Some possible suggestions...
For your stated purposes, I think that's a bit too much power. You might look at a basic Daisy or equivalent. I believe they only generate about 200 fps, which would sting a little, but not injure. That pistol will definitely injure, and could kill, but as Z stated, not cleanly.

Even an airsoft might scare them enough to stay away. BTW, scaring a skunk might not be the best idea either. ;)
Of course you're correct on that, Z. That's the last thing I'd want to do. It's a quandary. My outside guys are all neutered and a big tom comes by and beats the stuffing out of 'em and eats their chow.

I'll have to wack him with a clean shot. Not my first choice, but I'll be D***ed if he's going to continue beating up Ricky Bobby and Mr. Ears. Animal control won't sit around with me all day...and I'll catch my own cats if I put out a trap.
I'm thinking that maybe behavioral modification might be in order here. If the cat is doing this for the food then find a way to make the food inaccessible to it.

Of course if it's just a fighter lookin' for a fight then I -reluctantly- agree that an airsoft gun -might- be a deterrence but if you are really worried about protecting your cats as well then you should trap that other cat and take it to a shelter (or contact animal control about the issue, they might have good suggestions).

If you are willing to sit out all day with an airsoft gun then you could do the same with a trap or two. It'd be a pain but you'd get results.
Beeman produces pellets made of felt for cleaning an airgun bbl. Thye are also advertised for their pest-scooting properties.
A paintball gun dialed down to about 250fps should do the trick. At least it has worked with some dogs and doesn't cause any damage they can't lick or wash off.
Big C. that sounds like the answer. A way to "dial" up the appropriate fps is perfect. No serious wound..yet a clear thump to stay away!

Thank you all for the input.
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