Airgun Academy blog

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Mar 27, 2013
Anyone who doesn't know about this already, please check it out. Today there’s an interesting article on scragging airgun springs over at the Pyramyd Air ‘Airgun Academy’.

The author, Tom Gaylord, is a respected airgun journalist with more credentials than can be recounted here. His blog is very informative and is something I read daily (new articles are posted about midnight Eastern Time, weekends excluded). The blog “Focuses on new and old airguns, including articles and discussion” but that only scratches the surface. Fact is, you never know what the subject will be- he might cover a new airgun one day, then an antique or classic airgun the next. Or the subject may be ammo, tools, airgun shows, new products- but always something interesting. On the page I linked to above, check out the subjects under the “Categories” heading on the right side of the page to see what I mean. I’m still reading archived articles that catch my eye and I use the search function there if I want to see what his opinion is of a gun or pellet, etc. because he’s reviewed so many over the years. It would probably take years to read it all!
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