Alright Lets See Those Assault Rifles

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Wait - You didn't *intentionally* refer to your homeland defense rifle by that made-up, bogus phrase of the antis, designed to demonize us among the fence-sitters out there, and actually put it in a thread TITLE, now did you?


It really bothers me what the mass media and ignorant politicians have done to our lexicon.

An "assault rifle" is a select fire intermediate caliber rifle.

An "assult weapon" is a made up gun-grabbing political term, based upon absurdly arbitrary definitions.

And, now we have people on a gun forum calling an "evil looking" semi-automatic an "assault rifle", even though it most certainly is not.


Hmmm.....Maybe the OP is a Brady Bunch operative? :scrutiny:

I don't see any reason to avoid using the term "assault rifle." America is a free country. The day I feel like I have to avoid using certain words to describe a collection of wood, metal and plastic will be the day I run for congress.
The Second Amendment protects our rights to own ASSAULT RIFLES and nothing else, as far as I am concerned. There's nothing in there about hunting or plinking.
Here is my ASSAULT RIFLE. I am rather fond of it.
ok i could see the p90 or the aug but the baretta ??? NOT, or even close to an assult rifle
danny in japan...

spoken like a true american!

i understand everyone who doesnt want to fuel the psychos who wish to see us with less rights....

but it is ridiculous...

"stand by your guns"

here is my "antique relic" that would still knock your socks off...

Nice Garand, dude. She looks well-used. I wish I had one like that.
Every Garand-type rifle makes me blush. I love every type and variant.
That khukuri has some antler-handled tools in the sheath: a smaller knife, file, sharpener, tweezers, awl, etc..
My M48 assault rifle.....

and my M39 assault rifle.....

8mm and 7.62x54R do the trick, too!!:neener:

FWIW, the M39 is a 1941 Valmet (VKT) build on a '96 Tula. THAT rifle probably took out a few Russkies!

Adam Lee
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And, now we have people on a gun forum calling an "evil looking" semi-automatic an "assault rifle", even though it most certainly is not.
We also have people on a gun forum calling paramilitary rifles evil looking even though they most certainly are not. I think the semantics are getting rather boring. Danny in Japan has it right.
Thanks Thumper.

You know I've always loved that Bushy of yours. How are you liking the EOTech magnifier?
Thanks Thumper.

You know I've always loved that Bushy of yours. How are you liking the EOTech magnifier?

Thanks, bro. I love the magnifier! I was surprised when I got it as to how well it really did work (for me). I still need to take the new bipod to the range and try it out.
I don't understand why people make a fuss about the term "assault rifle". That's what I call them all the time ("Stuermgewier" in my language ;)). "Self-loading military type rifle" is just too long IMO...

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