Am I a Fudd?

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"Fudd = hunter who doesn't believe in live and let live". Well, I believe in live an let live to a certain extent - once it's in my "sniper" scope though, it's die, sucker! I love all types of guns, I especially enjoy shooting large caliber, big booming shoulder breakers and hand manglers. Semi auto handguns are too much fun, but revolvers are my field gun of choice. I don't own any semi auto long guns, as I like the consistent accuracy of a bolt gun over the semi auto rifles that I have shot. But all guns are cool with me, except in the hands of criminals and idiot Rambo types. Tactical attitudes are for law enforcement, but if tactical gear is your bag, go for it. Tactical firearms, though, are for any that can own them. Like I said originally, here in California it just seems like too much work and expense to keep ahead of the ever changing regulations. Are Keltecs in the "black rifle" category? Almost bought one, but didn't like the seemingly crappy manufacturing and fit. Anyway, glad that while I'm a "traditionalist" preferring a beautiful wood stock sitting under a blued barrel and action of a bolt or lever gun over synthetics, I do own a few tupperware handguns. No Glocks, though. They don't fit me well. Thanks for the reassurances and the welcome. Peace and God bless, Wolfsong.

Sounds like you like blued-steel and walnut rifles, among other things. I like polymer autoloading pistols, among other things. Neither of us have a political problem with the other's preferences. Put 'er there, pal! :)
Wolfsong, welcome to THR. I guess I'm an oddball with my old S&Ws - newest one is from the early 70s - semi auto shotgun in blued steel & walnut, stainless 1911 with hardwood grips, wonder nine blued BHP with walnut grips, and blued steel & walnut Marlin Camp Carbine. I like 'em all. I reckon I'm another "gun whore." :cool:

If any of your buddies in Cali want an AR this will help
No, you're not.

To me, a Fudd is a hunter who only uses traditional hunting equipment, most often a wood stocked, blued steel, bolt action rifle. He looks down at, and criticizes anyone using anything different and modern, the more aluminum and plastic, the more he hates it. And pistol grips and high capacity magazines makes him want you tossed off the range, or out of the woods, on your ear, never to return.

He believes the 2nd Amendment is all about keeping bolt action rifles for hunting. He's more than willing to toss you off the sled to the wolves behind in order to keep his gun and his sport safe. He's no friend to the shooting community at large or the 2nd Amendment. He IS a friend to the Brady bunch, he'll give them ammunition to use against other shooters for a false promise that they'll leave his gun and his sport alone. He clings to this notion like a drowning man clinging to a capsized boat even after they've labeled his gun a "sniper rifle" and ganged up with PETA to pass anti hunting legislation.

Zumbo has to be the epitome of a Fudd.

I'm 49 and have owned, and still do own, traditional guns. Lever and bolt rifles, single and double action revolvers. It's only been recent, the last few years, that I've been interested in military style rifles and have acquired several AR's, a few AK's, an FAL and a Daewoo DR200. Oh, and several WWII bolt action rifles as well. Oh, and a few Glocks too. I haven't hunted in years, but if I was going hog hunting tomorrow I'd probably still take the Winchester 94 and a .44 mag revolver. But I'd be just as comfortable with the AR and a 10mm Glock. Or for that matter, an SMLE and a Webley 455 revolver.

Looking down on someone, or ostracizing them, due to their choice of weapons is foolish as most are excellent people that own excellent weapons, and they're people you'll need on your side in the upcoming battle to keep your hunting rifles. Disliking them due to the way they dress or the way their weapons look (as in NOT like your own) is both small minded and short sighted.

We will all stand together or most assuredly, we will all hang separately. Fudds just can't seem to comprehend that simple idea.

You're probably like me, I've never met a gun I didn't like. Long, short, wood, plastic, etc, etc. I like them all and I want to make sure we can continue owning them all.
I don't have a problem with fighting against "Fudds", if someone cannot be educated, we should concentrate on who can be. What I take exception to is the term "Fudd". It's too easy for a non-Fudd hunter to come to these boards and think that we are talking about all hunters. Likewise, it is too easy for new shooters to think the same way, and either be turned off from our cause because they are hunters themselves, or worse. Worse would be new shooters get the impression that we look down on all hunters, and take that attitude with them to turn off more hunters in our name.

Come on people. . . Fudd conjures up images of a stupid bumbling hunter. Do you really want to adopt a term that requires an asterisk and a disclaimer at the bottom of every post?

What has happened this week is unprecedented. Right now we probably have more RKBA shooters lurking on more hunting-only boards and than any other time in history. The converse is also likely true: more hunters who never gave the 2A a thought before are lurking on 2A and RKBA boards than ever before. Zumbo might have split us, but he brought us together instead. The many different groups of gun owners are feeling each other out right now. Before that time fades, we should use the opportunity to try for more cohesion between us. We need to put our best foot forward now more than ever. I don't think our best foot forward involves using a term that could so easily be misinterpreted.

To borrow a phrase from the antis "If it helps just one hunter who never thought about how RKBA relates to them to come to our side, it will be worth it."
I checked and Zumbo apparently now has a definition :)


Someone that doesn't care what happens to something of yours as long as they are able to keep what they love.

Also: Somebody living a lie for extended periods of time.

That dude zumboed me when he threw my seeing eye cat at the Wal-mart greeter, so he could steal a friggin GI JOE.


I thought my bud was down, turns out he's just a Zumbo.
If you answer the following question with a "yes" then you are.
Do you care what type of guns i legally own or why i want to own them?
Hope that helps, but from your original post i would say no.

Sounds like you like blued-steel and walnut rifles, among other things. I like polymer autoloading pistols, among other things. Neither of us have a political problem with the other's preferences. Put 'er there, pal!

Well said
Fudds tell me what I need and don't need when it comes to guns. They are they "elitists" of the gun world. I protect your rights everytime I stand up for my EBR, get off your butt and protect mine. Your bolt action isn't far behind my AR-15 and we will sink or swim together. If you understand what I'm saying, you aren't a Fudd.
At first I thought this term was related to FUD -- Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt -- a term computer nerds love to use about entities like Microsoft (and now the Bush Administration, et. al., since they all seem to have become ultra liberals) spreading misinformation to scare people from the One True Path. I got confused because someone wrote "FUDD" in all caps. Funny how they turned out to be kind of related.
No, You're Not A Fudd

It is someone who has believed himself to be right for so long, that any other opinion is just flat wrong; someone who manifests an inability to change their mind (another way to say "grow"). Does he really think anything no steel and walnut has no place in his hunting world? Of course he does. Is he sorry he actually said it? Of course he is. Does he still believe it? Absolutely.

In another forum I said, the 2nd Amendment was never about hunting...the founding fathers made it about defense...personal and/or organized defense when necessary, and believed an unarmed citizen was nothing more than a subject.

So, since the Constitution addresses and protects self defense and not hunting, perhaps hunting should be's an old fashioned and savage thing, in this day of supermarkets...still, there's something to this "sport" of hunting...perhaps hunting hunters would be a more interesting Outdoor Life...a new reality show about an unacceptable minority...persecute them! :mad: prosecute them! :fire: persue them! :cuss: Let's get the audience reaction!

P.S.: Someone said let's replace Fudd with Zumbo. Excellent idea.
Bolt-Action Rifles

...used to be considered common, low-class, military cannon-fodder weapons here, until about 90 years ago, when all those common folks came home from the Great War, and wanted to shoot what they were familiar with, from the Army.

I do believe the lever action was the American favorite, up until then.

Which is even funnier, because the Henry lever-action piece was arguably the first assault rifle, that is, something firing an intermediate-power cartridge very rapidly and repeatably.

The Henry was invented to shoot *people*.

To be more explicit: The bolt-action rifle was not invented for sportsmen to kill game, but for humans to kill humans.

As was the rifle scope. Yep, Mr. Zumbo needs to think some more.
A fudd would be a hunter who feels that "black rifles" and such are unsporting and have no place in the hands of civilians. Such a person may also think gun control groups will be appeased if such firearms are banned, and will not therefore come after their own hunting guns. In general, while they are gun owners they have no knowledge or concern about the 2nd Amendment beyond being able to partake of their particular sport.

At least, that's how I'd define it.

Sounds good to me!

Now, I don't hunt. I also don't own an AR or an AK. Not that I'd rule it out, but I don't have any plans to BUY an AR or an AK in the immediate future.

Though I do own an "assault rifle," an SKS. And my brother, a MAK-90 - a copy of the "terrorist" AK-47. So I guess I do have something "personally" against the sentiment that the guns I own make me an evil person....
A Fudd is the guy who goes out to the range the Saturday before opening day. He's wearing a dirty blaze orange baseball cap and a flannel shirt with yesterday's breakfast eggs on the front. He's carrying a bottom of the line bolt action Remington from Wal-Mart that he cleans every season with a shot of WD-40 down the barrel and a box of ammo he bought two seasons ago with ten rounds left.

He duct tapes a paper plate to the 50 yard target stand and sends three rounds downrange. Two hit somewhere on the plate. He smiles and says "Yup, she's still sighted in." He picks up his rifle and seven rounds of ammo leaving his brass and paper plate for someone else to clean up.

As he walks out he passes the guy with the $3500 AR that he's spent 4 years tuning, punching dime-sized holes at 200 yards. Fudd says to him "Those guns are for drug dealers and should be outlawed. Nobody needs a machine gun."

Those folks really do exist. A lot of them.

Yes, that is a classic redneck Fudd, seen many around here, but there are also many very well off Fudds, who own top of the line rifles or shotguns. I know several that shoot clay sports with their $6,000+ shottys but would never consider owning a semi-auto rifle or handgun. I met one at a local rifle range some years ago who drove a new Range Rover, had a custom built Weatherby with a Swaroski scope. He hated me firing my Ruger Revolver and even had the gall to state handguns should be banned. Fudds come from all classes of society. There are some that own all types of firearms but still believe in strict gun laws. Basicaly it is mindset that if a gun does not have sporting purpose then it is should be banned.
Question answered. We really need to move on to more important things. The next couple of years are going to require solidarity among gun owners of all persuasions.

I find it to be a good thing that this incident has helped to illustrate the level of power the gun culture can exercise when we put our minds and effort into it. It's a lesson that we shouldn't lose sight of.
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