Am I being paranoid?

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I say, too paranoid. Don't let THEM influence you. If so, THEY have won. I will not willingly let them win.

Yes you have reason to be concerned. Buy more ammo, buy more guns. In their face. We still have the 2nd Amendment (well except, CA, NY, MA, CT, MD, etc)

Join Date: July 21, 2006
Posts: 2

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Yes, you are paranoid, of course that doesn't mean they aren't out to get you.

"The State" already has, or has access to everything about you so why worry about it now. They can send a simple letter to your ISP and get access to everything ever done on the internet from your computer, they can read your texts, listen to your phone calls..

Now that's not the same as saying they are doing it, but they can, and they do it to people all the time for various reasons.

Probably overstating your perspective and actions.

Cautious, wary, suspicious? Absolutely and rightly so.

Given the actions of info miners lately, if it is a thing about you that you'd rather not have open to public scrutiny due to some notoriety seeking info-ferret - then I say pass it up.

If however you live in a state that does not allow un-licensed concealed carry and the carrying of a concealed firearm is important to you, what the hay, get 'er done.

Here in Arizona you don't need the states permission to carry concealed but having a CCW lets you smooth a purchase from a FFL considerably so it's still worth it in my opinion.

Info-truffle-pigs notwithstanding.
I don't know, but sometimes I run stuff on multiple forums to get a consensus of answers to gauge with.
Same here; cars, 4WDs, motorcycles and a couple of others.

Nothing wrong with gathering a consensus.

I think it's funny how often I will post in one place and have a fella in a vetted military site comment on having seen it elsewhere.

Then again maybe it's no more odd than and in fact contemporarily appropriate to talking to a guy in the barbershop back in the day and then running into him later in a bar patronized by like minded individuals.
Have you seen the OP's apartment complex? They have a really nice outdoor pool in the inner quad... fenced, kinda oddly kidney bean shaped, very clear& clean looking. I would NOT be holed up in my third floor apartment using the computer on a day like today, those upper floors are SO hard to keep cool and well circulated.

He doesn't even have to take the stairs, they have elevators. No excuse not to get out on a Saturday.
I say, too paranoid. Don't let THEM influence you. If so, THEY have won. I will not willingly let them win.

Yes you have reason to be concerned. Buy more ammo, buy more guns. In their face. We still have the 2nd Amendment (well except, CA, NY, MA, CT, VA, etc)

How did Virgina get on that list of shame? Maryland and Washington DC are missing, but pro-gun Virgina does not belong. Virginia has Open Carry, Concealed Carry, Shall Issue, State Preemption of locally enacted gun laws, No registration, and it's legal to transfer to without asking for permission.

Maryland just became significantly worse a few days ago too.

Yes you should take the class, the more people on the "list" the harder it is going to be to "harvest" "us". Join us all on the "list". Once you have a permit, you become harder to "harvest". ;)

Relax pal. "They" aren't that good.....

steelerdude said:
How did Virgina get on that list of shame? Maryland and Washington DC are missing, but pro-gun Virgina does not belong. Virginia has Open Carry, Concealed Carry, Shall Issue, State Preemption of locally enacted gun laws, No registration, and it's legal to transfer to without asking for permission.

Maryland just became significantly worse a few days ago too.


I remember reading about MD and not even sure why I typed VA. I'm sorry. I edited my post. My mistake!! Stay strong!
Thanks for all of the thoughtful replies.

It was/is an attempt to get get some serious input on the subject before I took the class & registered with the state.

And yes, I did post the same query on USA Carry. The responses here were, in general, more thoughtful & serious & I appreciate that.

I've decided to go ahead with the class.
OP --- the English philosopher John Locke (1632-1704) wrote and spoke on the Rights of Man. This includes the right to protect oneself from predators at all levels. John Locke's work was read and was a major force behind the move for independence in America in the 1770s. Many Americans in the colonies gave their lives to defend those natural human rights.

If such questions come to you in the future, you may want to ask yourself - -

"What would John Locke have said, and done ?"
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I was registered to take my CWP class on Friday 5/17 but I canceled. I canceled out of fear. Fear of the State. Fear that with this new piece of information about me the State would make me a target. A target of taxing authorities, gun confiscators, newspaper publishers, left wing political groups, ......the list goes on. Will the Obamacare hospitals & doctors deny me treatment because I'm a CWP holder? Or will I just be put on the wait list and never make it to the top?

The State willingly leaks our info to whoever their political friends happen to be. The State uses our info to attack us with audits & harassment.

I don't need that. I don't need any of it. I'm under their radar now. Maybe I should stay there.

Or am I just being paranoid?
You don't have to be paranoid to know they are out to get you.
I'm not paranoid - they really ARE out to get me - the voices in my head told me so.... :D

If you spend your life worrying about what MIGHT happen, maybe, some time in the future, you are missing out on something very important - LIFE. You only get one shot at it - stop worrying and start enjoying
On the other hand, perhaps you SHOULDN'T own a gun. However, tin foil is on sale at Wal-Mart this week. I'd recommend the heavy duty.....
johnlocke, This might not be germane to your concerns, but I was concerned about the FBI fingerprint/background check in the same way. I assumed my prints would be in a database where none were before. Then I started thinking about it more and realized, due to my traveling for my job, usually via air and often internationally, the information is already "there." You frequently have to give finger/thumb prints to enter the USA these days. It eased my mind about whether I was adding too much risk by getting in a database. I still worry about the encroachments to our privacy that keep going on.-JJ
Paranoid??? I don't think so, there's probably good reason for your concern. Now, have you ever filed taxes, got a DL, had a PO box, used a bank etc... You're already on the radar :) ... Now that they know who you are let them know what you are about! Buy the guns and fill out the 4473 (so they have one more to add to those HUGE gun buyer stas we've seen this year) and ammo to boot. Take the class and get your CWP...

I used to the "private type". I got my CWP and CC'ed thinking it "gave me some sort of tactical advantage". I didn't let folks know I was a "gun guy" and frankly I was just living in the shadows as a firearms owner... Then I realized I was doing EXACTLY what the ANTI's wanted me to do. If folks don't "SEE" guns for awhile it makes them easier to get rid of in the future... So I went from CC to OC, got involved with gun rights in general on a local and state level, started inviting folks to shoot with me etc etc.... It feels good to RoCk It LiKe UnClE TeD and let the world know "I LIKE GUNS" and its more than ok it's our RIGHT and not everyone has to agree with it but the RIGHT must be respected...
I understand his feelings. They are there in the background... Gun Forums, Facebook, most things put you on some list. I have to be on the IRS list from their actions, and people I am involved with. In Texas you have to use a thumb print to get and renew your D.L. I do not remember if you were finger printed when you got your "draft card" in late 60's early 70's

You can bet there are members or bots on every type of forum, social media their is. You can not delete your Facebook stuff, it is always somewhere

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