Am I being paranoid?

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Jul 21, 2006
I was registered to take my CWP class on Friday 5/17 but I canceled. I canceled out of fear. Fear of the State. Fear that with this new piece of information about me the State would make me a target. A target of taxing authorities, gun confiscators, newspaper publishers, left wing political groups, ......the list goes on. Will the Obamacare hospitals & doctors deny me treatment because I'm a CWP holder? Or will I just be put on the wait list and never make it to the top?

The State willingly leaks our info to whoever their political friends happen to be. The State uses our info to attack us with audits & harassment.

I don't need that. I don't need any of it. I'm under their radar now. Maybe I should stay there.

Or am I just being paranoid?
I was registered to take my CWP class on Friday 5/17 but I canceled. I canceled out of fear. Fear of the State. Fear that with this new piece of information about me the State would make me a target. A target of taxing authorities, gun confiscators, newspaper publishers, left wing political groups, ......the list goes on. Will the Obamacare hospitals & doctors deny me treatment because I'm a CWP holder? Or will I just be put on the wait list and never make it to the top?

The State willingly leaks our info to whoever their political friends happen to be. The State uses our info to attack us with audits & harassment.

I don't need that. I don't need any of it. I'm under their radar now. Maybe I should stay there.

Or am I just being paranoid?

Somewhat paranoid … First off no mention of which of the fifty states you are in. I gleaned that you are NOT likely in one of where firearms are heavily restricted, as you would not have the option of taking such a class and eventually getting a conceal carry permit. Some states are worse than others on as to if permit holders names and addresses are public or not.

Secondly ... to self-restrict because what others may think or may know? That would seem is just want the anti-gun crowd wants you to do.


PS: If you want to stay "under their radar", posting here is not a good idea.
"PS: If you want to stay "under their radar", posting here is not a good idea."

Good point.
Paranoid? YES!

Do you need to be? Not generally

You don't list your state of residence so there is no telling.

California, New York? You shud be.

Texas, don't worry about it
Are you being paranoid? Yes
Should you be paranoid? Probably
Nothing you can do about a government out of control but vote so take your class and live your life.
That's crazy enough that you should examine the other aspects of your life and decide if you need professional help for an anxiety disorder.


Stop pulling people's legs like that.
South Carolina isn't a state that would worry me that much, man.

Myrtle Beach is gorgeous this time of year! Get out of the apartment for awhile, get some sunshine! Maybe you'll feel better. It's Saturday!
Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they aren't trying to put you on a list.

Seems to be a lot of listing going on by the government these days.

You'll have to balance privacy against the license, and decide which matters more.
Do you encrypt your email? Do you mask your browsing and disable your cookies? Do you require the cashier to check your ID every time you use your debit card? DO YOU GO AROUND ON PUBLIC MESSAGE BOARDS EXPRESSING YOUR DISTASTE FOR INTRUSIVE GOVERNMENT? There are a lot of things you should worry about which have a much higher likelihood of biting you in the butt than having a carry permit.

My mom was hanging out with some of her tin foil hat friends, and she decided she was going to get rid of her cell phone. I asked her why, and she said that she was worried about being spied on. I asked her; "What's more likely? That the government is worried about and aware of the cell phone traffic of a seinor citizen music professor, or that you will get a flat tire in the snow, and you won't be able to call me?"

She kept the phone.
One can argue both sides to this.

Perhaps it could be considered wiser to try to stay off the radar and never do anything to draw attention. Of course, that would imply that no records exist or ever existed of your firearm purchases. And perhaps that is true for you - maybe everything you own was the result of inheritance or a private sale.

But, what kind of freedom can you be said to possess if you need to be that discreet?

Furthermore, if enough people are noisy and public about their support for a proper respect for the 2nd Amendment in general and a 'natural rights' philosophy in general, if may well give those who would abridge those freedoms pause.
We are all on lists everywhere.
There are even people who know that you like spam and dinty moore stew because you used your safeway card.
The bank and all their buddies know how and where you spend your money.
The phone company knows who you call...
The list of lists goes on forever, and no one is really under the radar.

So if you want the permit, get it. It's not like there's only a few people who have one on a very short list somewhere.
It's growing every day.
I don't need that. I don't need any of it. I'm under their radar now. Maybe I should stay there.

Or am I just being paranoid?

Yes, you're being paranoid.

(And with only two posts in seven years, you need to post more often!!)
Interesting observation that a poster from MO said paranoid. MO gave the feds their lists of CCW licenses. Why was the fed even asking?

Paranoid, yes. But are you paranoid enough?
Two reasons you should hold a license to carry, if one is available:

1) Getting caught carrying without one is a felony in many states. Not only would you be disallowed from lawful ownership of firearms in the future (along with all the other perks of being a convicted felon), you would also count as a statistical gun crime. That does not help our cause.

2) Having a carry license not only affords you the lawful authority to actually carry, it also counts you statistically as an armed citizen, which is helping our cause. The more we can demonstrate that there are scads of lawfully-armed citizens milling about with no resulting mass-bloodshed, the stronger our argument remains.
Are you being paranoid?
IMO: No.

I feel the same way.

My state doesn't need to charge me a fee ($132.50 + $10 - $15 for passport photo) plus $75 - $125 for the CCW class & application). Plus another $25 every four years to keep it.

To see I have never broken any other law in 69 years, served 6 years in the military, and can hit a 18"x18" cardboard target at 5 feet with one hand.

Just to allow me the right to protect myself against a law-breaker who doesn't have a CCW either.

Protecting yourself is not a States right after all.
All animals do it when cornered.
And I'm getting to old to fight bare handed fang & claw like a cornered animal.

That's my story, and I'm sticking too it.

If push comes to shove, and I have to use a gun I am not allowed to carry?
We will let the courts sort it out.

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"PS: If you want to stay "under their radar", posting here is not a good idea."

Good point.

And it seems that's the last we'll hear of him. I think he tossed his computer out the window and wrapped the whole house in tin foil. :p

Seriously though, I can assure you you're not under the radar. Regardless, what's the point of having rights if you're afraid of exercising them.
Might as well just hand the guns in already if all they're gonna do is sit in your closet with you afraid of who might see or know about them.
Terry (Amateur Radio Operator W8EJO?), as mentioned above, seek professional help for your disorder. Personally, you sound like you aren't ready to carry. From one communicator to another (see my sig).

Get out and participate in the next Myrtle Beach ham radio field day! Get around people! See they aren't peering from their cloaks with daggers hidden in hand.

When you see there is nothing to fear, and the only people who are out to get you are those that are conjured in your own thinking, get the license and declare yourself a card carrying anti victim!

Even if you aren't a ham by the apparent early post, makes no difference. Get help. Get the license.
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Paranoia is a word that has seemingly lost all meaning. It refers to a delusion in which people are trying to harm you. Schizophrenics can have paranoia. It is therefore not paranoia in any way, shape, or form, to be adverse to what is real. Anyone who tells you that people aren't out trying to ban guns, demonize gun owners, or even hurt gun owners, is the one with the delusions.

I did what you are doing for many years. I lived in a pretty gun-friendly state where a permit to conceal was only required in city limits. Well, it was a very rural state that allowed open carry; and it was relatively socially acceptable to do so. I did not feel it necessary, or even productive, to get my name on the books that way.

However, then I moved to a less-friendly state. Open carry invites harassment. A permit is needed to conceal regardless of the circumstances. On top of that, I now had several kids to think about. If I go to jail for a felony (that is a minor misdemeanor likely to be dropped in my former state), then I could lose my job. Worse, I'd be setting a terrible example to my kids. I'm all for civil disobedience when necessary, but seeing their Dad in jail and not being able to get the essentials they need due to loss of job would be too much. I caved and got my permit.

My opinion could not be more clear. What's been termed "Constitutional Carry" is the only way to go. The permit system has cleared the way for some benefits, but it's still a permit. It's conceding that we are weak and powerless, and that we must ask permission from our omnipotent overlords. Punish wrongs, not prevent rights.
If you want to fly under the radar ditch the cellphone, stop using debit cards and credit cards.
Don't drive a car. With technology the way it is plate readers can effectively track your movements.
Use a bicycle instead
Stay off the Internet .
Hang around with like minded people.

Just because you're paranoid it doesn't mean they're not after you.
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