Americas Army Ops

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Dec 27, 2002
Considering this is a game that utilizes some very good firearms models, I'd like to know how many users here play and what their player-names are, their favorite maps, and how well they think the firearms simulate the real thing.

I'm {M4H}Huckleberry and my favorite map is Radio Tower, and with the release of v1.9, Mountain Pass SE.
Yep...I'm a fan. I Play under M700Police. Favorite map is Weapons Cache. Can't wait until 2.0 comes out.....special forces and modded M4's. Neato. :cool:
[SnM]Bravo11 here. 27 Honor.
Most of my time is in SE Weapons cache but I like River Basin and Pipeline.
I die alot in Insurgent Camp, Bridge is too boring, and Mountain Pass is too big. When is someone going to start the THR clan?:D
[SnM]Sniper Newt is my player name. I'm running with megcatia usually in S/E Weapons Cashe and River Basin. Since I've never actually shot any of the weapons on there, I can't relate them to reality... sorry.

I'm all for getting that THR clan going!!

I was just wondering what would happen if I shot a drill seargent, so I shot the guy at the table where you first get your rifle. His body laid there for days and I was never caught :evil:
I use the same name. I typically play for the first few weeks after a new version, because every angle of the new map(s) have not yet been memorized.

I used to love FLS Defense, until they ruined it. I wish they'd fix it and bring it back. Bridge SE and Mountain Pass are probably some of my favorites.
What is the first online game/map you have to play after completing basic training, a Mout Mckenna Miles game right? I can't get into a darn online game to save my life with this 1.9.0, there are barely any servers to choose from anyway.

I used to play this awhile back but lost my account info, and can't remember the info to have them resend it to me so I started over on a new character. I've done all the training, qualified expert and did the advanced rifleman training stuff, but now I can't get in an online game to save my life. About to delete this crap again... What am I doing wrong? The old menu system used to tell you what game type/maps you needed to complete, now there is nothing like that that I can see...
The whole interface has been revamped. There are no longer maps that you have to "complete". There are training course tabs at the top of the screen. They have introduced a "Medic" class to the game and made "Mountain Pass" MUCH more fun.

There are no Official servers up now because the v1.9 game was leaked early. Most people can not get onto a server for that very reason. They should have the Official AAO servers online fairly soon.

All of the servers that I have played on have been private ones that have posted their IP.

Destructo6, I think I have seen you around.

I'll keep an eye out for you guys! (Through a scope if you are Opfor! :D)
I play by the name {THR}Maj_Murder4Hyre, mostly on German servers, but where I get a good ping mostly.

I still haven't downloaded 1.9, but plan to tonight.
I use Kharn whenever I play AA, I try to get Weapons Cache SE or Pipeline or the one where the OpFor is set up in that big building with the computer in the tower and another in the basement (cant remember the name), but I'll try other stuff. Except Radio Tower. I hate that map, it seems to take 10 minutes walking around to just find the enemy...

[Edit, after looking at the patch size] WHOA! The 1.7.0 to 1.9.0 patch is 322 megs. I'm glad I have a cable modem, now the full download is 602 megs. I feel sorry for you dialup guys.


Friend of mine haunts Mountain Pass as badreno1. I take over for him two or three times a week.

Mountain Pass is fun, but it heavily favours defense. A half-baked defense team can clobber a really sharp assault team 9 times out of ten.

Mountain Pass SE has changed that near as I can see. It seems to be evenly balanced between assault and defense, with the quality of your teamwork being the deciding factor. I like that.

What did they do to Mountain Pass SE? Did they make more routes and such, like Bridge SE? Bridge SE was awesome for the first few weeks, when Defense guys insisted on playing as though it was the original, and dying lickety split.

I qualified for Medic on AA:O, but haven't been able to use it as yet, because of the aforementioned server issue.

BF 1942: Secret Weapons of WWII demo came out today, so I've been playing that to console myself.
JFYI, the official servers are up and running. But, you must set the minimum honor level to 9 or above to see them in the server browser window.

The map you are refering to is Insurgent Camp.

Mountain Pass SE, is much more balanced, as LawDog said, and if you go to the forums you can read up on practicing with the single player AI's and some of the other weapons that are not yet implemented in the game, like incendiary grenades! :D

See you online!
[RuCKuS]BlitzX I don't know the maps yet cause I'm deployed and the MWR connection isn't good enough to play an actual game. I did qualify on everything I could though.

Is the {THR} indicative of your membership here, or is it an already established clan?

If is the former, I propose that we establish a casual clan under that moniker. If not, then a different delimiter would work.

[THR], instead for our own.

Really, the only thing it would do, for now, would be to tell others here that you are a board member, and indicate some common interests when you see someone else with that tag in front of their name.

There has been some interest in this expressed already. How many others would like to do this?
I was mistaken, my username for America's Army is simply Murder4Hyre, for battlefield 1942 it is {THR}Maj_Murder4Hyre. My Mistake.

I wouldn't mind joining a THR clan, but my use of it in Battlefield was indicative of The High Road membership. Also since I am in Germany, my connection to a server in the states would likely suffer, but I do have DSL to try to make up for it.

Anyone have the ability of running or owning a server for the clan?
If I can figure out how to serve a game from my machine, I'll give it a go.

For now, I'm going to change my name to {THR}Huckleberry (because the clan I belong to now, is pretty much dead!), just so that if I run into anyof you in a game, you'll know where I'm from! ;)

Everyone else is invited to join... maybe it will go beyond just a casual identification of commonality.

An informal clan would be good. Right now I'm in [SnM] but that is used only to identify to other members.
I would be willing to change to [THR] to id to other THR members.
Next time I log in I will change my name to [THR]_Bravo11.
See you all at SE Weapons Cache.:D
Sign me up for Clan [THR]! I've never felt like jumping into any of the TFL/THR clan proposals before due to how much I loathe Counterstrike and Battlefield 1942...and that's all anyone wants to play.

Now AA (or even Flashpoint) would be a THR experience you could sink your teeth into. It would be especially cool if we had enough people for both Red and Blue [THR] squads that could play each other. That way we could cut down on the amount of pre-pubescent angst we all had to deal with.

I'm sure someone around here could put up a dedicated server...

We'd need someone in charge of Clan [THR] as well as Blue and Red squad leaders...this could be really cool :)

- Gabe
I play as TX.45ACP. Weapons Cache has been my favorite map lately, but I haven't played in a couple weeks.

So, for the THR Clan, are we going to use square brackets [], or curly brackets {}?
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