Anderson he changing??

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May 4, 2012
I know it is wish full thinking but last night I was channel surfing and flipped across Anderson cooper 360. I rarely watch CNN and when I do it is just for minutes to get a jist of topic of the day. Last night he had the mother and sister on of the gentleman (name slips me) that put a monkey wrench in the shooting of the police officers and into Walmart the other day. Anderson actually did that entire interview very good. Praised her son for what he did. Commented that her son was a C.C. carrierer. Asked how often he carried. And even said thank God he had one with him this day...may have saved many lives.

Really made my jaw drop for a minute. Hopefully more follow suit and actually try and start reporting truths instead of headlines but not going to hold my breath.
Nice thought but as they say a tiger doesn't change his stripes easily. That was most likely a momentary lapse into sane consciousness.
Yeah he's changed....his clothes.

It would be in poor taste and unpopular if he would have slammed their deceased loved one for playing hero.

Really what's done is done and can't be rewound or taken back, his actions should be commended.
Just ratings. Good ratings to get the person on, and there would have been a huge backlash if he condemned anything about the way he managed to help.

On the plus side, this means he is now on the record as praising a gun owner. The next time he raises anything about that, it will be possible to dig this up.
I appreciate cynicism as much as the next guy, but this piece actually aired, Cooper was actually objective and even respectful, the impression it gives the public of CCW is excellent and argues that "our" people are folks you should trust and want with you in times of trouble.
It's great that they covered this angle of the story. Just a shame that this guy had to lose his life, but he acted selflessly and deserves as much thanks as he gets. Too many are disregarding him as a fool on CNN comments, so it's a little reassuring to see Anderson Cooper treating him and his family with the respect they deserve.
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