Another graphic (Guns Save Lives)

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Amazing work as always, Mr Volk. I'm impressed yet again by your talents.

It's a shame we over the puddle don't have people like you showing such messages of common sense.
Wow, Oleg, #2 is very powerful.

I think the way you worked "Choice" into the text works on several levels.
Maybe the message would even get through the thick skulls of the MM crowd.
Amazing work! Kudos!
Re: Bogie (her's)



Or am I losing all my grammatical prowess?
Don't be hard on yourself - this is one of the more common mistakes: "It's a possesive
so it must have an apostrophe."

Nope. Second person possesive (his, hers, its) do not have apostrophes.

"It's" is a contraction of "it is" and most contractions DO have apostrophes.

Yeah, Bogie's (possesive) does have an apostrophe.

Ain't engrish(!) fun?

Don't even get me started on there, their, and they're. Those are
constantly misused.

Sorry for the off-topic, and NO, I am not an english teacher.

So far, I had a number of attaboys on this and a couple of "these images would really harm the cause" from people whose judgement I respect.

I really like the second one. This is an emotional subject, and it evokes emotions while proving a rational point. We need a mix of media, and in the mix we need some stuff that really grabs at the viewer.
Oleg, you are a master. i hope you dont get madi copy your style when i try my hand at this, you are inspiring me, and i love playing with graphics.

the message is perfect, but i do have to agree with a few folks=
the look in the dead girl's eyes is too alive, she looks Very alert for a dead person. i think she was looking at the camera, she should be staring off blankly.

really good message, well worded.

WOW the other 2 are really great.
yes, the choice should be hers, great one.

the differnce between victim and survivor - AWESOME one, perfect!
(oh that must ne an oplder one?)
Richie Daley wanted to know what all the fuss was about since he has lots of armed body guards for his family; IL gov. Rod Blagojevich was aghast that someone would use the word rape where children might see it; Sen. Feinstein answered that she would use her own gun to prevent anything like that happening to her family; and Suck Chumer wanted to know why couldn't we all just be friends. Sen. Teddy referred all questions regarding rape to his nephew.
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