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Another Oleg attempt...

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Although used by the Soviets to opress it's people, it was also used to save them from the Nazi advance. I think it provides an excellent dualism as the subject.
point taken, i sometimes forget that mr volk's work is seen by the general public. and as smart as one man may be, people as a group are rather dull witted.

though Rabbi, i severely doubt that your average anti is going to take the time to ID the weapon in the picture, most that i have met simply lump them toghether into the evil dirty thing catagory and would rather not take the time to learn about it.
For if they allowed themselves to look beyond the politics and really look at a weapon, to hold it, to read the scars of wars past; the ability to hate a mere object may disappear, and familarity may breed, god-forbid, interest, and interest may lead to (say it aint so!!) another anti becoming a pro-gunner

i see this as the truest expression of freedom using the oppressors tools to strike back at them.

now this little belief of mine might be just a lil too deep for our target audience, but think back to all the nazi's killed with stolen wehrmacht arms in the warsaw ghetto uprising; in the hands of a jewish resistor, a MP40 becomes not a symbol of oppression, but a symbol of the true meaning of "Molon Labe"

OR (ever better)
How bout those finns, toting russian made rifles, machine guns, tanks into battle, holding off the soviet bear while outnumbered at every turn. what is a m/n then, hell make the rifle in the pic a mosin long rifle and use a lil quote about the finns.

or lets make it totally neutral ;) and use a swiss K 31, if thats not the symbol of an armed free people tell me what is.
....I feel a rampant rash of cliche-isms coming on...........

"I'll give up my gun when they pry it from my cold dead fingers"

"God's, guns, and Guts are what made America great. Let's fight to keep all 3"

.......oooh,oooh I just can't stop...............

"Ted Kennedy's car has killed more people then my gun"

.....please help me stop.....

"God Bless John Wayne"..........

....help me...I'm turning into a bumper sticker....
I give the original picture an A+++!!!

Maybe I shouldn't wake a snoozing thread.... but I will. :)

I think the picture is perfect, as is.

Simple, short, and to the point.

Some people way over think things. And some of the naysayers' comments were rather... void of merit.

Sure, there are a lot of ways you could change it, but those changes wouldn't make it better - only different.

In anycase - Carry on!

void of merit, you know what im going to start using that one

and i agree with dave, to use a phrase we have here at Nuclear Power School, "dont nuke it", (uttered when a student overthinks a question)
Nice job armored....I liked it the first way....hehehee :eek: ...stirrin the pot.....
I wish I had a place to shoot like that up here...nuthin in this town but dark, dirty indoor ranges...... :rolleyes: mack
You guys come on down to AZ, I'll show you the good spots...we have open carry too... :)
The Rabbi didn't comment on the next effort, so I guess it's more personal than professional, then. No problem.
Someday I'll get a decent camera, and try some real photgraphy.... :rolleyes:
Some of y'all must think we won World War II all by ourselves. :scrutiny:

History knows no greater display of courage than that shown by the people of the Soviet Union. - Henry L. Stimson, Secretary of War

We and our allies owe and acknowledge an ever-lasting debt of gratitude to the armies and people of the Soviet Union. - Frank Knox, secretary of the Navy

The gallantry and aggressive fighting spirit of the Russian soldiers command the American army's admiration. - George C. Marshall, Chief of Staff, U.S. Army

The scale and grandeur of the Russian effort mark it as the greatest military achievement in all history. - General Douglas Macarthur, Supreme Allied Commander of South-West Pacific

On the European Front the most important development of the past year has been the crushing offensive of the Great Armies of Russia... - President Franklin D. Roosevelt (April 29, 1942)

It's just a rifle for pity's sake.
It's an inanimate object. A tool. It has no free will.

My suggestion for a caption is,
"Freedom requires the proper tools."
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