Anti-gay protesters taunt war mom

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this "church" lead by Fred Phelps is going to be at my college the first week in April to protest the Gay Pride week that is held every year. It is people like them that make people point and say "See? that is why the christians are bad. They are all like that." Unfortunately for Phelps and company all the churches are supporting the group that put on Gay pride week every year to try and turn taht around to "see? This is what Christians are supposed to do."
I wonder how it feels to be just about THE most scorned men in America. Should I ever meet Phelps, I'll ask him.

Honestly? He probably revels in it. It feeds his sense of being the persecuted martyr.
Honestly? He probably revels in it. It feeds his sense of being the persecuted martyr.

So what you're saying is that if you whooped this guy's butt, you'd really be doing him a favor? Here's hoping that Phelps finds many, many kind souls willing to help feed his martyr complex.
Unfortunately for Phelps and company all the churches are supporting the group that put on Gay pride week every year to try and turn taht around to "see? This is what Christians are supposed to do."

How would that be bad for Phelps? That would only support his contention that anyone who doesn't "hate fags" as he does actually supports them. That is, that there are only two extremes, with no middle ground. The churches that occupy a middle ground that denounces homosexuality as a sin, meanwhile "loving the sinner and hating the sin," are the ones that demonstrate where Phelps is wrong.

I don't claim to know anything about the churches in your area, but I will assume some hyperbole in your claim that all of the churches are supporting a pride parade. If that is the case, it is a sad one indeed.

By the way, I said earlier that protesting at funerals is not protected speech. Jail would be tough love for Phelps. I should further add it is unfortunate that most on this thread are doing what Phelps wants us to do. That is, to hate.
I personally don't believe that a funeral is the place for ANY political message, right or left.

A funeral should NEVER be the place for protesters of any type....

No matter the politics, religion, sexual proclivity, or other factor of the deceased the mourning family should not have to endure such disrespect.

I agree with you both. This is just as bad as when Pennsylvania Lt. Governor Catherine Baker Knoll showed up uninvited to a Marine families’ funeral to hand out her business card and denounce the war the Marine believed in and died for. :fire:

Michael [Moore] brought in a busload of gay men…
I knew it. Michael Moore really is a c*ck s*cker. (Sorry, just couldn’t help myself with that one. :D )
Funny, but the day after I saw this thread CNN Headline news did a piece on these turds. Can't easily pick up quotes, so suffice to say God ain't gonna forgive this ....well, Fred. He's not Christian; worse than the Muslim extremists! Hurray for the Patriot Guard!!!!!!!!!!!
What I personally worry about is that a relative who is carrying, or a comrade-in-arms attending the funeral, faced with a statement like the one he made, might lose their temper and, faced with his red-faced bellowing leer, shoot him.

Which would be VERY bad for all of us, PRwise.
this "church" lead by Fred Phelps is going to be at my college the first week in April to protest the Gay Pride week that is held every year.

Here? Next week? Maybe talk someone into locking me up while he is in town.

Is it against the law to give away guns at a parade?

They were supposed to get here on the 1st "to protest against the sodomite whorehouses masquerading as churches" as Phelps put it. But in the paper today there was an article saying that they are not coming now because "they feel it is more important to be prepared to protest funerals that come up suddenly". I think they were just afraid of what the "brokeback Mountaineers" would do. I don't know whether I'm happy he isn't coming or upset that all the counter protest plans the SGA and BiGLT club had planned don't get to happen now. oh wel. mabey that's a good thing...I don't think Doug and Peggy would have liked having to arrest you.:evil:
Dont even get me started about the WBC. AAAAARRRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH! Ive done alot of research about these so called people :mad: and have heard numerous interviews with mainly the Pastors wife and at first its funny to hear the stuff that comes out of their mouths but soon after when you realize how sick they are and how much they believe some of the stuff they say it starts to make me sick. But dont worry at the funerals(almost all of them) of the fallen US soldiers they attend all over the country they have to deal with the Patriot Guard Riders when the affected family ask.
I think they are more concerned with somebody with their busses being burned. How does that t-shirt read?

"So-called" Christians, please

Please, everyone...they're not real Christians! They think they are, but they are not. I'd appreciate them being referred to as "so-called" or "pseudo-" Christians. These are the kind that give us a bad name and it ticks me off...almost as much as what they do to grieving families. Edited to add: I see it's already been said, but +1 to it.

+1 on the Tar Baby--I read somewhere that Phelps' daughter is an attorney. I could write a sci-fi story about a corrupt, phony preacher who gets the bright idea to cause a huge controversy, get himself attacked, then sues for millions to fund his "church"...but fiction has to make sense. Too bad reality doesn't.
unfortunately Tam, to many people, they ARE Christians. As long as you define "Christian" as "accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior", they're Christians...

Do they live in a "Christlike manner"? I don't think anyone here would say so. Then again, the folks running the Inquisition weren't, either: they were using religion as a way to improve their own fortunes. This isn't all that different...
if you want to get technical, "primitive Christianity" was probably closer to what exists today: more tolerant, and underground, but similar. The Inquisition was more in Christianity's heyday, at the height of the Church's power. And honestly, I think that's what Phelps wants to go back to...
The central tenant of the Christian church is the concept of grace, which is unconditional love and forgiveness. Without that, any so-called Christian religion is about as Christian as Scientology. Phelps clearly is not getting that concept.
Q: What's black & brown and would look good on Phelps?

A: A pair of rottweilers:evil:

Their day of reckoning will come, JC is not amused
Since someone brought up the "Inquisition" maybe we should call these people "Primitive christians".

Primitive, anyway. As I've said before, if the Almighty is happy for each soul you save, then what does He put in the tally-book for the ones you drive away? Some of this stuff - and it's not just Phelps, my early experience of Christianity was "People who want to hurt you because you aren't like them" - would make any decent person nauseated at the mention of Yeshua bin Maryam. Is he trying to send as many people as possible into perdition.

The Inquisition? They were a cold, calculating, relentless evil. This guy is just a raging buffoon.
Phelps and more than one of his children are attorneys.

Actualy Justin...Phelps was dissbarred for unethical practices. I find that interesting. He was dissbarred for unethical practices and became a "Baptist Minister".
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