Anti-gun spouses from Heck.

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Feb 22, 2003
Ok, who has the worst anti-gun spouse story? Anyone's ex-wife sell their favorite rifle in a garage sale for $5? Anyone's estranged spouse back over their favorite pistol with a truck and then pull forward and do it again?

My wife is anti-gun in the sense that she just wishes that they didn't exist, military, police, etc. She's never given me a hard time about buying guns except for the money factor. She doesn't shoot regularly, but she's gone a few times. Anyway, I was just looking to hear amusing stories about whose wife screwed them the worst. Anyone's husband anti?
My wife's never really screwed me, but she is very anti. Sees no reason whatsoever for machine guns. Hates guns in general. However, she has stopped insisting that I get my rifle out of the house, which is a good thing, I guess. The last 6 months or so, we've steadily been losing money, so new guns are sort of out of the question (in fact, I sold some guns that she didn't know about) but when the money situation improves when we move to a cheaper area, I'm imagining that she is going to hate the idea of me buying a pistol.

Could be worse

I've got a progun spouse. My guns keep dissappearing, and no matter how much I load, I always seem to be out of ammo.

My brother's ex however is a different story. Before she packed her bags and left, she took some JB wield to the barrel of his Colt Delta Gold Cup. Wicked, wicked woman.
Anti-gun Spouse

I used to be a very anti-gun spouse. I did not go to extremes like mentioned in the above post, but I would never let my husband keep guns in the house. That is until some strange man decided to follow my 6 year old home from the school bus stop. (the police and school did nothing) Then without my knowledge my husband bought me a 9 mm. A little Dae Woo and taught me to shoot. I became addicted. I no longer have the Dae Woo I actually now prefer my Ruger P90 (much better aim with that), and actually can impress the guys at the range. I guess all it took was one real scare to change my mind about law abiding citizens and guns.
Another Sgts wife is very anti - but she is also very short, and in 9 months has not noticed his AR15 atop the china cabinet - no joke!
My wife's never really screwed me
:uhoh: Gosh, jamz, that's gotta be rough... :D

I got lucky[0] with my wife. She was an anti before I met her, a fence-sitter when I met her, and she's very pro-gun, now. And our 12-year-old daughter (hers, from a previous) gets up on a soapbox every now and then when she hears about anti-gun laws: "Well, duh! Of course criminals aren't going to follow the law!"

::all proud::


[0] So to speak
JBweld in the barrel of a Delta Gold Cup? Thats a crime against humanity.

Short wife not seeing AR15 on top of china cabinet? Instant classic.

MY wife is very anti. She is not knowledgeable of the firearms in the household. She knows I am pro-gun, though.

Something along the lines of better to ask forgiveness than permission comes to mind.
My ex-wife wasn't anti- but she was stupid (make that is ].

While going through our divorce she put all my things out on the curb for me to pick up. Of course she waited 3 hours before calling me to tell me she had done that.

When I got there, my Remington 12ga was on top of the pile, and a box of ammo was sitting next to it. We lived in a small town, so I'm not too surprised that it was still there hours after she put it out.

All she could think of was that I'd probably lose an expensive possession. It never dawned on her that she was basically leaving a loaded shotgun in front of her house giving anybody the opportunity to use it on the nearest target - her!

I heard from my kids that her new husband locked his .45 in a quick-access lock box and couldn't get it open again. Didn't remember the pre-set combination number and locked the back-up key in the box with the gun.

They make a good couple.
My wife kinda straddles the fence - not really anti, but not pro-gun either. She insisted that I not carry around town on the weekends, but she understands when I have to go back into town at night for something, my 66 F-comp is going with me. :D

Golden opportunity coming up in July: our son will be off at 4-H camp for one week, and we're going to eat out every night he's gone. She doesn't know it yet, but I'm gonna take her over to the range after dinner one of those evenings. :evil:
My wife is pro, my mother-in-law is major Anti. You should have seen my
MIL's face when my wife told the family that I bought her a pistol for her
birthday. If I had had a video tape of that one I would have won Funniest
Home Video.:D

My uncle came home just in time to find his (now) ex-wife with some guy
in the basement giving her and estimate on the value of all his rifles and
what he would give her for them.:fire:
His son and his nephews had them out of the house within 2 hours of that.
She wanted half the value of the collection.:cuss:

Family story, My great grandmother took all the rifles my great grandfather
had and threw them in the lake/pond on the farm. Guess who couldn't
swim. From the story my Grandfather tells, the number is about a dozen.
Why did she do it? She was mad because he spent to much time in the
woods hunting with the Darn Dog. Thank goodness the dog can swim:p
My wife is pro-gun but not particularly interested in them.

She just finished her Bachelor's degree and takes her registry exam for Respiratory Therapy today.

Now that she's all done with school, I want her to get her CCW. I'll have to talk her into the NRA Basic Pistol class.

I've got a Kahr K-9 and Glock 27 at home, so hopefully she could carry one of those, if they fit her hand.

the ex cost me, (in no particular order):

.357 Mag Blackhawk
.41 Mag Blackhawk
.44 Mag Super Blackhawk
Rem Nylon 66
Mdl 59 S&W (large mag version)
20 Ga Rem "Sportsman" model (like the Browning A-5)
Cheapy .22LR/.22Mag SA revo "Buffalo Scout" probably FIE
Charter Bulldog .44 Spl
$600 in Snap-On brand tools....1971/72 pricing
and nearly all of my Human Dignity
disrespectful of bird dog.

Many are anti just because they can't stand the though of their husband having a good time.

This one though just didn't have the proper reverence for her first husband's huntingbird dog. One day, while her husband was at work, she noticed that the bird dog had stepped on a rainbow and gone to heaven.
This didn't look nice so, she found a large yard bag, sleeved it over dead rover and decanted him into the garbage can. When she pulled the draw string tight the little tippy-tip of the dog's tail was still sticking out. She thought and though and finally tied a smaller bag over the tail.

This fooled the garbologists into picking up the former bird dog which ordinarily they would have rejected due to bureaucratic protocol.

Later when the husband came home she said. " Oh, by the way, your dog died."
"Oh No! Where is he?"
" I threw him in the trash. "

He didn't like that

Apropos of nothing and unrelated to the story, they later divorced. The first husband continues his career as a manure salesman or something like.
The wife married a lawyer, went to law school and is now probably fatly prosperous.
My wife is anti. She is well versed in the Oprah-arguments: ("for the children, you may as well store bombs in the garage, why do you need one anyway").

I told her a while ago that I wanted to buy a pistol and we got into a HUGE argument that lasted over a week. I have learned since then to just buy them and not tell her about it. I also never let her see them, except for the 12g I've had for the past 15 years.

She will never turn pro. But she realizes her arguments are either flawed, or have damn good responses (mostly thanks to the tidbits I get from this board!).
Anyone's husband anti?
Mine was neutral, leaning toward anti, for a lot of years. By the time I was shooting regularly, he was neutral leaning toward pro and that kind of gradually segued into pro but disinterested. Constant exposure to the shooting sports, and my own interest, has changed that a little bit. These days he's humoring me by carrying and has even taken a couple classes. He still not really excited about the whole thing, but agrees it should be done. About the best I can hope for and I'm proud of him. :cool:

I've finally got him convinced to carry from time to time. From December until mid-April he carried almost every single day, but the weather warmed up and now we need to rethink his carry gear again. :cool:

Well the wife is none too thrilled about my collection. Her father was a gunsmith and an avid collector who always carried a Model 10. She does tolerate my hobby and that works for me.

The wife does not touch my stuff and that is okay with me. I will say that some women can be particularly vicious and that a fella has to protect himself. I guess that is just the way it goes!
My wife cost me $3,000. Made me buy her an Open gun :(

Seriously, though...hormones aside, doesn't anyone else vet their girlfriends/boyfriends/goats? I dumped a few women over the years when they failed the "oooooooh, guns..." matter how cute they are.

Cute only lasts for a while. Friends last forever.

Well, that far so good...and cute too :p

I recall one of our church ladies who advised her daughter. "When you meet a boy, go over to his house and find out if his hobbie is GUNZ! If his hobbie is GUNZ!, don't have anything to do with him!"

Her husband had provided for her well enough that she didn't need a job for her spending money but, she hated him anyway. would have been the same if his hobby had been fishing.

So first the daughter married a guy who'se hobby was fencing with foils. He ran off with a woman from the Church. Then she married a child molester and he went to prison
Neither of them carred a thing about GUNZ!
If I were to get married(not likely!!) this subject would come up very early in the relationship, well before marriage was even a thought.

It'd be tough, as I wouldn't want my current collection to be aquired by the new spouse. On the other hand, there's no way in hell I would put up with the "You spend too much on them!" "No guns in my house!" garbage that some of you put up with. There's no woman on this planet worth that kind of crap.
I agree but understand that other people's urge to merge overcomes most or all other considerations. It's a continuous source of trouble as I learned in my younger days.

If I were to advise people on the marital state, I would advised them first and foremost to avoid marryiing ( or any of the current versions of the pair-bonding state) a person who is as crazy as an outhouse rat.

I seem to observe that people who follow that rule sometimes stay married for LIFE.
Imagine that.

Signs to look for:
1. Person of the opposit sex living with a significant number of cats and dogs;
2. Person of the opposit sex who shoots the finger at passing motorists;
3. Person of the opposit sex who says " I don't like credit cards and I don't spend much money" Unless said person is hooked up to a polygraph and has a statement that the person is not diagnosed with:
(a. Borderline Personality Disorder;
(b. Psychopathic Character Disorder;
(c. Schizophrenia or Psychosis N.O.S.

4. Person screams out " I've had a much harder life than you have!!!"
and then says. " Do you think I may be bi-polar?"

When these things are eliminated, the question of how many deadly weapons belong in the residence and how they can be safely stored can be worked out in a reasonable manner.
She promises not to complain about guns and I promise not to kill and grill her cat.
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