Anticapted Terrorist Attacks- Summer '07

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Jun 5, 2007
Please excuse me if this dose not belong here.I saw on the news(Sorry for no link)that a terrorist cell sent a video to a news station that they planned to attack America AGIAN:fire:.It is not confirmed but I though it was my duty to inform you all.
Is it thursday already?

Basically there are probably about 1000 "death to america" videos floating around from various degrees of nutcases at any given time, without elaboration or a source, I can only answer the question with generalizations, atacks can happen any time anywhere with nearly any method imaginable, could be a crackhead after your wallet, or the much much rarer holy fire to purge the infidels, or even the death to technology folks, the key is situational awareness, and the midset of never giving up the ghost untill you have expended your last bit of will and strength. A mushroom cloud rising from a block or two away, well theres not much we can do about that, other than to take a little bit of comfort in the fact that there is a 1 in a million chance that we would be in that wrong place at that wrong time, I pay attention to the local thugs, crossing the street and amature roofing attempts and having a fun fulfilling life more so than the big and bad, but highly unlikely stuff.
Off the Record


For what it's worth, I think you can fairly rule out another Airliner, as I think the goal of terrorizing our commercial Sky's has worked for them. Frustrating, long, unneeded searches of many, and if one thing slips by, or someone forgets a backpack, they shut down the airport for hours. Yep, they got that freedom, bonded in terror-slavery now, until society will accept all nude airline travel.

I think, thanks, in Great Part, to our News/Blab stations, that they have been well informed, that our greatest weak spots for something BIG to come in and go BOOM, is in our commercial sea ports.. The container ships.

Sad, but I truly fear, they have been fed the correct news of our weak areas, and the method, by our freedom of press.. ie TV with full, detailed pictures of all of them, and ALL the containers, of which, only a "fraction" get checked, as the rest sit for days, and 1000's of them, more, coming all the time, week after week, from all over the world.

Hope I'm wrong..

I heard somewhere that TSA conducted a test of various airline's security, and out of 7 "mock" carry-on bombs 4 of them got through security and onto the plane. I'll try to find the link
Terrorists issue warnings of that sort all the time. Its not really news. The attacks we need to worry about are the ones we don't get forewarned.
I wouldn't worry about the sumer too much, I'd worry around election time, like in spain and the recent attacks in london.

Have to remember one of their stated aims is to influence a target countries politics, and what bigger message could they send then blowing up a polling place?

Now having said that, the chances are about one in a million that IF there IS an attack it will be at YOUR polling place. So don't stay home from fear thats just letting the terorists have a victory.
Now why would someones whose supposed goal was to bring our country to it's knees - having for practical purposes unlimited financing, a billion and a quarter people to recruit from, armies of organized crime cartels along with many thousands of highly educated and experienced people with specialist skills to use - play around sending videos out announcing their plans in advance?

thanks for the heads up....but....

it is important to spell headlines correctly, I'm assuming you mean anticipated?
I feel that this is important as the anti's who read our forum can easily point to misspellings and use that as ammo against us.

Our politicians are more concerned with profit and power and are well aware our border policy will insure another attack.

People keep in fear long enough will do anything the govt wants eventually. This is Black ops used to cause fear. Don't trust the media. If they had closed the borders long ago....
Wow, how to respond?! Non-stop threats, persistent paranoia (in the media), and in reaction, the powers-that-be insist that in order to protect us, that we must be "Patriotic" (act) and allow them to impose ever more intrusive measures that threaten the very freedoms that they allege to protect?! And while we sit complacent on our posteriors, watching the spectacle of the Great Oz, we miss the true side show...the side show of the stinking back door is wide-open.

How many of you would buy a shotgun for home defense, but then, leave the back door not merely unlocked, but moreover, wide-stinking-open?! What's more, it's freaking advertised world wide! It’s as if the intent is to broadcast “Hear ye! Hear ye!! Our doors never close!! Come one, come all. We even took our commoners’ firearms to protect ye criminal elements.”

The downfall of America will be, for fact, the 24-hour cable news companies. They have too much time, too little genuine news, and so it has supplanted the soap opera, and become the contemporary entertainment/news. Even if a story is not "news-worthy", they sensationalize it and make it news. It’s like an onion; it has many layers, and each layer is bitter and enough to bring a tear to your eyes.

Rant off.
First of all, I do think that there is a real threat to this country right now, but it isn't any greater now than it has ever been. The world has hated us for a long time. I believe these attacks are planned many, many years in advance, and all the warnings in the world won't stop them.

I think the next target is going to be an atheletic event. If you think about what terrorists' goals are, the World Series, or Superbowl makes sense. They want to kill and maim as many as possible. More importantly they want the casualties to be highly vissible. They want to hurt our economy. Granted an atheletic event won't hurt the economy as bad as other targets, but I think the visibilty and the shear number of possible casualties makes up for that. They also look for targets they can hit with relative ease. I know how strict security is on game days (yeah right), but how tight is security throughout the week?

That's just my guess. Your guess is just as good. We have a plethora of easy targets here in America, and there just isn't any way to defend them all. I think it is a waste of time to live life looking over your shoulder. Sure the world is dangerous, but there is only one way out of it, and I don't think I'm ready to leave.
There will never be another airliner attack such as 9/11, if they try to take over another plane, the aircrews will react differently, american passengers will react differently. Aircrews have worked on maneuvers that will prevent unbelted passengers from standing while the crew vents cabin pressure, putting everyone in the back asleep. By the time BG's wake up, they will be on the floor cuffed and getting the crap beat out of them.

However the 9/11 plots did something else, they are costing Americans over a billion dollars a day in wasted time, lost productivity and lost earnings by making people sit for hours in security checkpoints that do nothing but make some people feel good. No other country does as much as we do, the Shoe-bomber guy boarded in Britain and they do half the security stuff we do.

Terrorist are not stupid for the most part, it is really surprising how many of them have postgraduate degrees (see the recent spate of Paki and Indi Physicians who have been arrested in England). They understand manipulating the Media, and do a very good job of it. They use media to mask other aims, to spread information they want out. They use press releases to throw off and divert Law enforcement by giving false flags and diversions.

They have also read Peter and the Wolf, and understand that by sending warnings and creating diversions that seem real, they can divert personnel and resources and create that atmosphere of "oh gee, not again" enough to let people let their guard down.
Anticapted Warning? Somebody is going to kill all the captains? {snicker}

Yeah, I get a kick out of these warnings. Part of the reason the 9/11 attacks were missed before they started, despite the plethora of clues, is that are a plethora of clues every day, most of which lead up to a big fat nothing. Out of the dozens every day, how do you know which ones are valid, helpful, or actually related to a real future event? It is a lot easier to back track to find out what events led up to an attack, but not always so easy to recognize the strings beforehand.

What I really like about such warnings is their vagueness. At some time in the future, somewhere in the US, somebody may do something bad to people in a public area...

And how does that different from any other future prediction?

Sometimes they are really specific when they warn people in the big cities (like little town America has ever been a big terrorist target), maybe at malls, that an attack of unknown type may occur.
I have one word.....Beslan. Don't think they can't do that here in the states. With our borders so full of holes, Islamic yahoos have had plenty of time to stage and plan for such a nation wide assault on our schools.
the real consideration for terroist attacks is not the method (airplanes in 9/11) but the target (economic and political infrastructure)

With the WTC down the economic infratstructure is a lot less centralized.

Individual "terrorism sympathizer" events like shooting spree and vehicle based assaults have occured, but not registered on the radar as terrorist acts on our soil.

Knowing that there is a increase in airline security, that tool is no longer as easy to approach for the purpose of a destabilizing attack.

So, assuming the goal is to destabilize the United States, what targets can you pick that you can destory without using airliners? (which apparently make a fine improvised Cruise missle) Understanding that is how you think about where they could attack and what forms it could take IMO.

So... how many high profile, high economic/social targets that you have that do NOT require a lot of specialized materials?

Were I to be running the bad guys, I would import into the United states a expert bombmaker for suicide bomb kit construction using home-brewed semtex.

That being said, how long could such a person operate before they are tracked down, given how fast we were able to gather key background info on 9/11 terrorists?

The answer is not too damn long. That means if you do run a semtex attack it has to be very fast in terms of implementation.

I think a terrorist power could get the most bang for the buck trying to attack water infrastructure to the west, particularly either one of the bigger dams or the aquaducts feeding LA.

That being said, those are not easy targets to hit and frankly they also sport the best chance of being actively defended.

That means the pick of really good terrorist targets is not that hot ATM. For actualy attacks allowing for "good images of dead americans" they may wait for more high-profile events related to the 08 elections. Given how spain went they may try and tip an election to shift US policy.

that's my rant.
I'm tired of attack predictions. I've seen so much sound and fury, culminating in nothing.

I'm getting awfully tempted to start a website aggregating these predictions, identifying the prophets, and concisely showing that most of them come to naught.

"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary."
H. L. Mencken

All that said, there is no question there IS a risk, that plots are being concocted, and that something terrible will be inflicted in the not-distant future. Actually I'm shocked that nothing big has happened since 9/11. One's attitude should not be "I heard a rumor, I'm worried and may prepare". One should always be prepared, for "it" will happen, and not without the courtesy of informing you ahead of time.
Terrorism isn't all killing infidels. Its also about crippling this country by means other than killing.

When you hear someone say "I'm not flying, I don't want a terrorist to hijack the plane and kill me" thats terrorism working right there.
I would like to repeat what was already stated, Beslan is coming here next, it will make 911 seem tame, imagine hours of video of raped girls, beheaded teachers, the massacre...

Allah Akbar my ass...Shaitan Akbar is more like it.
lacoochee said:
I would like to repeat what was already stated, Beslan is coming here next, it will make 911 seem tame, imagine hours of video of raped girls, beheaded teachers, the massacre...

Allah Akbar my ass...Shaitan Akbar is more like it.
That is just stupid. I am sure if some terrorists tried that here they would be met with resistance in the form of armed faculty. Oh, wait. Wrong country. We as a country are incapable of learning from past massacres. :banghead: Yeh, that is going to be a mess. :barf:
"Someone might attack somewhere sometime."

"He/She/It/They might use nukes/chemical/biological/conventional weapons."
IMAO there are two real threats:1-that we will become complacent & let our guard down,2-(dons tinfoil hat) that our so-called leaders use these "threats" to further erode our rights. As both of these happen the terrorists win.
Fear is good. Fear is healthy ...

Be very, very afraid.

And trust your government to protect you.
Even better, vote to give its more power, so it can protect you and your
family more effectively.

this whole terrorism is nonsense.. you are far more likely to be killed by your own family member... than die in a terrorist attack). Why do you live in the same place with someone who\'s more dangerous than a terrorist to you? 16% of all homicide victims were snuff by someone of their own blood. That\'s
2800 every year. Shouldn\'t we fight against *family*, not terrorism ?

Really.. this thread is definitely not \'gun related\'..
If someone is afraid of terrorism, they should fill their trousers at the mere sight of an automobile.

Fight terror: buy a gun! (To make Remontoire happy. :)
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