Anyone CCW while out for a run?

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Dec 3, 2005
I was just curious if any of you CCW when/if you are out on a run? If you do, which firearm do you take and what holster/fanny pack?
I have the same rig Texas Rifleman...

Only difference is mine is a P32...

+1 for Camelback... Those long runs make you thirsty!
I CC at the gym on an eliptical machine, does that count?
P3AT with belt clip.

Close enough for me! Of course there are runners that would scoff at the notion that an using an eliptical machine equates with running.
Fanny pack with either a 357 snubbie or a Bersa 380. Hardly know it's there if I use the fanny pack that holds a quart bottle of water and carry the water too.
I wish I could... I don't have a gun for it yet though. XD45 compact is small enough for normal activities, but WAY too cumbersome for jogging.

I'm thinking of picking up one of those new Ruger 380's... I could throw it in my hoodie pocket, or clip it to my shorts or something.
I run with a Glock 29 in a smart carry. It's the most comfortable method I have found. You just have to get it situated right or you could be in for some pain.
The thirteen year old wants to be an orthopedic surgeon.


Run more.

On hard, and occasionally uneven trails.

Now get to it. She's going to have a lot of student loans.

If your knees aren't bad before you become a runner, and you properly train and equip, running won't hurt them. Sitting around and piling on the weight (I have done both) will.
I bought the Camelback Goblin thinking it would be a good carry method but that darn thing is huge! I can't imagine walking around wearing it much less trying to run with it. :(
Does running with my dog while out on a walk to beat a huge thunderstorm back to my house count? If it does than I logged a mile and a half with a XD in an IWB rig at a good 7 minute mile clip (in jeans!) - yeah I didn't enjoy it but we beat the rain.
there are runners that would scoff at the notion that an using an eliptical machine equates with running.
My knees and I hope it doesn't equate.

I quite agree. I actually wish I could run again- I was a cross-country runner. (Not out of shape, just messed up knees).

If your knees aren't bad before you become a runner, and you properly train and equip, running won't hurt them. Sitting around and piling on the weight (I have done both) will.

... unless you get some other injury to prevent you from training properly, such as a pinched nerve changing your running gait to make you mess up your knees.

And to answer the original question: If I could run, I would carry.
Thanks guys! The Goblin might be a option for me. I have a rig that holds a water bottle, but no room for CCW. I'll check out the Goblin. :D Thanks!
I bought the Camelback Goblin thinking it would be a good carry method but that darn thing is huge! I can't imagine walking around wearing it much less trying to run with it.

Did you put it on your back? I think the weight distributes nice and evenly. If you are determined to run far, and you need fluids, this is the way to go for me. After a while it gets lighter as you drink.

Plus, you can hide a gun in it as well...
I can't stand camelbacks when running. Mountainbiking, sure. But if I ever CC'd while running I'd probably have to smartcary.
The Kel-Tec is an excellent option for carrying while running. And I must say a good idea to do so. Often times when people are running it is too easy to become task oriented and not pay attention to what is going on around you.
I can't do any running (knee problems), but do a bit of biking on a nearby "rails to trails" bike path. I ALWAYS carry my S&W 637 in a fanny pack or in the handlebar pouch. Better to have it and not need it than to need it but not have it.
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