Anyone refuse to get a carry permit?

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Feb 22, 2010
I've been trying to convince a friend of mine for years to get a carry permit. I'll hand it to him, he has taken a stronger and longer stand than I expected. He says "the 2nd amendment is my permit." Now I'm not sure if he commits a misdemeanor and carries anyway, but the bottom line is he says he refuses to pay another tax to get a permit to carry his own property. I can't disagree with him. I've had my carry permit for almost a decade. I respect him for it. Anyone here who is like my friend in this regard?
Where are you that you have to have a permit to carry on your own property?

I dont know anyone that carries a gun illegally.
His friend is saying he doesn't want to pay to carry his own property (ie the firearm), not carry ON his own property. I respect his choice but damn... a hundred bucks for the permit is pretty inexpensive when you consider what'll happen if he ever uses the gun.
Thank you "ilikepancakes" for pointing that out.

My question would definitely include folks here who don't carry outside their own land BECAUSE they refuse to get a permit. I'm mostly curious as to how many people here are "permit-less," and obviously I don't expect anyone to admit carrying without a permit (even though it's the kind of admission that wouldn't get them in legal trouble-the carrying MIGHT, but not an after the fact admission).
At least in some states the concealed carry without a permit can get you a felony charge. If you consider the aftermath of that as being an acceptable risk, then you would be one of only a few to carry knowing what is at stake.

Like it or not, constitutional or not, the issue would have to be worth a lot more than most value it . Particulary when there is an alternative within reasonable reach (the permit). Being a person of principle may be admirable, but fighting a fight you can't win, is not particulary smart.
in Nebraska you have to have a purchase permit to buy a handgun from a ffl dealer. the police chief does a background check , it costs $5 and is good for 3 years. it also allows you to bypass the nics check on rifles and shotguns. to get a concealed carry permit you have to pay the state patrol $125 for a background check. you also have to spend another $125 or so for the class from somebody the state patrol says is qualified to teach the "ins and outs" of the legal stuff. my problem with this is why should I pay the state $125 for the same background check the police chief ran to give me the purchase permit for $5. I doubt there is any difference in the background check. when I got the permit there was 3 or 4 pages of the check the chief ran. I know one of the checks is to nics because there is a nics # on the permit. I very simply won't pay $125 for something that was done for $5 and another $125 for the class.
I was one of them. I went to renew my permit & the cost for the girl to carry it over to the file cabinet which was 30' away was $100. I refused to pay for the illegal taxation & went home. I still carred for over a year befor I went to get the permit. When I did I was only able to make the one trip to apply for it (5 day waiting period) so I asked them to mail it to me.

I wish there was more people like your friend. That is how you make a difference. If you don't agree with it then stop paying the tax. We are all just a bunch of wimps though that just do as we are told to. We are no longer ran by the people or a free country.

Hats off to your friend.
I was in the process of applying for the AK CCW permit even though it is not required and the only other state I travel to does not offer reciprocity. When I found out that it also no longer waives the NICS check I really couldn't see any point in throwing the money away. :scrutiny:
At least in some states the concealed carry without a permit can get you a felony charge. If you consider the aftermath of that as being an acceptable risk, then you would be one of only a few to carry knowing what is at stake.

Like it or not, constitutional or not, the issue would have to be worth a lot more than most value it . Particulary when there is an alternative within reasonable reach (the permit). Being a person of principle may be admirable, but fighting a fight you can't win, is not particulary smart.
Maybe that's what the British people thought, don't argue w/ the gov its too powerful. Now look at them. Subjects, the lot of them.
It is so simple to get a CCW here that it would be a foolish gamble to carry and not have one. A trip to the sheriff's office,fill out the application,pass the background check,pay the $20 and walk out with the permit. The deputy even let me fill out the application (and sign it) and get the CCW for my wife. Compare that to get caught carrying without a permit. Getting your firearm confiscated would be the least of your worries.
I don't need a permit. If there were legislation here to offer permits for reciprocity purposes, I'd be on the statehouse steps every day haranguing anyone who would listen against the idea.

I'm against federal reciprocity legislation. The first thing the fed is going to say is "Well, if we're going to make permitting reciprocal, I guess everybody will have to have a permit."

No way, no how, no thanks, Jack.

Permits are for subjects, not citizens.
I wish there was more people like your friend. That is how you make a difference. If you don't agree with it then stop paying the tax. We are all just a bunch of wimps though that just do as we are told to. We are no longer ran by the people or a free country.

Let's be perfectly clear, here. 35's friend is not really making any kind of stand, except for himself. And he's making exactly ZERO difference. The government doesn't CARE that you did or didn't get your permit. It's not like you're denying them vital funds by refusing to pay into their tax game or something. And carrying a concealed weapon without a permit is like going out into the deep woods (or a closet in your basement) and shouting protest slogans. Who will know? Who will care? What difference have you made?

In the end, if something happens and he either needs the gun or he has an encounter with a police officer and is asked to show his permit, he'll go to jail. (Or pay the fines or whatever the penalty is for the felony or misdemeanor carrying without a permit.) What does that prove? Yaaay. Another blockhead in jail for doing something sneaky that broke the law.

Civil Disobedience only means anything if you do it publicly and accept the punishment for it -- as a public declaration that suffering the punishment is better than giving up your rights. In this case, "making a stand" would be something like carrying your weapon openly to the top of the Capitol steps and holding a press conference wherein you stated that you oppose registration and taxation of the right to carry a weapon, and then concealing that weapon in the presence of law enforcement officers, and then being arrested and disarmed and lead off to accept your punishment. That's what Civil Disobedience is, and it is an effective protest tool. It gets a lot of attention. It also gets you a criminal record and the loss of money, rights, and your freedom -- but that's part of the sacrifice you're making for the cause.

Carrying concealed illegally without a permit is no different (from a protest standpoint) than driving without a license. You're making no statement as no-one knows what you're doing or why. When caught, you're going to pay a penalty and that will be the end of that. It may assuage your personal strife over what you perceive as un-Constitutional infringements (and I may agree with you), but it isn't "making a difference," or "making a stand," or really advancing anything for anyone.

Now I'm not sure if he commits a misdemeanor and carries anyway...

Third degree felony in FL.

I have a friend who's afraid it IDs him as a gun owner if the .gov decides to confiscate. I told him they probably already know. Also, we have concealed "weapon" permits. I got mine to carry a knife.

Lots of people carry w/o permits. Before permits I carried fairly regularly. It's like driving w/o a license; don't speed, run redlights, etc.
I have a friend who's afraid it IDs him as a gun owner if the .gov decides to confiscate.

I just didn't care for the fact that FL wants my fingerprints in order to get the CCW. I am not a criminal, so why should I subject myself to criminal treatment in order to exercise my 2A rights when no crime has been committed? Maybe a two or three night stay in county should become a requirement to getting the permit as well.
I have my permit, but I have two friends that refuse to get one because they are worried that they would be targeted. I laughed at them, until a local newspaper had some guy go to the public records and start publishing in the newspaper, the names and sometimes occupations of people who had concealed carry permits. The news paper was the Roanoke Times, from Roanoke VA. I was sickened by what he did, and I suddenly felt uneasy about my choice to get a permit. I still have it, and will renew it when the time comes, but mostly because my information as a potential concealed carrier is already out there.
Nothing like being right and still sitting in a cell.

I just didn't care for the fact that FL wants my fingerprints in order to get the CCW. I am not a criminal, so why should I subject myself to criminal treatment in order to exercise my 2A rights when no crime has been committed? Maybe a two or three night stay in county should become a requirement to getting the permit as well.

I was stationed at the Pentagon while in the service and was fingerprinted then also. Didn't bother me at all, and I wasn't a criminal then either. Still doesn't bother me to be fingerprinted every 4 years to renew my permit.
Very brave, but not the smart way to fight policy he doesn't agree with. Too much risk to himself.
The government doesn't CARE that you did or didn't get your permit. It's not like you're denying them vital funds by refusing to pay into their tax game or something.

There's roughly 285,000 permit holder in TN, at $115 a pop. That's about $32.8 million. I'd say they do care and it is vital funds in this economy. I didn't even factor in the renewal income.
I know a few people that don't get CCW's because they don't " want to be in the system"
No prints or photo's for them. Buy and sale in private sales only with no paperwork.
And yes they carry.

I know a few people that don't get CCW's because they don't " want to be in the system"
No prints or photo's for them. Buy and sale in private sales only with no paperwork.
And yes they carry.

Doesn't mean they're being very intelligent about their decision. Like I posted earlier, nothing like being right while sitting in a cell.

I must be missing something basic here. I enjoy my freedom.
A subject with a gun is much better than a subject without one.

Do you also have an aphorism about whether it's better to lose your left testicle or your right?

Everyone is subject to someone.

Correct. But at present, I am not subject to any permitting authority as regards firearms, and I very much intend to keep it that way. Permits suck.
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