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Dec 24, 2002
Anchorage, Alaska
I mean here in the Anchorage Daily Worker they are always printing letters from readers that look like the insane rantings on mind ya that really isnt the sentiment up here and most people think a bit more I as you guys from down south....are the lefties really that loony? Does anyone really know one?

Hey, I'm surrounded by them. They're everywhere. According to the local paper, 87% of the people I work with voted for Kerry. :barf: They're loonier than you can imagine...
But like are they blatant about it or kind of hidden? they appear normal (like Ted Bundy) and then let the mask slip.....

Both. You've got your normal looking folks who secretly harbor a communist agenda (that's most of them) and then you've got the other... types. Like the people who blindfold themselves and stand still all day in public places to protest the election. Or the people who throw empty pairs of children's shoes on the ground to symbolize all the innocent kids killed by guns... and then there's the roving bands of sign weilding chanters spouting "Stop Bush Now"... and.... ugghhh.
North of Chicago here...

The lefties here aren't Berkeley-looking hippies. Most of them here is suburbia are normal Dockers-wearing suburbanites. Your kids play together on a soccer team, you talk with them at school functions, drink a beer at a block party.

Have a conversation that steers toward politics or "inflamatory" issues (guns, etc) and they bare their true colors. They in general aren't a bunch af moonbats about it though.

Down in the city, though, that's something entirely different. Moonbat central. You can barely recognize these people as decendents of pioneer settlers...some kind of weird Europellet plastic replica of an American.
Being from the "south", I am surrounded by old time southern Democrats. Most of them, obviously, have shifted their voting to Republicans but others still cling to the belief that Republicans are inherently evil and Democrats are the downtrodden saviours. Because of this, they feel that Republicans win only when they cheat. When Democrats cheat, well, they are the saviours for the end justifies the means. :scrutiny:

To answer your question, yes - there are some that are "out there". I just don't see as many of them as the media would have us believe though.
The folly of years of Ritalin and other drug over-medication in the general population are coming home to roost.

Hang onto it. It's worth $2.36 a gallon here, and the price will probably go up. :p
Hate and Rage?

No. This cannot be. Leftists don't express hate and rage. Tolerance and acceptance is what they express. Didn't you get the memo?
" they appear normal (like Ted Bundy) and then let the mask slip....."

After the pod breaks open...they can look like anyone. Beware.

I'm friends with one ( co-worker actually). My friend thinks CNN is right-wing and the Guardian and Al-Jazeera are fair and balanced. The very mention of Fox News makes his cheeks flush. Self hatred seems to color their politics and view of the world....(i.e., I'm white, well fed, have a good job, nice home, nice car, no HIV, good retirement plan, smarter than many....I'm miserable...I hate me.)
they really dont see their own hypocrisy.

the leftists rant on and on about how bad we rightwingers are and blast us for being bigoted, racist, intolerant, but they cant even tolerate us, nor the religious.

they can't hardly tolerate each other, whenever they encounter a fellow leftist that doesnt fit exactly into their cookiecutter mold they attack them as viciously as they attack us.

meanwhile, us sane rational nice people can get along with just about anyone. we can overcome the little things and not let stupid things like different views of politics come between us.

how many right wingers have you heard saying that they wont ever talk to their families again after the outcome of this election?
compare that to the leftists that are cutting off all ties to family friends and coworkers because of how they voted.

WA, did you drop your boycott of the ADN?
WA, did you drop your boycott of the ADN?

SWMBO buys it on Fridays and Sundays...Fridays for the entertainment section and Sunday for the sales flyers....Japanese people are newspaper freaks anyway..

Speaking of the DU, did any of those loonies take you up on the group buy offer?

Naw that would involve spending money...cuts into the latte fund!!

Yes, they are all full of hate and rage. they suffer from serious mental defects. Not to be trusted and should always be monitored around polite society.
For the most part yes. Some just hide it better than others. And yes we get all kinds in middle America. Most are like slinkys: Not really good for much but you just can't help but smile when you see one tumble down the stairs.
Yup. Good ol' Fayettenam, AR here.

We have lots of the brainless ones, but few militant ones. Although I had to rescue someone from a Disciple of Tolerance and Diversity when said disciple decided that a Bush supporter's car needed to be vandalized with Kerry stickers after the election on election night, and then when called on it while performing the act, decided that the owner of the vehicle needed to have his head bounced off the concrete.

Yep, I know stepmom.

It took everything that I had to keep my composure on Thanksgiving and not boot her out of my house when she started her frothing, spittle-accompanied rant regarding the defeat of Kerry and how Bush is the devil-incarnate.


Yes, I meet them from time to time, and they don't like my views much... but it's good to be the Preacherman - I get to deliver the sermon, and they get to listen! :D
Yep, my Mom is one. We were touring San Francisco a couple of weeks ago, and were looking at a Holocaust memorial. She said "Just like we're doing to those people in Iraq." I just shook my head and walked away. Then when she found out that Iris Chang, author of The Rape of Nanking, had committed suicide, she said "she must not have been able to deal with Bush's reelection."
How many of what some of us consider "wacked out" letters are printed because the paper editors laughed out loud and wanted to share? There are some out there just like there are some from the opposites side of the spectrum.
The ones who I know that are leftttttt.
They believe Bush is a puppet who stops his speach while Cheney is drinking from a water glass.
They have every lib talking point and believe it to be true. Not a few snippets here and there. If Jesse Jackson said it then its true. They will re-elect congressional reps who are dieing on their feet. PC and Afirmative action cause deadbeats or at least the darker minority team member in my dept from losing his job wich in fact is a labor creation for the rest of us.
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