Are You a "People of the Gun"?

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Moderator Emeritus
Dec 29, 2002
Left-wing nooze outlet "In These Times" recently posted an anti-gun article wherein the author attempts to paste us with the new pejorative "People of the gun."

Within the week, the term had been ironically co-opted by pro-gun bloggers.

I find this utterly hilarious. An anti-rights journalist calls for a web-based, left-wing rising up of the anti-gun culture which results in not only the comments section of the very same article being inundated with pro-rights comments, but also the creation of a new website, and the ironic re-packaging of her attempt at creating a new insulting meme.

Original link found via Tamara at View from the Porch.
Through organizing, the Internet, and plunking down plenty of cold hard cash, the gun lobby has proven it is ready for primetime. Meanwhile, its opponents are languishing in the wee-hours of late-night local cable.

I guess we ought to accept that as a compliment.
"frankly, i found ms. washington's article to be subtly racist."

I got the feeling that she's one of those people who don't think they have too many equals.

From her on-line bio: "She is a member of the Chicago and National associations of black journalists"
I love it. Take a term invented by an bigot determined to undermine civil rights and create something of value...
Every time anti-gunners try to use "the power of the internet" they fail. Their arguments simply can't stand up to logic, and due to the somewhat egalitarian nature of the internet, logic always finds them here.

I welcome her attempts to spread her message. Creating discussion about gun rights can only help our cause.
Hot dog!. At last I am somebody special! I have arrived on the national scene by the simple act of paying $35 a year to be an NRA member.

I wasn't considered part of the Automobile Lobby when I joined the American Automobile Association many years ago so that I could get road service, travel maps, and hotel discounts. I wouldn't be a member of the Old Lobby just by joining the AARP for any benefits membership might bring. When a relative sent us annual gift subscriptions to Smithsonian Magazine we weren't thought of as members of the Museum Lobby. No matter how much we contributed to United Way, the Red Cross, or other charitable organizations we didn't get recognition as members of the Charity Lobby. When we got our Sam's Club membership card years ago nobody mentioned that we had become members of the Retail Store Lobby, and our participation in some hotel and airline groups never got us known as members of the Travel Lobby, Hotel Lobby, or Airline Lobby. Life has been disappointing until now.

But now--at last--I have been attained status and stature both, and only because I joined the National Rifle Association. Now I am a member of the Gun Lobby! I am somebody. The recognition has turned my head.
Hot dog!. At last I am somebody special! I have arrived on the national scene by the simple act of paying $35 a year to be an NRA member.

Now that it's classified can we mark that box for ethnicity? Can we now bring discrimination suits when our "culture" is denied, can we now practice freedom of our gun loving religion without fear?

Inquiring minds want to know :D
If: "nearly half the people murdered in the United States in 2005 were black. Most lived in cities and were felled by guns"

Then: They should join "The gun army, made up almost exclusively of white men from suburban and rural areas"

This way they help our diversity and learn to protect themselves better:)

I do not understand why the ethnic community is opposed to firearms. They should embrace them and live...
It doesn't look like People of the Gun is accepting anymore tribe members. My wife sent in her pic (twice now) and it hasn't posted. She wanted to counter the "only white men" could possibly own and love guns myth.
Huh. I guess it was my imagination this past Sunday that I, a women, was shooting trap with a black guy. He's gonna bring his wife out one of these weeks--if she's also black, that'd be about as rare as an Easter Bunny dressed up as Santa Claus, I guess.
"People of the Gun"

Where do I pick up my t-shirt?


"Phydeaux, bad biscuit!"
from what i read in one of the linked blog's it looks like the person running the site is doing so part time and may be overloaded with email... which may be why the listing of people is relatively short.

not sure the People of the Gun founder was expecting this much positive attention.

This woman teaches journalism?

Her articles are nothing more than topical agit-prop spiced with racism.
"almost exclusively of white men from suburban and rural areas"

I LOL'd, then barfed a teensy bit. She should read that thread about debunking prejudices about armed citizens on this board.
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