Are you kidding me!?

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Holy crap!!! Who are these guys? Maxarmory? This site looks like the mallninja Wal-Mart on line. It looks like they are selling the things so that you can practice with them. But really, how many people are gonna be legally carrying a full auto pistol? And what chump would let their girlfriend face down an attacker with a weapon. There is just so many things wrong with this.

I think the fact that when you click on the image that says "Click over image to enlarge" and when you click it you get an image ten times smaller says it all for this web site.

This is like poser paradise. And 40mm ammo for antis.
Oh wow. Lets hope no liberals see that.....

I have one of those blank pistols, we used them in conjunction with simunitions for some training with the local PD. They look and feel real enough to get you seriously hurt or killed if brandished like that girl did. Unbelievable.
This is one of the craziest things I have ever seen. In real life that girl would have been taken to the Emergency room at best. I can see their toy guns as entertaining or possibly a training aid but that's it at best. If you pull a toy gun you are putting yourself at a serious risk, the bad guy may have a real one.
That is most definitely not a good advocate for concealed carry, or our 2A rights. I hope they realize their mistake in even making a youtube film for their advertisement.
Someone is going to watch it and think it's ok to do, thats scary.
You're threatened with deadly force, but your gun is out and pointed at the felon. You have your Concealed Weapon Permit Badge with you. The police pull up to the scene and the dirtbag shouts, "He's going to kill me. SHOOT HIM!" WHAT DO YOU DO?

You display your BADGE to the police and shout, "DON'T SHOOT. I'M A LEGALLY LICENSED HAND GUN OWNER." The police officer orders you to put down your weapon. You comply. Situation under control. One criminal under arrest and YOU'RE ALIVE!

and after the police get done laughing at you and the bad guy has ran away you get arrested for impersonating a police officer. OMG what will these morons think of next.

I love it SHOUT AT THE POLICE. Sure how far is that going to get you. Plus the police are going to behind cover a ways off and not able to read the tiny writing that says "I am a Mall Ninja" You are safe with me.
Has to be a plant by anti's to give them something to use as propaganda. I hope they can't be serious.
Gee, as a good selling point they didn't mention how a replica gun can provoke an attack, leave you defenseless, and ultimately get you killed.
:eek: what the.........I don't know that's just idiotic and I don't know if that's the right word for it...
What morons! They're certainly wrecking the image of gunowners and playing right into the hands of the gun-prohibitionists.
gene pools

Lets put it this way.. I hope it's a joke, if not we need to dump some chlorine in their gene pool :banghead:


I can't even form a cogent reply.

21st Century version of the "spy crap" they'd sell in the backs of comic books, and they're obviously selling it to the people who never grew up.
Yup, yet another way for people to get themselves killed on the roadside. Not only is the weapon fake, and the other party will quickly realize it, but in their little scenario the moron on the hog is stupid enough to shut it off too. Nice quick get away out of harms way (retaliation) going on there. Looks like the babe, the boob, and the bike could be in for a beating by that big stick.

This is just way too stupid from all angles to be real. If this isn't a stunt being played out by a group of antis then the people responsible for it, no matter what their objective, have some deep seated problems. In reality they are ignorant about firearms in general, have no common sense whatsoever, have no respect for "actual" gun owners and the Second Amendment means little if anything to them.
What the...?!

She flips him off, then gets in his face about it while he's brandishing a pipe?!

OK great, she "shoots" him with this toy gun. Then what? He's not dead! What's stopping him from clobbering her? This idiot piece of trash lady would look more like potato salad than anything else after a real BG got done with her.

Are we writing letters to these people?
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