Army Told Not to Use Israeli Bullets in Iraq

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The above poll...

Should the U.S. military use Israeli bullets in live combat in the Middle East?
Yes, especially if they're dipped in pig fat first 34.94% (1313)

Do we have nothing better for our inefficient lawmakers to be wasting time on? 30.47% (1145)

Who cares who makes them? Just use best quality, most cost-effective ammunition 25.49% (958)

Yes, if they're good bullets 4.04% (152)

Yes, people don't care who made the bullets that kill them 1.38% (52)

No, it adds fuel to the fire of conspiracy theorists 1.17% (44)

Other 0.90% (34)

No, it would only enrage the enemy 0.82% (31)

Yes, it would enrage the enemy 0.69% (26)

No, it gives Israel a bad name 0.08% (3)

1305 EDT today
LMAO!! IMI ammo ain't Kosher enough for the Islamic terrorists?

Speaking of terrorists and beheadings, the best one I heard put forth on this is to light off a small tactical nuke about 80 miles outside of Meca on the first beheading. On the second beheading the size of the nuke doubles and the distance is cut in half. Same for the third beheading. Do you suppose they'd be smart enough to see that a pattern existed?
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