AWB in 415 days!! What will happen??

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What will happen?

People vote their pocketbooks. The economy will be worse condition next spring than it is now and I expect Bush's numbers will be so low by late spring, he'll be looking to pull a Clinton and steal issues from the Democrats. He's going to realize that if he doesn't pull in some of those fence sitting/liberal leaning Democratic voters he won't be living in the White House for another four years. A good strategy for getting those voters in his camp is the AWB. One of those issues will be the AWB ban - and he'll push it in Congress and it'll pass and be signed into law. Most gun owners don't care about this issue, and let's be honest - most gun owners won't vote against Bush if he pushes and signs a law that has been on the books for ten years already. The Republican strategists know this.
I'm not counting on the AWB going away. When was the last time you remember the Federal govt. restoring some of your 2nd Amendment Rights?
Folks, here are some FACTS to keep in mind when thinking about the renewal of the 1994 "assault" weapons ban.

1. The Sunset Provision means that the ban will expire, BY LAW, unless there is a vote to extend it. No vote, no more AW ban.

2. In 1994, with a still highly popular Democratic president and Democratic control of BOTH houses of Congress, the Sunset Provision had to be added in to get the bill to pass.

3. In the Democrat-controlled House of Representatives, the AW bill passed by (now check me out on this one, okay?) exactly two freakin' votes.

4. In the Democrat-controlled Senate, none other than Al Gore himself had to come down to pass the tie-breaking vote for the AW Ban.

5. None other than Slick Willy himself later said, on more than one occasion, that the AW Ban cost the Democrats control of Congress and evetually cost them the White House.

Okay, so even with total Democrat control, the original bill passed both houses of Congress by exactly three freakin' votes, one of those votes being a tie-breaker vote by the Vice President of the United States. And passing that bill cost the Democrats all the control they used to have.

And y'all think the Republicans will want to dance with this animal come 2004???????

Intellectually I think the AW ban is dead, dead, dead.

However, emotionally, I still fear its resurrection.


I hope that you are correct and that the Republicans understand the impact that this issue (guns in general) has had on voting for the past 10 years. However, I fear what will happen if there is a battle over some Supreme Court nominee next year. Feinswine, Chuck the Schmuck, Lousyberg and Whorezine will likely go to Bush and say "get your Congressional pals to pass some version of the AWB, and we'll vote for your nominee." Then, whichever bill passes, we'll have a permanent ban and more guns banned - plus magazines that won't be getting any younger or cheaper. This is how it will happen: Rove will tell Bush "the issue is, Mr. President, which is more important to you, gaining a Supreme Court justice who might serve for 20 or 30 years, or letting a few gun nuts have more dangerous toys that they shouldn't have anyway?"

We gun owners must do all that we can to make sure that EVERY SINGLE CONGRESSMAN who can possibly be swayed KNOWS that this issue is absolute POISON for them. Then, it won't matter what Bush tries to do to sway votes for a justice.
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