Do you expect a new AWB?

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I'll probably get flamed for saying this, but at this point in time I care more about the enviornment than gun laws. We are headed for some very serious enviornmental trouble in the very near future if republicans stay in office.
I have to agree. We are damned if we do and damned if we don't. Incrementalism is working against us on all fronts and from both directions. This is no right answer, only what each of us consider the less of the evils. Still, I cannot permit myself to vote for someone who wants me defenseless.

It is a sad state that we will only take two parties seriously. Neither party has the middle class American's best interests on their agenda.

See . Best of all, he's a Republican...

Since Ron Paul is never on the national news or is never a national figure wouldn't he end up being the one who takes hardcore conservative votes away from the republican candidate ( I know he won't win the primaries, he is not well known enough)? If votes are spent on Ron Paul instead of the republican candidate then doesn't that create less of a challenge for the Democrats who would most assuredly put all of their votes into the most libral basket for a candidate?

I just don't see Ron Paul winning the primaries against Rudy Giuliani or John McCain. History has shown that voting for an independant candidate is just a thrown away vote. Not even TR could pull that one off!
We are headed for some very serious enviornmental trouble in the very near future if republicans stay in office. Does that mean I would vote for Hillary Klinton? Good Lord no.

The environment is cleaner in the United States than it was 30 years ago but few people tend to realize that.What we do can in no way mitigate what India and China do in terms of pollution as they more heavily industrialize.I think the sky is falling fears of Global Warming are incredibly overhyped but perhaps I'm just tired of hearing people who drive SUV's and don't recycle etc rant about how the Republicans are killing off the whales via the US Navy.
1911JMB - "We are headed for some very serious enviornmental trouble in the very near future if republicans stay in office."

Perhaps you can state some specific, verifiable instances where the dirty, rotten, stinking, greedy, Republican captalist pigs are "destroying the environment" and are going to destroy you, your family, and all the prolitariate of Momma Earth??

I don't mean the lies, half lies, misinformation and disinformation of the Gomer Gore-ites, either.

Also, given your firm belief, how about telling us exactly what laws the Democrat controlled House and Senate (and soon to be, White House) should pass to save the World?

Just wondering.


Oh well. I'm tired of talking sense. Everyone is happy with defeating the GOP based on the border, Iraq, environment etc.....guns are backburner issues.

You people deserve an AWB the way you act, speak and think. All I see is defeatism around here.

The gun-owning Democrats have fully derailed the gun movement. That's a fact.

Thanks a lot.
On the more practical level:

How about you take some folks shooting with your EBR?

If, just supposing, every person in America had gone and tried out an AR-15, how terrified of them would they be? I'm guessing that out of 100, easily 50 would have a more positive attitude towards EBRs, and maybe 5 would have a more negative attitude.

Buying your first EBR because of possible legislation: sure, good call.
Buying your 9th EBR because of " " : what's the difference?
Getting someone else to try their first EBR: that's a difference.

If reality is actually on our side in this political issue, we have nothing to lose and everything to gain by simply helping people to understand more about the facts.

After the '94 AWB, just a few months later we got our 1st GOP Congress in 40years. Clinton said it himself the NRA had a lot to do with that.

And remember, Howard Dean is running the DNC - and he's an 'A' rated NRA governor. The Democrats aren't stupid, they know gun control is a losing proposition. Sure some Dems will try to pass something. But the appetite overall isn't for more gun control.

Instead of "loading up", volunteer on a local campaign. Three former state reps in my area lost by less than 100 votes. We didn't knock on quite enough doors and now we have a 2/3 Dem majority in Minnesota.

Are you a member of the NRA? If not, join now. And give more than you $35 which pretty much will pay for your magazine and a phone rep's salary for one hour.
Yep, I got flamed:rolleyes:

Ice in the polar ice caps that has been there for millions of years and survived lots of ice ages is melting. The PH level of the oceans is changing, which among other things is causing a lot of pacific ocean life to go insane. If the polar ice caps melt, there will be devastating effects. Seasons will permanently change, and that will cause a lot of animals to die out.

I won't pretend to be a hard core expert, because I'm not. But anyone who doesn't hopelessly have their head wedged up their ass (that is if you don't take fox news to be the divine word of God) can do their own research and find out that we are on a collision course with some very serious trouble.

22 years ago a team of college students made a car which used a 15 horsepower motor to power the front wheels, and re-routed the exaust pressure to an air compressor tank which powered the rear wheels. It weighed over a ton, yet got 70 miles per gallon and could get to 60 in 10 seconds. That was just a poorly made prototype.

The technology to change things has been around for a long time, but politicians, car companies, and of course big oil seem to do everything they can to prevent change. And yes, china is heavily at fault for global warming, and with all their coal they could burn they stand to be much more so.

Does all that mean I want a Democrat controlled government and couldn't care less about our gun rights? Hell no. I vote Libertarian. The idea of a complete Democrat take over irks me like anyone else who posts here.
Ice in the polar ice caps that has been there for millions of years and survived lots of ice ages is melting.
It's not important for the ice shelf to survive the Ice Ages that matters; it's surviving the warm periods in between that counts. :)

While it would be unthinkable that humankind could exist without having SOME impact upon the earth and its climate, I have seen little evidence to suggest that our impact is either greater than would/could/has naturally occured in the Earths' past or that the change is somehow destined to cause irreparable harm to the survival of our species. But that's a thread hijack.

Buying your first EBR because of possible legislation: sure, good call.
Buying your 9th EBR because of " " : what's the difference?
Getting someone else to try their first EBR: that's a difference.
Point taken, but also you miss a nuance. I'm buying multiple EBRs not just for myself, but for my children and all of the other folks who may want one years from now and be unable to buy it themselves.

Hey! I said 'It's for the children'. Hahahahahahaaaaaa.... :D
I'm one of those that feel the dems will get in power this election. If they do, expect a lot of anti gun legislation. Some of it is sitting and waiting right now, including the AWB. I doubt it'll have a sunset provision this time around too. If you want a military style rifle, now is the time!
I am an optimist and don't think the Dems will hold the white house. I mean, seriously, look at their candidates! :evil: But if I was you I would buy one or two just in case we are let down by the masses.
I'm buying multiple EBRs not just for myself, but for my children and all of the other folks who may want one years from now and be unable to buy it themselves.

That's an option, but that COA assumes that the potential new AWB will be practically identical to the last one.

If it's a CA style one "register and keep but never transfer", then your kids and friends are out-o-luck.

If it's a full grandfatherless ban, then you're truly stuck, but hopefully compensated with a gov't check.

If we're placing bets, I'll bet that a Democratic Pres/House/Senate will try to pass an AWB, but I believe that the strong opinions of the Internet-grassroots EBR crowd could quite possibly outweigh the huge mass of indifferent people and the few well-funded loudmouths of the opposition.

This assumes that no uncanny "Reichstag Fire" occurs immediately before such legislation, to bring it into the limelight.

In the meantime, stocking up is an okay strategy, but one that does about zero for anyone but yourself personally. Egotism is good, but let's not call stocking up anything other than taking care of #1.

To actually have a positive effect, we need to:
a) be vigilant
b) influence as many fence-sitters as humanly possible. I still submit that this is most easily accomplished by taking people out to the range, and being a positive (and subtle) ambassador for the shooting community. After the "you don't need an AK to hunt ducks" crowd, our worst internal enemies are the "my gun is like my large collection of bondage porn, just my own dark deep little secret that I'll never tell my friends and neighbors about" crowd.

1911JMB - "Ice in the polar ice caps that has been there for millions of years and survived lots of ice ages is melting. The PH level of the oceans is changing, which among other things is causing a lot of pacific ocean life to go insane. If the polar ice caps melt, there will be devastating effects. Seasons will permanently change, and that will cause a lot of animals to die out."

You really need to do some homework, rather than blithely walking in lockstep with Gomer Gore, Art Bell & George Noourie, and the Hollywood lefties.

Do you really believe that the polar ice caps have been there forever?? Do you really believe that the earth does NOT go through weather cycles, lasting thousands of years?

Are you unaware that REAL climatologists and scientists know that we are just now reaching (in geologic time) the end of the warming which began at the end of the last Ice Age some 12,000 years ago?

Are you unaware that there have been many Ice Ages over millions of years, and the subsequent "global warming" that brought those Ice Ages to an end... and eventually caused them to begin again??

Are you unaware that the greatest factor in earth's weather is that little object out there in the wild blue yonder called "the Sun"????

And additionally, the gigantic, unimaginable explosions of gases from deep within the Sun, which also affect our weather??

Are you unaware that the earth's orbit around the Sun, and the flight of our galaxy through the Universe also affects our weather??

Are you oblivious to the fact that the Earth's molten core, which fluctuates due to the rotation and tilting of the earth, also affects not only land temperatures, but temperature changes of the oceans??

Really, you need to do a bit of homework, rather than listening to the capitalist hating comrades of the "Union of Concerned (Socialist) Scientists," and their sycophants.

BTW, I don't listen to Fox News... but given that the rest of the media, i.e. teeeveee, newspapers, magazines, and 99.8% of Hollywood, are completely controlled by those Marxist Socialist inspired control freaks who actively seek to destroy capitalism, and the freedoms we enjoy under that system, perhaps you ought to listen to the Fox News dudes and dudesses.

A hypothesis is nothing more than a hypothesis, until it can be proved.

Man Made "global warming" is a hypothesis that HAS NOT BEEN PROVED!

Believe whatever they tell you, however. It'll make you feel warm and fuzzy. You know, like your're REALLY REALLY REALLY doing something to save the world. And of course, the children!!

Kaylee, Agreed.

<If it's a full grandfatherless ban, then you're truly stuck, but hopefully compensated with a gov't check.>

I'm reminded of Charlton Heston's famous saying involving his cold dead hands.
but I believe that the strong opinions of the Internet-grassroots EBR crowd could quite possibly outweigh the huge mass of indifferent people and the few well-funded loudmouths of the opposition.


As soon as it's proposed, it'll be the buzz on all the blogs. Sway the young folks (which Mr. Vanitas does nicely :) )
<If it's a full grandfatherless ban, then you're truly stuck, but hopefully compensated with a gov't check.>

I'm reminded of Charlton Heston's famous saying involving his cold dead hands.

Oh heck yeah, remember all those midwestern towns that lynched any federal worker they could find following the 1934 NFA?

And then when the 1968 GCA was passed, and those militias organized and seized the Capitol building?

I remember when I in middle school when the 1994 AWB passed, and the teacher came in and quietly told us that Senator Schmuckatelli had just been murdered in retaliation

Oh wait, none of those things happened. Why would AWB 2008 be any different? When it comes to taking up arms against the State, the gun groups rank notably below Puerto Rican nationalists and hillbilly moonshiners.

I am by no means calling for revolution in America, just saying that hauling out the Tree of Liberty Watered with the Blood of Patriots rhetoric at every turn makes folks sound dang silly.

You don't get a lot of revolutions with 75 channels of basic cable and 4000 calories costing less than 30 minutes worth of minimum wage. There are both good and bad aspects to that.

another AWB?....

Maybe not today. Maybe not tomorrow. But soon, and for the rest of your life.

Just kidding. Your guess is as good as mine. If you like guns, and enjoy having the legal right to posess them, excercise that right. Get you one.

In the human body, if a muscle is not exercised, it atrophies. Shrivels up and is destroyed. Rights work much the same way in a legal system.
Instead of "loading up", volunteer on a local campaign. Three former state reps in my area lost by less than 100 votes. We didn't knock on quite enough doors and now we have a 2/3 Dem majority in Minnesota.

Are you a member of the NRA? If not, join now. And give more than you $35 which pretty much will pay for your magazine and a phone rep's salary for one hour.

You and MatthewVanitas understand how elections are won. They are the only ways gun owners can win the ability to keep their firearms.
new AWB?

This year I'm gonna get an AR-15 with a collapsable stock and a few 20 and 30 magazines.

I'm also gonna get a Kel-Tec PLR with flash suppressor and, hopefully, a forward vertical grip attached to the hand guard, along with even more 20 and 30 magazines.

I am eager to buy a few suppresors for each, since my dog skeedaddles when rifles are fired and my own ears wobble when .223 are fired even with plugs!

Outlaw the tools of criminals and create new criminals.
Outlaw criminals, problem solved.

Tools, in the hands of citizens, are to blame for crime, according to polititions.
Polititions, elected by citizens, are tools to criminalize the law-abiding.

Imagine a country that votes year after year to choose people who's only purpose is to solely make even more laws even after 200+ years! It's insanity! Where will it end?! It's an ever creeping control over personal responsibility that has no end in sight! At some point, Americans must stand up and declare "NO MORE!" Politicians are banking on the incrementalism to avoid confrontation, and as history reflects, they are right. Politicians view their constituents as frogs in a pot of boiling water. (the belief that a frog in a pot of water will not try to escape if the temperature is increased gradually and will be ultimately boiled as a result).

It has come to a point where people aren't considered sheep but frogs. This is the opinion the officials in government have of citizens!
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