Best brand of OC spray?

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Dec 25, 2002
Columbia, MD
I live in MD where CCW for guns is pretty much impossible for most people (unless you own a business which does a heavy cash business, then you may get a restricted CCW). I carry a knife and/or pepper spray most of the time (always, when legal, a knife, often pepper spray). The canisters I have now are about 2 years old so I should probably replace them soon (I don't want to carry around an old canister of pepper spray which has had its contents degrade- if you can only carry pepper spray as your distance weapon you want it to be as effective as possible). Anyway, I was wondering if anyone here have preferences for certain brands and models of pepper spray.

I really need two or three options. I like one that is a little bigger. Still fairly small, not the lysol sized cans, basically just small enough to consider putting in your pocket but really better suited to belt carry. I also need a smaller pocket safe option. A possible third option is one of the blends that are stabilized for extreme temperature conditions that are marketed for just keeping in your car. With the last, I've seen some that claim to be safe for long-term storage in your car with the extreme heat and cold that entails. Are they really safe for car heat and cold? Also, with exposure to heat and cold, even if stabilized so that it won't explode, will the contents degrade any faster than the "regular" options that you have to remove from your car when you leave?
From what I have read Fox Labs is one of the best rated sprays. The only personal experience I have with it is with getting a drop or two into my face, once while doing a test discharge and once while removing a canister from a key chain case. I can tell you I sure would not want to take a facefull of it. I think they have containers that easily meet your options 1 & 2. Not sure about your option 3. Below is what Fox had to say when I asked about temperature ranges.

Thank you for taking the time to make your inquiry.
Suggested replacement time is 2 years from the time of purchase.
If you look just under the bottom edge of the label you will see 6 digits. The first two represent the year, the second two the month and the last two the day that the unit was filled -- in other words the birth date. It is there primarily for us to keep track of the batches, but it can also serve to give you another date for reference. You are welcome to call me at 1-800-FOXLABS (369-5227) if you would like me to go into greater details.

The products work great in most temperatures, including cold weather, although the carbon dioxide propellant in the stream units does react more severely to temperature swings than does the nitrogen. Unless you are located in an extreme Northern area, I wouldn't be concerned about the performance capabilities. I have attached an email from a highly respected trainer who commented about our products performance in cold weather -- he resides in Wisconsin.

The only thing that really affects the product regarding temperature is exposure to high heat (120+ degrees) which can blow the top off of the unit. Keep it out of direct sunlight and if in a vehicle, make sure it is close to the floor, not kept on a visor. As for time, diffusion takes place meaning the propellant slowly escapes over time, but if you adhere to our suggested replacement time you should not experience any problems.
That Fox Labs link had some interesting ideas. I don't know if anyone else has ever tested their pepper spray. Some of them throw a spray that would easily get splashed back at you or blown by the wind. The Fox Labs foam is a great idea. Many self defense situations may happen in a place where the liquid isn't the best option.
Fox Labs has a very good reputation, as does Punch II. I've used Punch II on large dogs twice (a Pitbull and a Rottweiler) and it produced the desired result without permanent harm to the animal
I vote for Fox also. I have the smaller keychain model for carrying in my pocket when not wearing a jacket, the the larger (2 oz?) model for slipping in a jacket pocket.

Whoda thunk there would be "summer carry" and "winter carry" with pepper spray?:D
Greyhound, since you are local let me ask you. Do you buy it online or is there someplace local to buy it? I've never really noticed it around here before, but until now I was never really paying attention to the brand at all when it came to pepper spray.
the very best pepper-spray is this one:


2-shot pepper-shooter pyrotechnic device. Effective range is four meters, the stream velocity is 8 times higher than the normal spray's. No chance to jump away, not affected by the wind.

About 40 euros/unit. Not reloadable. No license required in most European states.

We tried it, excellent stopper.

"General importer in USA:

Jet Protector LLC
2811 Brodhead Road
Bethlehem, PA 18017

Tel.: ++1-800-225-2453
Fax: ++1-610-868-6335 "
Very interesting device.

Unfortunately, I think the pyro may make it illegal in some places in US where regular pepper spray is allowed.
No spray is reliable. However, before you go spending the money, you may want to find out what the shelf life is on what you have. The contents shouldn't go bad, but the propellent may leak out. Call the manufacturer of what you have and ask 'em. Then go buy a can of women's hair spray. Deodorant will do. Cheaper and just as effective.
"The contents shouldn't go bad,"

let me say that ANY large molecule organic compound "could go bad".
The oleoresic capsaicum's pellegrinic acid-vanillil-amine is such a substance.

" Then go buy a can of women's hair spray. Deodorant will do. Cheaper and just as effective."

It seems that you never have tried a real pepper-spray on yourself.
Can pepper spray be used as a food additive?

Yes, I am serious. There have been times that my food was so poor that I would have paid extra if it meant I could have some flavor. A dual use can in the pocket would be a lifesaver.
"That is an interesting device, but only having 2 shots keeps it off my wish list."

If you need more than two shots of it, you need a REAL gun, not a pepper-spray...

BTW: the normal-size pepper-sprays are not good for more attackers, too. The usual 40-50 ml OC-sprays will be empty within 5-8 seconds.
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