Best Improvised Home Self Defense?

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The china cabinett contains all sorts of potentially useful projectiles.

My fridge almost always contains potential useful close combat weapons, although I hate to waste a beer that way...come to think of it, depending on how much cleaning I've done recently, there's usually one or two empties on my desk and the coffee table...although that will change once the baby gets here.
Speaking of metal detectors, I always fly with a pair of tube socks and a billiard ball (or similar object) in my carry on.

Around the house I have knives, a bat, mag light, and 3 cats that make excellent projectiles.
I like a nice hickory bokken.


Kind of like a samurai sword meets a Louisville slugger :D
There isn't enough room in most parts of any house to use a bokken/bat/etc. IMHO. I would prefer a Sabatier Au Carbonne kitchen knife with a 7-9" blade.
There's almost always a handy blunt object within reach to be used as a club. Kitchen and bathroom chemicals could be put into play just like Mace/CS spray, although not quite as neatly. Heck, with all the spare computer parts laying around here I could scoop up an old (and sharp-edged) video card on the run and use it as a nifty slashing weapon if I were forced to.

Best solution: start a distraction by setting loose your pack of trained guard dogs / cats / carpetsharks / Betty's pinktoe tarantula while you look for a better weapon.

::shudder:: Tarantulas still give me the creeps, no matter how "cute" they are.
"Magnum Hornet Spray; shoots a heavy stream of chemicals accurately about 30 feet."

Now there's an idea. I like it!
Interesting results so far:

Blunt objects: 10

Sharp objects: 4

Chemicals: 2

nail gun went into "sharp objects" category :uhoh:
Look at and decide. I am doing a run of heavy plastic Koppo sticks wrapped with 550 in whatever color you want. IMHO this is the best weapon that you can take just about anywhere. Not to mention it has no metal signature and is light.
if for some crazy reason i couldn't get to any of my firearms, the TPX Air Attack 3 would be my hand to hand weapon
WD 40 and a bic lighter. Carb/choke cleaner even better. Throws flame eight to ten feet and it is HOT.

EZ Off aerosol oven cleaner is nice too.
Anybody hear about the gal in California. Some guy tried to have his way with her, she would have none of that. She used her thumbs and poked an eye out. He lost interest and left. They found him at the local hospital.

I call it the three stooges method. You can also use your index fingers. But, who wants them that close. I say do the speed rock and get them before they get you.

Mrs. Toro

1 Timothy 3: 8-10
Likewise must the deasons be grave, not double tongued, not given to much wine, not greedy of filthy lucre; Holding the mystery of the faith in a pure conscience. And let these also first be proved; then let them use the office of a deacon being found blameless.
How about a fire extinguisher?? It has a chemical spray feature & it's a blunt object. No cop anywhere can call it a weapon so you can have one in your car. In a commercial vehicle & most boats you're REQUIRED by law to have one.

If the perp escapes he would be easy to ID because he would be covered in fine white powder. :evil:

BTW.......They can also be used to fight fires. :D
I've seen a fire extinguisher used as an improvised weapon. It is exceedingly effective.

What kind do you use on the dogs, CO2? That's what they used to get the tiger off Roy Horn -- without harming it. The dry chemical extinguishers are much nastier. A long warning label with special cautions about contact with eyes and lungs. I kept one in my car when I was working in Detroit, just in case of a "fire". Usually have a large maglight, but they're regulated like guns in the Motor City, ever since Nevers and Budzyn subdued Malice Green with one.
One Krav Maga school I know of actually has fire extinguishers on their short list of preferred improvised weapons.

The Italian cops sure took fire extinguishers seriously enough to shoot that anarcho-**** in the face when he was about to hurl one at them. I guess you just shouldn't take one to a gunfight.
Agree with El T...learn "something"( the software)then whatever is around is a better tool.

I answered this similar thread before. I have used an antenna I broke off a vehicle, a notebook/ledger, a fire extinguisher ( the big ones, used the cannister itself) coffee cups, glass bottle...

So a quck look around I have a textbook ( they must charge by the pound for these things btw), part of broom handle, lamps, does the 1911 on my pc desk count ? the gun on my hip?...small wooden stepladder, oil lamp, ...

I had a neighbor years ago use a "Velvet Elvis" framed picture on her boyfriend...always wondered what those were good for... :)
Its been 5 days and no one has posted anything more to this thread so I will post my suggestion. A quartz crystal cluster. Thats right, its decrative, some say it has healing powers, and when thrown, watch out!


Come at me with your sluggers and long sticks and chemical sprays. Lets see how well you take a cluster to the head.:D :D :D

Most folks have opted for contact weapons. I prefer distance, so here is another vote for the humble, inexpensive, go anywhere fire extinguisher. I actually tried a few, for about $10 you can get a dry charge and keep it handy.
Also, if you must fly & then rent a car, a dry charge is legal everywhere, inexpensive, and requires no explanation beyond "I was burned once".
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