Best out of box 1911 under 1K?

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Jul 16, 2005
What brand and model would you consider to be the most accurate, reliable, durable, and sweetest looking 1911 out of the box for under 1k? I am assuming it will be a Kimber, but I might be suprised!

I have never owned a 1911 and am interested in purchasing my first one. I will probably want a 4 or 5" barrell as this will just be a safe queen.
Get a Colt, Dan Wesson, S&W or Springfield 1911.

I would avoid Kimber unless you can find an early Clackamas made one. The mass produced guns they hock these days have little, if any, quality control and most are horribly out of spec in critical areas.
A vote, based on ownership, for Colt and Dan Wesson. I don't own a S&W but I've spent some time looking at them and a S&W 1911 is next on my list.
The Colt 01970 I own is just under $1000 and has been perfect out of the box; for that matter my Colt 01091 has also been perfect and I’m seeing them sold online for less then $700.

What can I say? I bought into the myth: A real 1911 is a Colt, the rest are copies, and so forth. I know it’s a stupid reason upon which to base a handgun buying decision but it’s worked fine for me.

Don’t by a Colt, however, if you’re planning on making it a safe queen – Colts are meant to be used and life is too short.
Yeah, let me explain that whole safe queen comment: I have a carry piece and I have a HD piece... so it would sit in the safe until I brought it out for plinking/target.

I just think there are a lot worse things I could invest in than firearms, and I gotta spend my money somewhere.
I love my Colt Gold Cup. No failures in 5 years. More accurate that me. I clean it and I shoot it. More shooting than cleaning.
Iam packing a Colt. My last 4 new 1911 were 2 Colts and a Kimber. Kimber was replaced in 2 weeks with another Colt. So my answer is Colt.
I have a Colt, a kimber and a full custom, I haven't put that many rounds through (200) the Kimber, but it is a very accurate pistol, has funtioned flawlessly and being the CDP ll with alloy frame, I use it as a carry piece.
I do know of one Kimber safety breaking, Kimber fixed it in minimal time, and it was a shooter, he traded it off as soon as he got it back from Kimber.

On the other hand, I have a Colt Gold Cup that is only "fairly" accurate and absolutely dependable. I will be sending it to a qualified Smith for a barrel bushing fitted and possibly a barrel. Also on the list to have done is the slide to frame tightened somewhat.

I think you can get all you paid for in any manufactuers pistol, or less than you paid for with any manufactuers pistol. Luck of the draw.
Yeah, I was leaning towards Kimber because of the "tacticool" colors and materials, but a friend of mine has a Gold Cup and I remember him saying he loved it. I thought Gold Cups were over the 1k mark, so honestly I didn't even consider them.

It looks like some internet sites have stainless Gold Cups for around 850 shipped... that might be the way I go.
<1k 1911

If you can find a SA S/S Champ with night sights buy it. Mine has been flawless and very accurate for 700.00 used. Thats a couple hundred for ammo left.
I am no expert but I recommend the Dan Wesson PM7. I spent a lot of time shopping. Gun Test Magazine gave it a great review.
Another vote for both Wessons:

Dan Wesson and Smith and Wesson.

My DW is a pre-CZ DW and an absolute tack driver. My Smith is the basic model and not as accurate but also totally reliable and more than enough accurate.

Photos are fun!

Best out of box 1911 under 1K?
I don't know about the other brands, because I just keep buying Kimbers (5).:)

Under $1,000?
I got my $700 Ultra Carry out the other day since I hadn't shot it in a while.
As always my reaction was, "Man that's a fine gun".

The $700+ 4 inch barrel Compact Custom is also a nice piece of machinery but a bit heavy.
+1 for Kimber. My Custom Target II has been absolutely flawless, is very accurate and you can buy them for +/- $650 on Gunbroker. They are a very basic black, I put Hogue rubber grips (cheap) on mine and bought 3 Chip Mccormick Power Magazines (expensive) for it. I shoot it almost weekly and have no desire for another 1911 at this time. I'm actually leaving right now to put about 300 of my first reloads thru it, and I'm confident it is going to stay perfect.
Colt, Springfield, although I do love my Kimber, warts (FPB) and all. :)

I don't see another Kimber in my future, at least not a new one. Never say never though.
SA Loaded model or a Dan Wesson will provide the best "bang" for your $1K bucks.
You are all saying Dan Wesson- best bang for buck... what do you get on one of those that you won't on a Colt Gold Cup?
I don't know. Never owned a Gold (or any other color) Cup.

I just know my Dan Wesson Pointman 1 blued model is far more gun than what I paid for it used at a pawn shop. Never has it failed to run and is match accurate after many tens of k's of reloaded rounds.
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