Boston teacher's perverted views on self defense.

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"It unfairly rewards resourceful children who move to safety off-site more shrewdly and efficiently than others." Schools should level playing fields, not intrinsically reward those more resourceful. A level barrel is fair to all fish.
Logically, then, if one kid draws the short straw and is gets shot, we need to execute everybody else. Y'know, to keep it fair.
It does.......

It is sad how bad and low things have gotten when it comes to real news. :barf:
"But as a progressive, I would sooner lay my child to rest than succumb to the belief that the use of a gun for self-defense is somehow not in itself a gun crime."

Well at least he is not risking his life. :cuss:

Massachusetts has its own cultural norms. If you have ever been in the state, you just are not aware of what it is like to be totally submerged in an “antigun” culture. The guy may be just repeating something he heard on in the local media.

The leaders of that state have created a culture where firearms are evil. Massachusetts residents act the same around firearms as most people do around snakes. Fearful, totally irrational behaviors.

Massachusetts working people are actually fine, they just need to be deprogrammed. Their leaders are evil though.
"Schools should level playing fields, not intrinsically reward those more resourceful. A level barrel is fair to all fish.

And people wonder why I'm determined to homeschool my children.

"But as a progressive, I would sooner lay my child to rest than succumb to the belief that the use of a gun for self-defense is somehow not in itself a gun crime."

If this school teaches Darwinism and this is the attitude of it's teachers what does it say about the school? This is not the Federal government my great-great-great-grandfather fought to protect in 1863-1865.
This is almost surely a satire but there are also surely people with this exact same type of thinking. I had a real loony anti gun teacher in high school who now teaches my little brother's religion class. She told his class it was morally wrong to kill another person in defense, even if that act saved many other lives. This is exactly how many if not most of the people in The Brady Campaign,Ceasfire,etc...think. I spend all this time wondering why facts and logic don't get through to them and this is why. Their way of thinking is completely warped.
...that he enjoys a good joke?

Maybe. Usually, I don't immediately credit a news paper editor with common sense. I figured he might have read someone who's singing his own song, and felt that this letter deserves a platform that only he could supply, so that the great unlearned can be graced with the wisdom of his elite. But maybe not.
Here is another gem from Mr Van Gorder:

Better To Spread Our Rights
QUINCY - Trying Khalid Sheikh Mohammed in civilian court signals America both strives for global approval and recognizes equality among all citizens of the world.

Should evidence from waterboarding be excluded at trial, some fear the accused may be found not guilty and freed to commit further attacks.

But threat of attack is much diminished now due to America’s increased global approval, approval that is a virtual security blanket President Obama has knitted from hope, change and powerful supplications before the world.

Should evidence from waterboarding not be excluded – admittedly setting a precedent permitting torture of citizens too – it will be worth the loss of our protections from such tactics in order to redistribute our rights to all humanity.

Better to spread rights, slightly thinned, than to hoard them even for our own children. Thankfully, our president values global equality, underscored each time he rightfully bows before world leaders in symbolic atonement for our disproportionate quality of life.



It is subtle and nuanced satire. This guy is my new favorite writer.

I lived in Seattle, 54th and fremont actually........then Kirkland, redmond, woodinville? everett and Bremerton....all are beautiful.......!
A few years ago I heard about an entrance exam for incoming teachers in Massachusettes. Something like 75% failed the test so they gave a retest. Something like 70% failed the retest. The final result was they threw out the test and made all of them teachers. This one sounds like one of those who failed the retest.
In my opinion this is obviously a satire, and not a well disguised one at that. Pay close attention to the use of "tactical" language--particularly terminology such as "lockdown", "acquire preselected targets", and "target-rich environment"--and you'll realize that the writer is very likely pro-gun rather than anti-gun. This may not be obvious at first because we're so accustomed to reading and writing such jargon. Also, I seriously doubt that a true pacifist, holding that all life is equally precious, would compare potential shooting victims to fish in a barrel. :)

As a piece of satire on the whole, however, it does a fair job of presenting a valid interpretation of the beliefs of some.
Schools should level playing fields, not intrinsically reward those more resourceful.
So the kid who works hard, hands in assignments on time and is well-behaved should get the same grade as the juvenile delinquent who skips school, disrupts classes and refuses to study?

Now there's a novel theory of education!
If this teacher had been a kid at Columbine, he'd have been one of the "less resourceful" ones and killed, judging by his mental acumen.

So the kid who works hard, hands in assignments on time and is well-behaved should get the same grade as the juvenile delinquent who skips school, disrupts classes and refuses to study?

Oddly enough, your intent at parody is reality - he probably actually believes that, too. Have you seen these types in action? We wouldn't want to unfairly "judge" those with less supportive environments, lest they fall victim to a defeatist mentality.

This guys probably gives B-minuses to all students who are B-minus all the way up to A-plus students, and gives C-pluses to all students who are C-pluses all the way down to F students.
I'm pretty certain the writer is trying to open a few minds by pushing his reasons beyond the liberal edge. It probably backfired on some uber-Libs who agree with him, and also backfires on a lot of posters here who are willing to believe that the typical Mass resident would, in fact, feel this way.

However, it might just make some of the middle-ground folks think a bit.
like fish in a barrel

The satirist writing "A level barrel is fair to all fish" in the context described made me think of the expression 'like shooting fish in a barrel'.
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