Brady Campaign grades Obama: "F" in gun control

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WE can take credit for having Obama so scared of us.

So he's afraid of a bunch of people who would never vote for him or any Democrats? Would NEVER fill their campaign coffers?

Sorry to interrupt the back patting, but none of these national politicians are afraid of anyone without at least a seven figure checking account.
So you think the fact that it's STILL hard to find ammo after HIS election has no influence at all over his policy? Why do YOU think he, Pelosi, Feinstein, and Emmanuel haven't moved to pass more gun laws. I'll give you a hint. It's because 60 some-odd blue dog dems in the house were tole plainly by their constituents that it would be very very bad for them if they did. They sent a letter to the attorney general telling him not to bother with any new gun laws since the house would not pass them.

We have as much influence as we choose to exercise. But it's ok. You can sit this one out too. We gotcher back.
You can sit this one out too. We gotcher back.

wow, it's that "edgy" and "high road" move of dragging crap in from a completely unrelated topic or thread. It might be easier if you just admit that your ego is easily bruised. Keep shaming, it's a GREAT tactic to bring people around to your view.
Huh. Good for Obama. Seems like he's not focused on grabbing all the guns after all.

I'd like to see someone source proof at a federal level otherwise. As it is, the OP has offered *positive* feedback on his administration related to guns.
This is probably smokescreen as much as anything else.

In giving him a F, he 'looks good' to the fence-sitting middle of the road people vaguely concerned about their gun rights - and might get a few people to vote for him.
Brady is, on the surface at least, making a vast oversight.

Obama put a woman on the supreme court who thinks two sticks of wood tied together is a felonious offense. That's more damaging than any law Obama could have passed. Remember, we were only 1 vote away from losing Heller.
There are so many other things deemed more important right now than guns. If he even touched gun control before those things are fixed, everyone, whether they care about guns or not, would be outraged. He certainly isn't a friend to gun owners, he is just too busy trying to ruin other aspects of our life first.
Don't count your money until the game is done!

Please don't drop your 2nd amendment rights guard just yet!!!!

The anti's are just laying in wait in the weeds for the rest of the major issues to get voted on. Obama WILL PUSH HIS ANTI-GUN AGENDA IN HIS 2ND TERM.
Mark my words. It's coming! :fire:
I'm not letting my guard down. They have their plate full with the wars, the economy, and their other pet issues like the butchered health care reform...

I don't think Obama, H. Clinton, Emanuel, Biden, and Holder have gotten to where they've gotten because they're stupid. They're just not acting now. Pelosi said something like "Now is not the time." Snakes don't always strike immediately.
Do not blame Caesar, blame the people of Rome who have so enthusiastically acclaimed and adored him and rejoiced in their loss of freedom and danced in his path and gave him triumphal processions. ... Blame the people who hail him when he speaks in the Forum of the 'new, wonderful good society' which shall now be Rome's, interpreted to mean 'more money, more ease, more security, more living fatly at the expense of the industrious.'" --Roman statesman Marcus Tullius Cicero (106-43 B.C.)
No doubt the desire is there. I suspect we will see more movement when things are a little less hectic.

The Bush years made many American gun owners complacent (me included); I hope they wake up soon.
It certainly isn't because they don't WANT to.

I'd concur. Anyone who doubts that, and I have talked to people who do, should ask themselves why an "assault weapons" ban and other such goals are enumerated planks of the party platform. If they had the political support they'd happily do it tomorrow, fortunately they don't and have burned through political capitol and gotten themselves in a pickle over issues that hit home with everyone.

Understanding the how and why of politics and the political process ought not be mistaken for letting one's guard down. Not understanding politics makes you the idiot paying $800 for a wars 10 a day after an election that was lost months prior to the vote because your afraid of legislation that stands no chance of getting off the ground for the foreseeable future.
9mm, I was talking to gossamer, not you.

But you are absolutely nuts if you think anything but fear is keeping them from implementing all of the laws we fear and WORSE. It certainly isn't because they don't WANT to.

Again, without some actual sources to support your statements....I'm not the one that is nuts.

Talk about a bunch of people who see only what they expect to see.....completely blinded to 'facts.' Unreal and not doing the 2A any good.
Again, without some actual sources to support your statements....I'm not the one that is nuts

An "assault weapons" ban, among other "reasonable gun control measures," is a blank of the democratic platform. It is their stated goal. Why do you suppose they are not interested in trying to achieve their stated goal? Members of congress are single minded seekers of office. With some exceptions, it is not that they lack the conviction that doing so would be good idea and desire to do so. Many of them do fear losing their seats. The events in Mass. make that even more pronounced. None in remotely contested seats are dumb enough to wont to throw more fuel on the fire.
Many of them do fear losing their seats.

A politician, regardless of the color of his stripes, has three jobs: Get elected, get re-elected and expand his powerbase. Convictions, agendas, what's best for the country, what have you, take a backseat.
Understanding the how and why of politics and the political process ought not be mistaken for letting one's guard down. Not understanding politics makes you the idiot paying $800 for a wars 10 a day after an election that was lost months prior to the vote because your afraid of legislation that stands no chance of getting off the ground for the foreseeable future.

I'm trying to follow this,but I have no idea what you're trying to say here.
If I were in Mr. Obama's position, I wouldn't start pushing my gun control agenda until my 2nd term is either in the bag, or an obvious lost cause. Politicians like to be re-elected more than they like to advance their personal causes.


A stated goal of [URL=""]permanent instatement of some "loop hole free" version of the AWB is politically risky[/URL] when 2010 elections are upcoming and 2012 reelection is desired. Once those benchmarks are passed I would be willing to bet that new federal "gun control" legislation will be fielded. Whether it is made into law depends upon those elections and on a number of other factors. It is our best interest to gain as much support across the whole political and social spectrum in this country to forestall any such attempts.
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