Brass constantly flying in my face

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Aug 24, 2006
I've had a Colt .45 model 80 for a few months now and while my groups are getting better and better as the gun breaks in and my technique improves, there's still one problem that has yet to go away. This thing likes to kick up brass backwards straight at my face. At first I was just too excited about the gun in general to really care, but this past weekend a hot peice of brass sliced right into my cheek and I've had enough. Thank Goodness I was wearing eye protection, it could have potentially been a lot worse, but it's still really annoying.

Can anything be done to reduce the occurance of this?
From the 1911 quick fixes thread. . .

Getting hit in the face with hot brass?

Most extractor hooks are square on the bottom corner. Use a medium India stone to radius that corner a little by swiping the hook on the stone with a rocking motion. This will let the case twist off the extractor at a slightly different point, and kick it out at more of an angle. It also works to relieve any contact with the case as the round climbs the hill to enter the chamber. If you have lazy return to battery, and notice gouge marks in the extractor groove, look to that corner.
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