"But guns were MADE for killing"

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It has been stated that there are more deaths by other means than by the gun, again, this is wrong... the simple fact is that in the USA, 92% of all deaths are carried out by firearms! Not by other means.

PLease be sure of the facts before making blase statements that have not been researched.

WHO came up with this crap??? That isn't even close!! Guns aren't even in the top 10 causes! BE SURE OF THE FACTS!?! THEN LETS LOOK AT THE FACTS!!..


In 2004 in the US, suicides were the #11 cause of all deaths, where 1.4% of ALL deaths were by suicide. Guns were used to commit suicide 51.6% of the time, - for 16,750 deaths = only .7% OF ALL deaths

ALL Homicides were the #15 cause of ALL deaths, at only .7%. Guns were used only 67% of the time to commit homicide - roughly 11,624 deaths = only .47% OF ALL DEATHS.

Add in 649 deaths for ALL accidental firearm deaths, and...

Firearms are only involved in roughly 1.2% of ALL DEATHS in the USA

Only .009% of the population will use firearms to tragically cause a death, their own or of someone else's, annually. And that small amount of selfish individuals should NOT IN ANY WAY be used to disable natural rights of the other 99.991% of us!
Que said:
The fact is, this arguments are null and void and cannot be used to invalidate the purpose for which the gun was invented. The fact that any subsequent use for the gun has come come about does not detract from its original intent...and nor has the original intent been changed or nullified.

And? The internet's original purpose was so that the military could launch nukes (ergo, kill lots of people) even if they lost a city or base in the middle of the network from an enemy attack. The fact that any subsequent use for the internet has come come about does not detract from its original intent...and nor has the original intent been changed or nullified.

So why are you using the internet? Do you want to blow up lots of innocent children?! :rolleyes:
WHO came up with this crap??? That isn't even close!! Guns aren't even in the top 10 causes! BE SURE OF THE FACTS!!!!

In 2004 in the US, suicides were the #11 cause of all deaths, where 1.4% of ALL deaths were by suicide. Guns were used to commit suicide 51.6% of the time, for only .7% OF ALL deaths.

ALL Homicides were the #15 cause of ALL deaths, at only .7%. Guns were used only 67% of the time to commit homicide - .47% OF ALL DEATHS. [/i]

Add in .6% for ALL accidental firearm deaths, and

Firearms are only involved in roughly 1.8% of ALL DEATHS in the USA

Only .009% of the population will use firearms to tragically cause a death, their own or of someone else's, annually.

Hehe, I guess cancer, heart disease, and car accidents make up the other 8% of all the deaths in the US. :D
This is not to say they should be banned... because banning them would not be a solution, it will just make the problem change colour... What is needed is a global control over them, and stricter controls in place....

Now that is some SCARY European thinking. Didn't you guys learn anything from the 20th century?

GOVERNMENTS are the real killers.

The solution is NOT "One World Government with a monopoly on guns."

That is a prescription for Hell on Earth.

Accept the fact that Utopia is impossible. John Lennon's song "Imagine" is a description of the Cambodian Killing Fields (for which he bears some responsibility, in my opinion).

You CAN NOT eliminate guns. They are easier to mass produce than drugs.

The best you can hope for is:

Keep Governments small, divided within themselves and among themselves.

Make sure the COMMON People maintain ownership of guns, not for hunting or sport, but as a counterbalance to Government power.

THAT is a description of the original vision of the Framers of the U.S. Constitution.

That's what we are so desperately trying to hang on to on this side of the pond.
So someone joins yesterday and revives a 5 year old thread with their only post which includes
the simple fact is that in the USA, 92% of all deaths are carried out by firearms! Not by other means.
This thread should go back to it's resting place.
Duh, heart disease and smoking deaths are gun related. Gun nuts tell people to eat greasy foods and smoke cartons of cigarettes by gunpoint. Car accidents are caused by people waving guns out of their car windows. All those kids drowning in pools? They tripped over guns.

...seriously though, I think whoever made that claim has seen the Die Hard movies one too many times.
Here's what I always say.

A gun is a weapon. Lots of people say that a gun is just a tool, and that's true, it's a specific kind of tool, a weapon. But because something is a weapon doesn't mean it should be banned. The world is a violent place, and sometimes a peaceful person has need for a weapon. It's my belief that every citizen, who is not a criminal, has the right to own a weapon peacefully. Sam Adams said, "And that the said Constitution [shall] be never construed to authorize Congress... to prevent the people of the United States, who are peaceable citizens, from keeping their own arms."

On top of that, prohibition of alcohol didn't work, prohibition of drugs certainly isn't working, so why would prohibition of guns work? Guns are a durable good, they last a long time. They are small enough to smuggle easily, and they can be manufactured without too much difficulty. If guns are prohibited, all you do is create a black market for guns, and when you create a black market you create crime, because the only way to settle disputes in a black market is violence.
Key word here is MADE not ARE MADE.

Yes guns, at one, time were specifically made to kill. But now, a massive amount of guns are designed be shot at clay targets, paper targets or metal targets that reset themselves.

At one time Aspertame was made for chemical warfare, but now it's used in Diet Coke.
The problem with that is that it says "some guns were made for killing but some are not," and that says that it's ok to ban guns that are weapons; Handguns, EBRs etc. The second amendment is to protect arms, not sporting goods.
Shouldn't need 2nd Amendment protection on firearms in general--it's a matter of personal freedoms not being limited as long as those freedoms are not causing harm to others. If an individual harms others, that individual needs limitations. Other individuals should not carry responsibility or have their freedoms limited due to actions of another.

Our kin in the Commonwealth have other ideas and prefer that all society suffer for the sins of others. As do our own control freaks and bigots.
I get a kick out of this one.

Que said:
EDIT: Knives were not invented to kill, they were invented to skin, to cut, and not to kill...

Then as a stone age hunter, what am I supposed to kill my rabbit with? Unless you suggest I skin and fillet my meal while it's still alive.
Unless... Hey, I could use my knife to kill it. Whoa, I guess it is possible to use something for a purpose other than what it was invented for.

So now I can use my knife that was invented for cutting to kill things instead, and use my gun that was made for killing as an expensive hole-punch.
And hammers were designed to drive nails. And yet....

And icepicks were designed to split ice. And yet...

And bats were designed to drive horsehide spheres out of the park. And yet...

And beer bottles were designed to contain a fermented brew. And yet...
WE SHOULD SAY: "Your claim that 'they're only for killing people' is imprecise. A gas chamber or electric chair is designed for killing people, and these devices obviously serve different functions than guns. To be precise, a high capacity military-type rifle or handgun is designed for CONFLICT. When I need to protect myself and my freedom, I want the most reliable, most durable, highest capacity weapon possible. The only thing hunting and target shooting have to do with freedom is that they're good practice."
Lamb of Gun said:
At one time Aspertame was made for chemical warfare, but now it's used in Diet Coke.
Wait, you mean Diet Coke isn't a chemical warfare munition? It sure had me fooled. :p
Damn straight guns were made for killing! That's what they were made for. There is no other reason for making most of them in the first place. Their original intent and purpose was to kill. Crawling out of that was sporting, hunting, shooting clays and target shooting and not necessary in that order.
All of my guns were made to kill and make no mistake about it. Guns killed my uncle and my brother in-law because of their stupidity, they thought their guns were unloaded. Don't call me a fool. I served in the Army for 20 years, what in God's creation do you think they handed me from the get go? It was an M16 and they told me that it wasn't built to handle and play marching band with, it was to kill. Punch a steel pot at 400 meters and they showed me how to do it. You cannot tell me that guns weren't built and not meant to kill other people. Your country's security rides on that fact. Your security and your family's security rides on that fact as well. You might want to twirl them and set them in a holster but that wasn't what they were made for. They weren't made for putting up on a wall either to look at. They are not a trophy although you might put up one and call that particular firearm a trophy. If you are trying to change the mind of a bleeding heart liberal about the very idea of what a gun is than you are believing the very same lie that you are telling them yourself.
The primary nature of a gun is to kill so don't kid yourself. If you hunt, They kill. If you are in the Army or Marines they do the bidding of your country.
If you are in a SHTF situation they will bring a huge sense of peace in your life. Ask Los Angeles (twice)Ask New Orleans and Parts of South Louisiana, and Parts of South Mississippi . Ask any Law Enforcement Officer who is worth his salt, those boys in blue are the thin blue line and the only thing that is separating much of this society from a civilized society from a denigrated and ruthless anarchy.
Those Police officers will tell you guns are made for killing, theirs and the crap they have to face from criminals and the like who have zero respect for the badge.
Then as a stone age hunter, what am I supposed to kill my rabbit with? Unless you suggest I skin and fillet my meal while it's still alive.
Unless... Hey, I could use my knife to kill it. Whoa, I guess it is possible to use something for a purpose other than what it was invented for.

He's actually right about the knives. All evidence suggests they were used as tools to process food. They were first small stone flakes entirely too fragile for killing. There's a lot of blunt instruments that can be used to kill game.
This is not to say they should be banned... because banning them would not be a solution, it will just make the problem change colour... What is needed is a global control over them, and stricter controls in place.... not necessarily new legislation, but better enforcement of existing legislation

Que is a troll. Dug up a years-old thread for this.

Still, if someone makes this statement, I ask why they say it as if it were a bad thing.
Start mentioning names, beginning with Charlie Manson, ending with Pol Pot or Hitler.
There are people that "Need Killin'". I'd much rather do it with a pistol than a nuke.

Ahh, socialism, as delivered on the carrier of institutional psychology. Wonderful.

Under psycho-socialism, killing is bad unless performed by murderers. Murderers are simply acting out, had bad childhoods, are temporarily insane, whatever. They can't help themselves, so morally they get a free pass.

Defending yourself though, that's a rational act and you can't claim diminished capacity, so you're clearly guilty of premeditated self defense.

Especially if you defended yourself with a gun. Because guns are just made for killing, so you were planning to kill your assailant before you even knew who he was.

Of course guns are made for killing.
That's why police kill several people per day as part of their quota.

Of course guns are made for killing.
My question is, why do you think you should be killed?

Of course guns are made for killing.
Who are you afraid you'll kill?

Of course guns are made for killing.
You think a rapist would run away from a cell phone?

Of course guns are made for killing.
Or perhaps you'd prefer to chase a deer down and club it to death.

Of course guns are made for killing.
I tried for months to get my own policeman with one of those killing gun thingies to protect me.
They wouldn't let me have one. They told me to get my own gun and quit whining.

Of course guns are made for killing.
If governments didn't keep trying to establish tyranny we wouldn't need the damned things.
Do you think you could do something about that whole corrupt government/tyranny thing so I can stop having to own guns?

Of course guns are made for killing.
Food is so much harder to cook when it won't hold still.

Of course guns are made for killing.
Killing is a long established and honorable tradition of mankind.
Conquerers and tyrants have long known it's the best way to get rid of unwanted population segments and bothersome individuals.

Of course guns are made for killing.
You didn't think we were just gonna hand over our rights and freedoms without a fight, did you?

Of course guns are made for killing.
Years of research has shown killing is a fine deterrent.
They really were created to kill. There's absolutely no question that guns were invented for this purpose. They are simply weapons, used not only for defense but offense. The 1st gonnes were created as an offensive instrument, to try to get some advantage over the enemies who didn't have them. We're never going to get to paint guns as furry animal petters, and there's no need to sugar coat it here with our fellow gun owners. It's something I'm at terms with. Killing is just a word with a negative connotation. But as... base as it sounds, there's things worse than killing, and circumstances where killing is a better alternative. Heh, that still doesn't make it sound so appetizing, I suppose.

You know, I enjoy using guns to shoot targets, plink, look at, etc, and many other activities. There's a lot of things I enjoy doing with my guns that don't involve killing. They entertain and are enjoyable to me, regardless of the intent of their basic design. But looking at it objectively, I do wonder if the purpose for the existence of guns is just a lesser evil? Then again, I suppose all things are lesser evils to some ideal? Interesting topic.
To whoever said aspartame was originally developed for chemical-warfare - that's an urban legend - just so you know. It was developed for its current usage - nothing else. While its effects on bladder cancer can be disputed, its original intended purpose cannot be - despite all of the articles online that want you to think it was led by Donald Rumsfeld in a chemical warfare experiement and later forced to be FDA approved for human consumption.

That's all BS.

Now you know.
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