C&R Renewal Form?

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Sep 11, 2004
Saint Petersburg, FL
Hi guys. I was wondering where I could find a C&R renewal form from the ATF site. I had my C&R a few years ago, but let it expire after committing the sin of non-use.

However, I've got the bug again. But I have been up, down, and all around the ATF site trying to find it to no avail. Am I missing something? Or is my temporary blindness acting up again?

Or am I totally off base by looking for a renewal form since my C&R is expired. Do I need to sign up for a new one?

Ugh...I just realized this should be in legal. Can a mod redirect please?
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I believe once you let it expire, you have to start over with a new one.
If it's a "start over", then...are you required to post your old aquisitions from the old license into the new bound book? Or are they "off paper" now?
No need to list anything you currently own, even if it was bought under your old license. Once your license expires you are done with that book and the firearms you bought under it are now "off paper".
No need to list anything you currently own, even if it was bought under your old license. Once your license expires you are done with that book and the firearms you bought under it are now "off paper".
Unless you sell them while you have your new c&r, then they'll need to be logged out.
No need to list anything you currently own, even if it was bought under your old license. Once your license expires you are done with that book and the firearms you bought under it are now "off paper".
Wow.....don't let the "gun show loophole" crowd find out about that one!!
We'll call that one the Cruffler Loophole. :rolleyes:

You can list the old ones if you want, but as stated above, you don't need to unless you sell them.
Soo for those of us who haven't let our license fall into expiration, where is the actual renewal form?

The ATF is supposed to notify you within 30 days of expiration.
If you have not heard from them by that time call,write or email.
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