Can someone please educate me on Obama/Romney

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An other concern, gun-control has become sort of a third-rail of politics. While the anti members of congress (Both R and D!) would love to introduce more anti-2A legislation, none would dare because they know they won't be able to hold their office if they did. While it may very much be an issue they want to touch, they know they can't. This is where part of politiking comes in. How much of a true third-rail is anti-2A for republicans as it is for Democrats? Dems know they can't touch 2A, how well and how much does the third rail status apply to the Republicans? If given the chance to sign anti-2A legislation, how much faith do you have that Mittens wouldn't rubber stamp it and pat himself on his back?

Also, regarding SCOTUS and other judge nominations, given Romney's record, what indicates that he will appoint judges that are any more pro-2A then Obama's choices?
it's just how I feel

Anyone who throws away one of our greatest rights by not voting astounds me.

Those who do not vote this time around are making a grave error and need to keep any whining about "problems" thereafter to themselves for the next four years. I do not want to hear it from people who will not pony up and vote.

When I see two candidates who will do their best to limit, if not entirely do away with, our 2A rights I see no point in casting my vote. I fully appreciate that voting is a privilege, and I will vote on the state level. As far as the presidential election goes I am 100% against almost everything that both candidates stand for. We have the staunchly anti-gun Romney, and the equally opposed Obama. Romney might've even won my vote if he stated a clear intention to do away with morally bankrupt/unconstitutional bills such as Citizens United and NDAA (in spite of the fact that I disagree with him on most social issues, this may have won my vote). However with choices like these I will focus my efforts in an arena where they have a real chance to make a difference, as opposed to what is (in my opinion) an illusion of choice with our inherently flawed two party system. I know a lot of this is political and I apologize if my views are deemed extreme/irregular/not well suited to this forum.

I will, however, continue to complain as often as I want to. There is a first amendment protecting that, so I disagree with your statement. If I see fit to complain I will not direct my grievances to your personal email, and I would advise you to skip past my posts on political threads if my actions somehow cannot justify this in your mind.
What's this 'staunchly anti-gun' hyperbole? It's language invented by people LOOKING for reasons to not like him. He made a bad decision in a different situation, that he would not likely repeat. This is HARDLY 'staunchly anti-gun'. It's weakness for bending to what the circumstances tell you.

Lautenberg is staunchly anti gun.
McCarthy is staunchly anti-gun.
Michael Moore is staunchly anti-gun.
Barack Obama said he doesn't believe people should be allowed to own guns. THAT is staunchly anti-gun.

You know what? I've said this over and over again. Do what you want. Believe the smile. Let him pick the next round of judges for the appelate courts. Try to look shocked when he boots Holder for someone even worse. Tell yourself it's not that bad when he re-writes BATFE rules to the point you don't recognize gun ownership anymore. And keep telling yourself Romney would have been worse.
^ what he said.

The President, who sent his Secretary of Defense to Mexico to decry "American" guns turning up in Mexico....Then later we find out, they were handing them out. THE REAL scandal of the gun walking / Fast and Furious program was, it was a set up for introducing another AWB, only it blew up in their faces as they were laying the "Trap".

I would have to say that nearly anyone would be better on guns / 2A.
I offer, what I posted in July of 2011...

I think it's worse. Just before this broke in the news, if you remember, the news drum beat was that US guns were fueling violence in Mexico, with the implication that the AWB should be renewed. They were using this to both try and track "illegal" gun trafficing and as a statistic to enact more stringet gun laws.... gun laws backed by "Facts" of their own making. Hillary Clinton even stated this position during a trip to Mexico City in March 2009. They were looking to begin the discussion of new gun control measures.

THAT is why it is such an embarrasment. It went far enough that they started to close the loop / tipped their hand. Then it all blew up in their face.

Her words from that visit, from her website: "I have discussed with the Secretary and with the President what the United States can do to reduce the demand for drugs in our own country, and to stop the flow of illegal guns across our border to Mexico. And I reported to them on the major steps that our government announced yesterday.... " Later in an answer to the earlier vauge statement..."Obviously, I am someone who supported the assault weapons ban which was passed in 1994, but it was passed with an expiration date and it expired ten years later. I, as a senator, supported measures to try to reinstate it. Politically, that is a very big hurdle in our Congress. But there may be some approaches that could be acceptable, and we are exploring those."
Last edited by Ohio Gun Guy; June 12, 2011 at 12:19 PM.
I've said this many many times in the past and the lack of anything even remotely resembling unity in this thread dives this point home.

Obama won the instant Santorum dropped out. I'd bet you money there were high fives going around at Obama's reelection HQ that night.

As wildly unpopular as Obama is Romney still polls slightly behind wich is quite frankly pathetic.

Then there's the fact that Obama has 10x the campaign funds that Romney has. Yes ten times!

Its going to be an absolute bloodbath and us gun owners are eating our own for no reason whatsoever. Remember Romney lost to the guy who lost to Obama last time! And he hasn't gotten any more appealing in the 4years since.

Don't believe me? Go look at an electoral map
You need to check your data too. Particularly on the financing. Obama is FAR behind expectations, while Romney is breaking records, particularly for last month. The most recent polls show Romney even or a point ahead, with more likely voters in the swing states disapproving of the economy and other relevant policies. And I have no idea why you think Santorum was the speed bump in front of Obama.
(R.W.Dale)^ so we'll just write in Santorum? I voted in the Primary too, but.....

The November election is between Romney and Obama. Not Great Choices, but I believe ANYONE would be better than Obama. It's clear they intend to introduce and push a AWB and/or ammo Bans if they can round up the votes.

Romney, would face opposition from his own party.
I can't remember the last time it wasn't "The lesser of two evils" Vote A = give up this, Vote B = give up that.
1st rule in sales is to move the customer to the 2 items you choose and not what he thinks he wants. As with anything where there is money there is corruption and the ruling power has it down to a fine science now.

No politician makes it past county government unless they are corrupt and willing to support the interest of those who control the cash so bicker all you like.

I think you all know darn well where this whole thing is headed and it sure isn't playing with I-phones and watching movies in the back seats of $50k SUV's.

I feel we as Americans (including me) have become so spoiled we are on the verge of being nothing more than the controlled Herd.
I'm very surprised at all the support for Obama on this issue. To me it's a no-brainer that Romney is the better pick here. I've never been a fan of Obama, but the few times that he blatantly lied to all of America has shown to me how little he cares about keeping his word, and also how dumb he must think Americans are. He has BIG plans for the next four years if he gets elected, and I strongly feel that gun control is on the list. Once Obama is re-elected and has nothing to lose, we'll see a completely different person than that guy who 'gives good speeches'.

Don't forget Obama's words that were accidentally caught on tape to the Russian President Mevedev (at the time) in March 2012:

"This is my last election. After my election I'll have more flexibility."

If he's said that to the Russian President, who else has he said it to?
You need to check your data too. Particularly on the financing. Obama is FAR behind expectations, while Romney is breaking records, particularly for last month. The most recent polls show Romney even or a point ahead, with more likely voters in the swing states disapproving of the economy and other relevant policies. And I have no idea why you think Santorum was the speed bump in front of Obama.

A point ahead of the most unpopular president in history with unemployment hovering around 9% at this point if Romney had anything resembling appeal he should be 10+ points ahead. Again that's utterly pathetic. If Romney can't muster anything resembling a lead by now he's not going to.

As to the financials you're right they have changed greatly in the past month

Actually as of today the rcp average has Obama up by two.
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From an outside perspective:

.... Romney is an unvotable idiot.

Do not let the US be reigned by such a naive
halfwit - just for the fact you do not like Democrats.

a naive halfwit -
Of the two, I would never have picked Romney as being more naive or lacking intelligence. He is a very successful business man vs a successful, I assume, community organizer. I imagine we can view his school records to show he performed well there. Not so much for obama. Everything of his is sealed.

But, it really isn't whether one or the other is naive or lacking intelligence, it is a matter of what direction we want the country to go in. It is a very clear case and easy, in my mind, to choose. I am not going to vote against a man, or for a man, I am going to vote against a direction I do not believe in. It is much bigger than gun control this time.
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