Can you get red flagged?

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old dog said:
Anyway, I digress. It's funny, I just don't recall meeting any Army intel analysts -- in the field -- carrying M-9s -- during JUST CAUSE.
"Just Cause?" I was not there for "Just Cause". That was in 1989. In 1989 I was in Arizona recieving training for CID. I was there years later as part of preperation for the Panama Canal turnover. At the time I was attached to a small party investigating cost over-runs and missing supplies with a corp. of engineers group. The reason we saw fire in panama was (as I have clearly stated) because they unwittingly tried to build a road through a cocaine field. That might have been something you wanted to ask me about before making comment.
Um, excuse me then. But you said you were issued an M9 as a 96 Bravo ... while speaking of coming "under fire" in Panama. I see. So you became an MP, then. It would seem as though you wanted people to draw certain conclusions... A "cocaine field" in Panama? Now where would that have been? I'm intrigued ...
Hi PlayboyPenguin-

The fact-of-the-matter is that you QUIT the NRA years ago, disparage a party most aligned with gunowner rights, and visit a gun forum to make anti-gun posts. If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck, and swims like a duck...

Please, you're in a deepening hole and yet you continue to dig.

~ Blue Jays ~
old dog said:
Um, excuse me then. But you said you were issued an M9 as a 96 Bravo ... while speaking of coming "under fire" in Panama. I see. So you became an MP, then. It would seem as though you wanted people to draw certain conclusions... A "cocaine field" in Panama? Now where would that have been? I'm intrigued ...
I was not an MP. You are obviously getting a little confused as to MOS classifications. Everyone working for CID is not an MP. Just as everyone working for the sherrifs dept is not a deputy. There are many different types of specialists that do many different types of jobs. Your rank even affected what positions you could have. Commisioned Officers could do some things but for alot of them you had to be Warrant Officers. I myself was a glorified paper pusher. I basically help corrolate information during investigations and saw that everything was properly stamped and filed. This meant you had little to do sometimes. This also meant you got stuck with alot of crappy side work when you had down time like OD work and such. As for cocaine in Panama, is this the first you are hearing of this? And you say you were actually there? It was actually one of the major reasons for operation "Just cause". The cocaine trafficing had reached such stellar heights from panama.
As for cocaine in Panama, is this the first you are hearing of this?
Gee, PP, thanks for the clarification. And yes, while I remember Panama as being a logistics center for the movement of cocaine, I sure don't remember any "cocaine fields." Of course, a lot of that time spent in Columbia, Belize and Panama is kinda hazy ... And pardon me for assuming that, since you claimed to have been under fire in Panama, that you were actually participating in JUST CAUSE (that's actually how we in the military did it, with that all caps thing for the names of operations, not quotations. But maybe Army intel did it differently, who knows...)

So admin guys working for CID got issued M-9s then? And went into cocaine fields?
Old Dog said:
So admin guys working for CID got issued M-9s then? And went into cocaine fields?
Yes, I was issued a Beretta as my duty weapon. The one I carried (which was actually against regulations I guess) belonged to my father. He gave it to me as a good luck piece for when I went TDA anywhere overseas. I did not get an m-16 or anything since I was not actually a combat soldier (although I guess they tell us we are all technically combat soldiers). As for going into a cocaine field, not on purpose we didn't. I was just fullfilling some OD requirements and was in the wrong place a the wrong time. Luckily none of us where hurt (except for a guy who tore his blouse and cut his arm on the blade of an earth mover) since the gunmen where untrained, low paid locals. The field they almost plowed into (it was on the other side of a tree line) was a major distribution point for a large cocaine czar from what I heard. They just happened to get too close for the workers comfort and we then got fired upon and returned fire. I never tried to make it sound like more than that. And I definately did not try and make myself sound heroic. If you read my post you can see it was quite the opposite. I will start all caps'ing "JUST CAUSE"..we did always use the quotations in reports. hard habit to break.
Some one loan me a dollar so I can buy a clue, please. If PP is a flamer, troll or anti, he's still a straw dog, nothing more. I just don't get the 3rd degree here, the reactions. If he is just trying to fire something up, then ignore him No fuel= no flame. Personally, I don't see his post as inflammatory. For the record, I quit the NRA for the same reasons he states. I joined JPFO. I am still pro gun pro 2nd A.
. The one I carried (which was actually against regulations I guess) belonged to my father.

Oh, my brain done 'splode and 'plode at the same time...

Okay: Vet Check time... How many of y'all carried your own private family tradition weapons? How many of y'all had COs who, upon discovering that you were even remotely THINKING of carrying something wasn't issued, were prepared to cosmoline it up and insert it into said offending GI, by utilization of a Size 12 Corcoran Device, Insertion Type?

Luckily none of us where hurt (except for a guy who tore his blouse and cut his arm on the blade of an earth mover) since the gunmen where untrained, low paid locals.

Guys, is it just me, or does the writing/language usage style seem a little weird? I mean, the only guy I ever heard refer to a BDU shirt as a "blouse" was a supply guy, who was counting stuff. And he was just as likely to say "Here's your shirt. Now don't bleep this one up." And since I was generally around engineering companies when I was in Panama (aside: actually tried la cerveza de la panama once - went back to Bud...), I am also a little puzzled. Never heard anyone refer to the things as "earth movers." Dozers, yup. Graders, yup. But "earth movers?" Also, never noticed that the "blades" were all that sharp... Son, you need to get out in the real world a bit more.

Oh, and as for building a road through a coca field (it's called coca, dude... everyone calls it coca...), seems a little weird that they just sorta drove into it with the "earth movers." Because when I was supporting the engineering companies, they had little things they called surveyors. These things wore tree suits and wandered around with obscure optical devices, wrote stuff on clipboards, and planted little flags and flimsy tape. You didn't just send the darn diesel-consumin' stuff out in advance. Heck, if a second lieutenant can make a mistake with a map and call fire in on himself, think of what he could do with an "earth mover."

I don't think this fella's from around here....
Bogie, I hate to break it to you but your BDU shirt is a "blouse". Just check your aquisitions forms any time. If you did not know this I would question your true knowledge of being in the military. I know it was against regulations, I stated that, but I was not the only one doing it. I am sure alot of MI guys (and other MOS's) can tell you similar stories. I knew a guy (our XO) that carried his grandfather's Colt which was not even standard issue at the time. As for the comment you guys made about me being "anti-gun" here is pic of me taken 3 minutes ago with two of my newer "babies"...just for your amusement I included a pic of a much younger, slimmer me from basic. :)
I was reluctant to post a pic of myself online but I figured what do I have to lose. I noticed that some others on here had done it so what the heck. I am a little messy. Was doing some painting today. :)


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How many of y'all had COs who, upon discovering that you were even remotely THINKING of carrying something wasn't issued, were prepared to cosmoline it up and insert it into said offending GI, by utilization of a Size 12 Corcoran Device, Insertion Type?

While official policy is that weapons that werent issued to you are verboten, the fact of the matter is that you can frequently get away with it. Depends on your chain of command, how lenient they are and how good you are at fudging things.

Guys, is it just me, or does the writing/language usage style seem a little weird? I mean, the only guy I ever heard refer to a BDU shirt as a "blouse" was a supply guy, who was counting stuff. And he was just as likely to say "Here's your shirt. Now don't bleep this one up." And since I was generally around engineering companies when I was in Panama (aside: actually tried la cerveza de la panama once - went back to Bud...), I am also a little puzzled. Never heard anyone refer to the things as "earth movers." Dozers, yup. Graders, yup. But "earth movers?" Also, never noticed that the "blades" were all that sharp... Son, you need to get out in the real world a bit more.

I hear people refer to them as blouses all the time. Usually by older National Guardsmen.

I'm a combat engineer. ACE, the Army's current dozer, stands for "Armored Combat Earthmover".
All I can say, PP, is that you're darn lucky you didn't face a SPCM for taking privately owned firearms in and out of Panama ... 'Course, after VADM Metcalf got nailed coming back with a war trophy AK, there was an awful lot of inspections of everyone coming back INCONUS from Panama (I forget, was it Delta or Continental that ran the MAC-contract charters back to Charleston from Howard then? Or was it already AMC by then?). All I know is, you got nailed by Customs coming back from Panama (especially if you'd been there a while), but they weren't really lookin' for weapons, I guess. But then, I was just a lowly E-7 then, maybe Army CID admin guys got special IDs or something. But, of course, there were those pesky SOUTHCOM general orders pertaining to weapons, too ...

So do you remember what a PML was? How 'bout the name of the club at Marine Barracks Rodman?
Let's see what else I remember - Okay...

The main civilian airport in Panama City (la grande casa del Omar...) prominently featured items which are generally not seen in most US airports. What were they?

Gee, Dog, is there such a thing as a lowly E-7? Last I noticed, they were just one step removed from deification...

20 years ago, only person who I ever heard call a BDU shirt a "blouse" was Supply.

IIRC, I flew Eastern to Miami, but I could be mistooken. Gotta love those duty free shops.

I wonder if Panama still has those motels you could just pull your whole darn car into... and then close the garage door...

Serious Vet Check here... There is NO WAY I'd take a "family history" weapon overseas. If you managed to get it in theater, odds are you'd not get it back. And then Daddy or Granddaddy's gonna be a little disturbed.
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