CC holders, what would you do?

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May 17, 2007
Your leaving work to go home at about 10:30 at night and you need to take the train home. Your in the heart of downtown and you get on the train and start heading home, a few downtown stops later the train is about 20% full and people are just minding their own business. All of a sudden, like a bad dream, like magic, poof, a crackhead crazy psycho gets on the train.
You don't know what his deal is, but he's pretty dirty, looking alot like a homeless person, unshaven and hair that has been un-combed for a while. He's tall and looks fairly tough and is walking back and forth, up and down the train isle ranting and raving.
He's swearing, and cursing, using racial slurs and names and going on about who knows what, all you know is that he's volitaile and pretty much jacked on drugs. At this point he begins harassing passengers while pacing the isle up and down from the front of the train to the rear going on and on. He goes up to one lady and starts calling her a n***er and that she should stop talking on the phone. He's flailing his arms up in the air and looks like he's going to get violent, the lady quickly gets off and then he see's you.

He comes towards you and starts yelling at you about how your perfect and he is not, how he has nothing and you have everything and that your useless. You tell him to back the hell away from you and that your going to call the police/security right now.
He lunges towards you

What would you do?

he has no weapons that you can see, but you have no idea if he has aids or hepatitis and you also realize that there is no rationalizing with him in his current state.

Do you show him the holster?
Do you defend yourself without the use of the sidearm?
Do you worry that he may grab your firearm if he tackles you?

What the hell do you do in a situation like that? What if your trying to hit him in the face multiple times because he's punching you and its not doing anything, he just won't stop because of the drugs?

man, this happened to me tonight. I don't carry because its illegal, but I didn't have anything on me, no knife, no spray, just my friggen wits. I didn't instigate him but I did get him on my camera phone video just for kicks, but I avoided eye contact just because its not worth me getting aids if I make him bleed.

Just curious to see what CC holders would do in this situation.
i would move to the US where you have the right to defend yourself. what can you carry up there? Mace? a bat? ive heard that tazers work well on Perps that are high but dont like the idea of having to get that close.
You can carry un-concieled weapons, it is legal.

You can carry a sword or a pocket knife, as long as its not concieled. Same goes with retractable batons.
You cannot carry mace, in fact its illegal. Stores in these parts do sell it but its clearly labeled "dog repellent" and not mace. You are allowed to carry that if you are 'allergic to dogs'. yes I'm not kidding.

So you get caught with dog repellent, and if you say its for self defence against criminals you'll get fined and have it taken away. If you say that its because you are allergic to dogs its all good. If you end up getting fined anyways you tell the judge your allergic to dogs and he'll give you back your repellent, apologize and tell you to have a nice day...

Tazers are highly illegal, our police force was just issued them less than a year ago, they now have their glock 22's and their tasers on the same belt.
If you're worried about what diseases he has, do you really want to use something like a knife and get him bleeding on you and quite possibly some open wounds on yourself as well?

If he was ranting and crazy with the young woman earlier and then left her alone, do you think her testimony to that effect might effect a jury's opinion on your need to shoot someone like that?

Personally I believe I would try to put some distance between me and him, move to a different car, hop behind a seat to get us seperated, use my brief case or bag to block his punches. I also wouldn't try to get cell phone video of the crazy person though either because it might cause him to take an interest in me.
It's tough to say without being there. It's also rather arrogant to say what one would do if they were in your place, not having been there.

What did you do?
If you have a gun on you or not doesnt matter, if you can sit there and say nothing and aviod eye contact and he doesnt bother you like you said then either way with or with out a gun that is exactly what you should have done. Do I think crack heads like that should be sharing the same air as us NO but its also not worth a crack heads life to sit in jail for the rest of yours ;) Take it from some one who has had to kill to defend myself and my family in my own home TWICE it is not something you want to do if you dont have to. I am not sorry those people are no longer with us on this planet but if it had not been in my home and I could have avoided it I would have to keep from being judged by 12 and face life in jail over some crack head thief. When it comes to being out in public it is very hard to use deadly force and not end up broke or in jail or both. If someone like that is in your house or on your property late at night then by all means rid us of this useless POS please!

Thats just my 2 pennys worth take it or leave it ;)
Not sure since I haven't had the pleasure of riding a bus or train however are there emergency buttons on the vehicle? If not, and it's impossible to say since I wasn't there, but when I feel threatened, especially in an enclosed space, I get in more of a fight mode than a flight mode. I will become aggressive quickly when threatened in an enclosed space and take the fight to the person. I know, I know, I will get sued or go to jail some people will say however I refuse to be a victim.
It really depends on your level of hand to hand skills whether you feel confident enough to end the threat.
fill a windex bottle full of g-23 paxilon hydrochlorate and give the guy a shpritz or two in the face.

however, if he starts going really haywire (murdering, pillaging, raping, mutilating, and cannibalizing...etc) ...

I don't see any reason a gun or knife would be justified or needed/wanted here. Given the odds on him carrying aids or hep ect...I'd just say hey buddy...tell you what. I'll give you $10 to move to another car and stop harrassing these people...if he doesn't play ball I'd give him the or else I was already getting a hold of him. (if he was that bad...verbal BS wouldn't warrant me escalating it) MOST of the time they are really just wanting a few bux to leave you's crazy but that is city life...and the cheapest easiest option to difuse the situation. A homeless wackjob is not worth lawyer fees...neither are some harsh words.

That is why (amongst other reasons) I live in the sticks and work in "Mayberry"...I also carry a 1911 everyday everywhere....when all else fails peace through supirior firepower and all that ;)
What would I do in a case like that?
I'd wake up, realize it was a bad dream and be thankful I choose to live where such an incident is very unlikely and if it did happen I would have many options open to me with which to defend myself.
I would give him a defensive thrust kick to the guts. Try yelling at me when you can't f'ing breath, pal.

While he's distracted, you get off the train or get some distance between you and him. Also, you don't need karate lessons to do this.

If you are in a wheelchair, your options are a bit more limited.
I have been in or witnessed very similar situations when I was growing up in NYC. Some of the better options would be:

1 - Depart the area. (Move to another car) and/or,
2 - Get off at the next available stop, then,
3 - Seek out the Transit Police and notify of the imminent threat to others.

Those are usually the best if the individual is or appears to be on drugs. You'd be very surprised at the level of resistance to just about anything, including Mace, that such an individual can have depending on the drugs or chemicals used. Not to mention the levels of increased agitation and/or violence that they(the druggie) can and probably will elevate the situation to once confronted.

However, the other side of it is, that you may not have or be allowed any of the options above at times. This is where hand to hand self-defense tactics come into play. If you haven't any such training, I recommend you get some soon. You'd enjoy the myriad of benefits to be had by training. I'm not knocking anyone's martial art but most are very slow to get you to the level of useful tactics (mental and physical) for real life.

Look for something that has real life application starting with the first class. I personally enjoy Krav Maga, but there are other types. If long term commitment, cost, or scheduling are issues, there are still many useful courses out there that are short in duration (say a weekend or a few nights for a week or two). I know people that have enrolled in these type of classes when offered at a local college. You just have to look around, enroll in a class, and then practice practice practice so the moves become instinctive to your brain and body.

Short answer in that situation, if he attempted to get physical with me, perhaps I'd do a quick, firm two-handed grab of one of his shoulders, pulling him forward and down so he could solidly meet my knee on the upswing several times with his balls and gut and face, followed by elbows to the back of his head driving him to the ground, a shove away and down as I turn and run to get clearance away from him so he cannot attack me.
Or maybe jab to the throat or finger jabs to the eyes followed by knees or some hammerfists to his carotids.
Or maybe a.....
There are many other options. The overall choices for classes and techniques are not as overwhelming as they may seem. You just have to be willing to pick, commit to learning, and then use the knowledge full force if or when it's time. It's your life.
Hopefully that time or need never arrives.

Be Safe.
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Some people in that condition don't care if they live or die, some in fact would thank you if you killed them - they're so far gone in their addiction and life.

I wasn't there so I can't really say what I would have done. The best place to be in a fight is being somewhere else. Sometimes you don't have that option so you do what you've got to do with what you've got to do it with. But 20 people on the train and one hopped up dude? You do the math.
B. I'd counter his lung with an open palm strike to the nose.
If he had a weapon I'd step off the line of attack, preferably to the left as I'm right handed, kick him in the groin or stomach, draw and move behind him. Hopefully by the time he spins around he's had enough and doesn't want to get shot.
If you don't know what drugs their on (if any), just remember, you can't stop someone who is on PCP (ok maybe you can, but it's not that easy).

Otherwise, IIRC from my subway experience the train stops long enough to switch cars on a multiple car train.
I'd counter his lung with an open palm strike to the nose.
If he had a weapon I'd step off the line of attack, preferably to the left as I'm right handed, kick him in the groin or stomach, draw and move behind him. Hopefully by the time he spins around he's had enough and doesn't want to get shot.

Why not just use your secret ninja techniques of death?

Come on now...this is a serious question asked by the OP. Do we really need to armchair commando it to death?
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