CC holders, what would you do?

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Any form of Mace or OC or "dog repelant" you can find, and a good knife. What other option do you have?
Originally posted by JamisJockey: And it was a semi serious answer. Its a fight, whether its with a gun, knife, or your ballpoint pen. The druggie comes at you in a threatening manner, you either die like a liberal or fight like a man.

How does a liberal die? I am curious.

Why don't you just climb the wall with your ninja boots? Thats what I would do. I don't have ninja training an can't deliver a spinning back kick after a quick thumb thrust to the throat and a palm strike to the sternum after a quick jab combination catching him in the chin and when he slumps over he will hit my outstretched knee. Then I will leap in the air and do a spinning backkick shattering his third and fifth spinal bones.

Afterwards I will call the police.;)
Originally posted by gp911:
Somebody mentioned 20 people in the car vs. 1 crackhead, but my experience has been 19 will freeze and 1 person will act. Maybe 2 or 3 will act after the first gets the ball rolling, or maybe they'll all just bolt. Condition White isn't something that is easily broken in your average person. Plus the biggest talker in the group may be the least inclined to act in a real situation, so having a rough-looking dude in the same car doesn't gaurantee you have backup.
Yeah but they aren't necesarily CCWers or gun-guys.
Yeah but they aren't necesarily CCWers or gun-guys.

Who? You mean the other people in the train car? You probably won't know who is in there with you when the guy spouting gibberish decides to punch the first person that makes eye contact with him, and even "CCWers and gun-guys" can freeze in a situation like that. The guy with the tactical-looking vest might simply be a photographer that abhors violence, and the heavy gal in the sweatsuit might be deadly with the old screwdriver she keeps in her purse.

Or did you just misread my post and think I was suggesting a crowded traincar = available backup?

You are only allowed to use deadly force if you or a third party is in imminent dager of death or grevious bodily harm.
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