Chalk outlines

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Oleg Volk

Moderator Emeritus
Dec 19, 2002
Nashville, TN

I like it, but it seems like the second part could be misinterpreted as promoting a dog-eat-dog mentality. Maybe something like "it's up to you to make sure the outline is around your attacker."

Excellent picture!
Very nice.

Could I suggest the exact same words but overlaid on more of a concealed carry picture? The evil black rifle I think will subliminally turn off people who might be on the fence about self-defense. Maybe a person holding a snubbie revolver perhaps?

I agree, more posters with the same message, and vary the photos.

AR over the top? Not to me. When cops KNOW there's going to be trouble they grab the AR or the shotty.
If the goal is to convert a fence-sitter, the black rifle might be a bit much. That's a big step - no gun to "Rambo's gun."

IMO, it's the exact mental self image projected by your poster that causes most would-be shooters to hesitate. She's not going to want others to see her as that woman, either.

Why not a descreet little LadySmith instead?

Just my $.02.
i can see the idea of showing the black rifle as non-evil, but agree thats a big step for some people. i also think that a small revolver or maybe shotgun would work well for this text.
Nerf gun? I missed something. I too think a handgun would fit the message a bit better.

I don't like the idea of a girl's gun but I see the point about the AR - being quite expert in the aggression priming literature.

Go for a standard semiauto.

But as always - nice job.
Concealed Carry?

Uh . . .

She's wearing a bathrobe . . .

And that "you woke me up for this?" look on her face.

Rifle would be appropritate. Or a shotgun.

Large (nightstand) handgun would also work.

I like it.
The dust cover is open because she is now calling for the clean up crew.

Maybe to make it less verbose it needs to say:

Cops arrive in time to draw the chalk outline.

Make sure it isn't around your body.
Might be a little too graphic but a cool poster might be 2 pics, one with a body on the floor w/ a chalk outline around it and a cell phone laying near an open hand. other pic of a woman with a pistol in one hand and a cell phonne in the other. Caption of "Which one would you rather be?"

I really appreaciate you putting these pictures up and letting us critique them.

This is a great picture. I love the bathrobe and the actor.

When I first looked at it my fisrt thought was the AR was a little over kill. Though I did get the AR being used to soften the evil black gun.

To tell the truth I'd like to see the poster with a shotgun and a revolver too !!!

Great work.........
Actually, that's my rifle. I don't keep it tucked under my arm, but its the only way it would fit in the picture.
I think the AR should stay. In order for it to be "de-evilified" it needs to be seen in the hands of, as Oleg says, "Jane Average," in her many visages. And it needs to be seen there often.
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