Chicago Handgun Ban

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Mar 24, 2010
I have read website after website, and scoured all news sources and illinois carry websites. What im looking for is an estimate when the ban on handguns will be lifted, and if it is lifted how soon can people start registering their hand guns. Again, i know it isnt official, im just hoping with DC going through this will as well. Does anyone have any further insight to the case?
Once we get a favorable decision on McDonald then each local law must be challenged in court using McDonald as precedent. It's going to take a couple of years or so. For instance in Chicago I'm sure the Mayor will fight tooth and nail, file court appeal after appeal costing the city millions in legal costs. But in the end the evil gun laws will fall. Mostly.

So my just-pulling-numbers-out-of-my-butt estimate is... January 2013 :D

Your Milage May Vary - No one can say for sure how events will unfold. Pull up a seat. Stay a while.

Watch the news for the SCOTUS McDonald ruling the last week of June.
AL--I just hope DC and Chicago have to pay most of our legal costs because of the games they are playing
It should happen shortly after the appeal. Chicago residents will have access to handguns of some sort. I fully expect the politicians to put up a fight. So, probably like DC, you'll get revolvers only for a couple weeks, then semi-autos with restricted capacity.
Consider this, Heller won his case in 08 and yet he still can only keep an unloaded, disassembled handgun in his apartment. The coice of firearms is also extremely limited and may be limited to some revolvers (sorry do not recall for sure on that part.

Both Chicago goverment and Cook County goverment do NOT want firearms available to honest citizens. They have passed special laws and regulations against them. Even when McDonald wins they will not want to cooperate for "public safety" . I do not expect them to change their opinion just becasue of a legal case.

I do expect them to fight tooth and nail not to let honest citizens to have guns due to their past history.

My guess is many years and many, many restrictions, requirements and expense (I understand that to get a gun in DC is about 30 hours and $400.00 approxametly IIRC ).

I hope I will be wrong on this.

Best wishes

My guess is many years and many, many restrictions, requirements and expense (I understand that to get a gun in DC is about 30 hours and $400.00 approxametly IIRC ).
Isn't that easier AND cheaper than New York City?
As a resident of C(r)ook county, I've read up about this case. It has been heard, and there is yet to be an outcome.

Chicago will fight-till-the-death against McDonald and all the NRA lawyers and people envolved. They could care less if it costs money, they want they're already liberal city to be even more liberal. All these gang shootings are ticking people off, they then protest and rally for harsher gun laws, ignoring the honest, law-abiding citizens. It's sad, really. Especially when statistics show that with less gun laws, the crime rate actually went down. Ever since the McDonald case, shootings have went down, according to the fox news I watched the other day. But that's what you get for living around liberals. I can't wait to get out of here.....
If the Chicago gun ban is found unconstitutional, they will simply follow DC's path and make it nearly impossible to own a handgun.
Anyone else notice that the most dangerous cities of America(most in blue states) are also the most anti-gun? I believe given these cities like chicago and states that are also of diverse ethnic population that the underlying reason for rabid gun restriction is that many of the folks in power(dems) dont want people of color to own firearms like the laws of old days, being they disproportionately represent todays prison population. If these modern day dixiecrats could speak the reason without consequence(loss of voters) the truth would be revealed.:(
Even if the Supremes declare the Chicago gun laws unconstitutional, Daly can simply start declaring gun free zones all over the place and make registration so tedious and expensive that few can do it.
As a chicago resident, I have to agree with the majority of posts. MaDonald is just the beginning. I just renewed my lease on a gun locker at a suburban range -- I don't forsee any REAL change for many years. Daley will drag is feet even if it costs us millions. For heaven's sake, don't hold your breath!!!
As an Arizona resident, yes, I do see it as sad, but also one step forward. We did it one step at a time from no CCW to Constitutional Carry, from 1994 to 2010, so Chicago can do it too.
AL--I just hope DC and Chicago have to pay most of our legal costs because of the games they are playing

...and just exactly where do you think DC, Chicago, or ANY .gov entity gets it's money??:confused:

That is one of my biggest complaints about this stuff...
The Mayor of Chicago is probably willing to spend billions to defend his stance on firearms.

That's OUR money!:mad:

/rant off

I live in a Chicago suburb and commute into the city every day. Not claiming to have any precise figures, my conversations with others, my reading of on-line comments on the Tribune and Sun-Times website and the views I hear being expressed in public forums suggests to me that, contrary to what the Machine politicians have decreed, most Chicagoans support concealed carry.

However, having been subjected to the whims of an anti-gun regime for years, this support, while widespread, is somewhat tepid. Having been long prohibited from owning most guns, most don't perceive it as a right that they've had taken away from them. Further, Chicago, and Illinois in general, have so many problems--fiscal decay, official misconduct, poverty, persisting gang crime, and more--that this is not a front burner issue for most.

I'd expect that it will be many more years before the State or the City begin to recognize gun rights in any significant way. They'll be kicking and screaming every inch of the way.
Paul, I agree with your basic point--but the point I was making is that Chicago, DC etc will keep pushing until it becomes too expensive--which is how we have managed to get some victories here in Kali
You can expcect something like this in Chicago

I'm not sure if I'm allowed to post a news link her so I will.
It's a link to an article in the Wall Street Journal on May 17, 2010 concerning Washington DC's maneuvering around the Heller decision.

If it's not allowed, my post can be deleted and It'll be okay with me.

This is what DC residents are facing. I'm sure that Chicago will have it much worse considering the Daly machine know's exactly how to squeeze out their revenge on anybody that opposses it's power or resolve.

I really believe that this link is relevent to the OP's questions as well.

Here is the link:
As a resident of C(r)ook county, I've read up about this case. It has been heard, and there is yet to be an outcome.

Chicago will fight-till-the-death against McDonald and all the NRA lawyers and people envolved. They could care less if it costs money, they want they're already liberal city to be even more liberal. All these gang shootings are ticking people off, they then protest and rally for harsher gun laws, ignoring the honest, law-abiding citizens. It's sad, really. Especially when statistics show that with less gun laws, the crime rate actually went down. Ever since the McDonald case, shootings have went down, according to the fox news I watched the other day. But that's what you get for living around liberals. I can't wait to get out of here.....
That couldnt be any more true. I cant wait to get out and never look back. Chicago is a pit, its a beautiful city for tourists to visit (as long as they get out alive) and then leave. What a joke our mayor is. I actually have a video taken on my cell phone of a fight that was starting outside my house. I live in a four flat building, i have the top floor, so i have a good angle on the street, it was two groups of kids yelling back and forth when out of no where the kid started running? Why? Well because another guy was flanking him running at him down another street (a main street) with a gun in his hand. He never fired, but nonetheless, that is absurd?! These irresponsible idiots can run down a main street with a presumably a loaded gun, and i, a responsible tax paying citizen can not even keep one in a safe in my own house? The worst part of all, is i called the police, gave an exact description of the people. the cops were there within a minute, wow i know, they approached to person with the gun (by car, they never even got out) talked for 15 seconds and left. I watched the guy run down the street jump into a buddys car and take off. What a joke this city has become. I am more worried walking down the alley by my house than i was the entire time i spent in brazil, supposedly a third world country ridden with crime. Theyve been mistaken, chicago is the 3rd world crime ridden place...
One more thing i wanted to add, its a quote from SAF Chairman Alan Gottlieb, Check this out, our humble leader....

“Mayor Daley is protected by an armed guard,” said SAF founder Alan Gottlieb, “but what about the citizens of his city, who have no such luxury? The mayor is a world class hypocrite, who has bodyguards with guns to protect him from escaped killers like Charles Smith. Yet he is continuing to stubbornly fight against average citizens who are willing to protect themselves, but unable to because of Daley’s deranged double standard about firearms and personal protection.”

“While Daley can lounge in the protective shadow of armed bodyguards even when he is out of state, average citizens in Chicago and all over Illinois must contend with the mayor’s elitist attitude about gun ownership. Most people can’t afford armed bodyguards.

“So long as Daley fights to keep his fellow citizens unarmed he does not deserve the protection of men with guns...Take away his bodyguards and just tell him to dial 9-1-1 like the rest of us."

Good to see he cowardly throws us in front of the bullets to protect himself
I saw an interview of Mayor Daley on one of the local stations earlier this evening, and Hizzoner was asked about what the City would do in the event of an adverse ruling in McDonald. In a nutshell, Daley responded that the City would adopt gun control measures along the lines of what's been done in D.C., effectively stifling any meaningful right to keep and bear arms. In the meanwhile, the City burns . . .
"...hope DC and Chicago have to pay most of our legal costs...and just exactly where do you think DC, Chicago, or ANY .gov entity gets it's money??..." Exactly.
I expect it will take at least a decade.

Maybe 3-5 years just to be able to acquire and keep normal firearms in your home and another similar period of time to be able to carry them for self defense.
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