Chicago news - ABC Harasses Gunowners and Gunshops...

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Thirty-seven Chicago public school children have been killed by guns since the beginning of the last school year. Chicago policeman Michael Ceriale was murdered in 1998 by a gang shooter with a gun

How is this possible if guns are illegal there? You mean to tell me that outlawing guns isn't the answer? What's that? You think outlawing the murdering of children and other criminal behaviour is the answer? You must be out of your mind!:rolleyes:

Oh, and how many children died in car or pool or any type of accident? What is the percentage of children killed by guns compared to the total population of the city? Seems as though someone left out some pertinent "unbiased" information. Keep up that great journalism, and maybe you CAN make a difference!
When I lived in the suburbs I felt safe but when I went into the city, where guns were banned, I felt the need to carry a gun. :cuss:
Chicago is a third world cesspool as much as Havana, Ho Chi Ming City, Hanoi, Johannesburg, or any other big city in a third world socialist workers paradise is. They all have their good areas that they trot out in front of the cameras. But underneath they are nothing more then human cesspools where corrupt politicians keep the masses in line with buy off programs and heavy handed policing.

Interesting how Chuck did this expose the same time that Cook County Commissars.....errrrrr..... Comissioners Larry Sufferdin introduced his "Close All the Gun Shops in Cook County" and William Beavers introduced his "All guns are Illegal in Cook County."

Oh, another point. There's nothing the Gun Shops did wrong. (presuming that they followed the rules for filing out the 4473 and doing the NICS check.) It's prefectly legal for a Chicago/Cook County resident to buy a handgun or EBR. They just can't legally take them into either Chicago or Cook County. It's prefectly legal to store them outside of these Verboten zones.....
Deanimator: I can no more respect people who would actually vote for Richard M. Daley than I can respect people who would FREELY vote for Kim Jong Il.
What makes you think that anyone did vote for him? :scrutiny:
"What is the point of mentioning a murder from 10 years ago?

It kinda weakens their argument."

True; it was a widely covered murder of a young police officer by a 16 year-old gang member that still triggers an emmotional 'key' when the subject is brought up.

This current coverage in Chicago dovetails with the current attempts to further extend prohibitionist bans on firearm ownership beyond Chicago's borders and the all-season media sport of beating on Chuck's Gun Shop and the few others still near the city.
Chicago is a great city: deep dish pizza, Sears Tower, Soldier Field, etc
All things worth giving up your freedom of self protection as guaranteed in the 2nd amendment. Right?
Priorities have changed and not for the better.
About 70 percent of the guns that are recovered in crimes in Chicago and the suburban areas come originally within the State of Illinois

Thats funny, I remember an article in the Indy paper stating that Indiana's "lax" gun laws are responsible for Chicago's gun crime.....

Dont get me wrong, it is\was a problem. Mostly caused by gang-bangers driving to Indy and buying guns with fake ID's.
Deanimator: I can no more respect people who would actually vote for Richard M. Daley than I can respect people who would FREELY vote for Kim Jong Il.

What makes you think that anyone did vote for him?
Because I KNOW people who voted for him. I'll bet money my mother did.

It's like battered women with an abusive spouse.

The idea of even vaguely honest government that doesn't savagely exploit the public is simply alien to them, like breathing flour.
I lived in Chicago nearly my whole live (nearly 40 years). Only recently moved out to Kane County. Chicago politics may seem odd to outsiders but it's mostly very local: Do your streets get plowed, do you get other city services. If you need something done for example like getting an abandoned car towed you call your aldercreature not the city. Elections are won and lost due to such mundane things. For a city it's size, Chicago is a much better place to live than say, Detroit, DC, LA, etc.

BTW, wishing death on millions and injury to countless others is not very high road; and this from a moderator. That's the sort of attitude that turns people off to our cause.
a good lesson to take from this

is to not go straight home after buying a gun.
Some dang stalkerazzi may be following you, or someone even worse.

Someone ought to follow that guy home and post their exploits on youtube.
What's not very High Road is rationalizing your corrupt politicans and then placing yourself above places like Detroit, DC or LA.

They are not 'my' politicians; I don't even live there anymore. In case you haven't noticed, Chicago has not cornered the market on corrupt politicians. And no, I'm not rationalizing them: Frankly I think political corruption should be a crime subject to the death penalty.

I stand by my earlier statement: Wishing death upon millions of innocent people just because you don't like some peoples politics is just wrong.
I stand by my earlier statement: Wishing death upon millions of innocent people just because you don't like some peoples politics is just wrong.

>.< .... so many people without a sarcasm detector.

Despite the animosity Jeff has for Chicago, I seriously doubt he wishes it and its residents removed by fire.

Honestly people, hyperbole look it up.
Hyperbole is an advanced linguistic concept that only certified and licensed trained people should be allowed to use. It's very contagious and can spread more rapidly than the flu in a windstorm and has been known to decimate entire armies faster than a can of bad refried beans. Also the fact that hyperbole as a word is four whole syllables long puts it clearly out of reach of 95% of the non-voting population and 93% of the voting population as far as comprehension goes.

I would try to write
a hyperbole Haiku,
but my brain would die.
scout26 said;
Can't happen as it's illegal/unpossible. Chicago (like Oak Park) voted itself a Nuclear Weapon Free Zone.

I'm sure $25.00 to the democratic precinct committeeman where they wanted to place the bomb would be enough to keep them from having to pay a city ordinance violation ticket. $500.00 would probably buy police protection for the bomb until it was time to detonate it.

WildeKurt said;

Chicago politics may seem odd to outsiders but it's mostly very local: Do your streets get plowed, do you get other city services. If you need something done for example like getting an abandoned car towed you call your aldercreature not the city.

the rest of the state is more fed up with Chicago politics and the way Chicago politicians have spread the sick disease which is the way business is done there throughout the state then at any time in my 51 years.

The current disaster that is our state government is nothing more then a personality conflict and a disagreement over who gets the spoils of the big tax increases that are coming to bail out Chicago mass transit.

Personally I've had enough of the Chicago cabal. I will be pushing for a constitutional convention when it hits the ballot so that those of us downstate can change the way the senate seats are divided to eliminate the stranglehold Chicago has on the rest of the state. Barring that, there are some people down here who are seriously discussing secession and forming our own state.

I don't think that the Chicago elite have a clue about how we feel about them.

I'm sorry if you were offended that I used an outrageous statement to draw attention to outrageous conduct.

I agree Chicago politicos have too much influence over the rest of the state. It actually extends beyond the borders of Chicago and into Cook County as well. The conflict between Chicago/Cook County and the rest of the state has been round as long as I can remember as well. This seems to happen when a large urban area exists inside a mostly rural state.

Personally I'd like to see politics state-wide cleaned up. It probably would take a constitutional convention to do it too: They won't go quietly.

I don't think that the Chicago elite have a clue about how we feel about them

Sadly, I don't think they even care what anyone thinks (including their own constituents).

Perhaps splitting a state like Illinois up is a good idea. I'm all for it as long as my taxes don't go up. Maybe Chicago could be a district like DC.

I'm sorry if you were offended that I used an outrageous statement to draw attention to outrageous conduct.

Not offended, just don't like to see imflamatory statements like that. Thanks never the less.
Can't happen as it's illegal/unpossible. Chicago (like Oak Park) voted itself a Nuclear Weapon Free Zone.

I'm sure $25.00 to the democratic precinct committeeman where they wanted to place the bomb would be enough to keep them from having to pay a city ordinance violation ticket. $500.00 would probably buy police protection for the bomb until it was time to detonate it.

IIRC, the fine for possession is only $500. The nice lady on the other end abruptly hung-up on me when I asked what the fine would be for actually setting one off. (This was looooong before 9/11.) Jeff, you could probably reduce your bribe expense.....:evil:
I would be happy if everything east of Manheim rd became a seperate state or district. For those of you who do not know who Chuckle the muckracker is or what he does let me explain one story which will possibly explain all. A few years ago some highschool student ran off withher teacher. Some say kidnapped but this turned out to be wrong. She went voluntarily (SP). ) ato the extent that a highschool girl in a relationship with her teacher can do anything voluntarilydo anything. Chuck "tracked" them to Vegas, where he "discovered" the hotel room they stayed in. He tracked them by going there after the police found them. Same with the hotel. He got there AFTER the feds and local Police had already seareched the room. Now remember the AFTER part. I would also presume that after the search the room was cleanned. But Chuck found a used condom and or wrapper in the waste basket next to the bed. First I doubt that the police and feds missed it. A bigger, to me anyway, issue is if he believed that it was actually used by the teacher and the girl have some compassion for the family. No need to let the whole city know she was banging her teacher. If that was the case. I believe reporters have the same ethics as lawyers and politicians. NONE.

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